Pediculosis (lice) is a fairly common phenomenon throughout the world, its causative agent is a small insect (human louse) that parasitizes on the skin of people. At the first sign, you must immediately begin to act. For example, the treatment of lice at home may well replace traditional methods of therapy. The disease manifests itself in some cases by itching at the bite sites of these parasites on the head, pubis or genitals.
Most people ask themselves such questions: "Where do lice come from? How are they treated and with what?" Let's say right away that small insects do not start by themselves, they are transmitted by a sick he althy person through direct contact. Once on the skin, they begin to multiply instantly, laying their eggs.
Main routes of infection:
- long stay in crowded places: sauna, bathhouse, swimming pools, schools;
- through raw items in beauty salons (comb, scissors);
- during sexual contact(pubic louse);
- through an infected animal;

- through personal hygiene products (towel, bed linen, etc.);
- everyone can become infected with lice, for example, in stores, trying on clothes that a sick person has previously worn.
If you intend to treat lice at home, you should know that getting them out is not so fast. Parasites live on a person’s head for a month and during this time they manage to lay many eggs, which is why you will have to actively exterminate insects for at least 30 days. With proper treatment, it will be possible to completely get rid of all the larvae. We will not mention shaving the head, because for an adult it is not aesthetically pleasing.
Starting with machining
Find a medicated lice shampoo at the pharmacy. Rinse their head thoroughly, and then carefully comb each strand. To do this, you need a special comb (0.2 mm, also sold in a pharmacy). At the same time, tilt your hair over a towel so that all combed out parasites remain there. The procedure is carried out daily. But do not think that you will completely get rid of them - this method will only help to reduce their number a little.

Treatment of lice at home with chemical methods
After combing, generously treat the hair roots with a drug bought all in the same pharmacy chain. This procedure is repeated exactly after 10 days and after 14 days. Choosinganti-pediculosis agent, do not forget to get acquainted with contraindications. Many drugs are prohibited for pregnant women, young children and people with high sensitivity to certain components. Following all the instructions, you can forever forget about what lice are.
Treatment with folk remedies

Unconventional methods of therapy will help to achieve the best effect. The most famous of them: washing the hair with infusion of tansy, rubbing in kerosene or sunflower oil. The listed means are ineffective, and even dangerous - there is a threat to acquire chronic dermatitis. Treatment of lice at home with folk remedies should be safe and effective. Let's look at the most effective recipes:
- You will need garlic in large quantities, from which you need to squeeze the juice. It is rubbed into the scalp at least twice a day for a week.
- Several branches of a coniferous tree are poured with 2.5 liters of water and boiled for 3 hours. Before going to bed, wash your hair with laundry soap, rinse your hair with coniferous decoction, wrap yourself in a towel and go to bed. By morning the parasites will be dead.
- Cranberry juice helps a lot - it is rubbed into the affected areas for 10 days.
- An effective recipe for lice: grind wormwood leaves and mix them with petroleum jelly (1:3). Rub the resulting ointment on your head. You can use fresh wormwood juice.