What herbs are drunk during menopause: types, names, medicinal properties, cooking rules, instructions for use and dosage

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What herbs are drunk during menopause: types, names, medicinal properties, cooking rules, instructions for use and dosage
What herbs are drunk during menopause: types, names, medicinal properties, cooking rules, instructions for use and dosage

Video: What herbs are drunk during menopause: types, names, medicinal properties, cooking rules, instructions for use and dosage

Video: What herbs are drunk during menopause: types, names, medicinal properties, cooking rules, instructions for use and dosage
Video: Why are you having chest pains? 2024, December

In the life of any woman there comes a special period, which is called menopause or simply menopause. It is the natural state of the female body. Most often, such a period falls on the time when a woman turns 45 ± 3 years old. Very often, the process is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms, which can be very unpleasant and disturbing. Along with medications, various herbal remedies help to cope with the symptoms of menopause. You can find out what herbs to drink with menopause from the material below.

What herbs can be drunk with menopause
What herbs can be drunk with menopause

Features of hormonal changes in a woman's body

Every woman experiences age-related changes at some point in her life. This happens at a time when the production of sex hormones in the body decreases. MedicalThe name of such a restructuring of the female body is menopause. These changes are accompanied by the end of the menstrual cycle, a decrease in ovarian function, and the end of the childbearing period. Very often there are various disorders associated with the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, there are problems with metabolism and other malfunctions in the body.

During menopause, a woman may be accompanied by hot flashes, dizziness, headache, increased sweating, mood swings. It is only natural that she would want to alleviate these symptoms. To level unpleasant symptoms, a huge range of medicinal plants is widely used. With menopause, herbal treatment has a beneficial effect on the body. Particularly popular during menopause are those plants, which include estrogen-like substances. They help to make up for the lack of natural estrogen in the body of a woman, which occurs during menopause.

What herbs can you drink with menopause

Various medicinal plants can be used as an independent means of combating the manifestations of menostasis (cessation of menstruation) or be an auxiliary component in drug treatment. However, before making a decision, it is necessary to consult a competent specialist. Phytotherapy should be used with extreme caution if it is intended to be used in parallel with drug treatment. Side effects from incompatibility or overdose of components should not be allowed to occur.

Medicinal herbs formenopause

In nature, there are a huge number of medicinal herbs that contain useful trace elements and minerals and are able to protect a woman's body in a difficult menopause. Almost all of them are safe for women's he alth and only in exceptional cases can cause a number of side effects.

How can I reduce the adverse symptoms of menopause, such as general weakness, intensity and frequency of menopausal hot flashes? As some experts say, herbs are simply irreplaceable in this condition. It is recommended to use the following:

  • upland uterus;
  • oregano;
  • red brush;
  • sage.

Due to the fact that they contain substances that have powerful estrogenic properties, they greatly alleviate the condition of women.

Herbs for menopause, hot flashes
Herbs for menopause, hot flashes

Very often during menopause, increased nervous excitability can be observed, which can be eliminated with the help of valerian root, chamomile, motherwort, hop cones.

Among the herbs that help with menopause, hawthorn, calendula, licorice and peony roots, St. John's wort, birch leaves, sage, angelica, hawthorn, strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries have excellent characteristics.


Speaking about what herbs you can drink with menopause, first of all, sage should be noted. For a long time, it has been used as a healing agent to normalize the state of a woman's body. Means prepared from it are used to reduce hot flashes, sharp redness of the skin of the hands and face. Cookingfrom sage various decoctions, tinctures, oil. For best results, add it to soups, salads, main courses and teas.


What herb with menopause has a beneficial effect on a woman's body? Of course, oregano. The popular name of this plant sounds like mother. A feature of the herb is that when menopause occurs in the early stages, taking oregano can cause the onset of menstruation, in addition, it regulates the menstrual cycle. If you use a remedy based on it regularly, you can prevent hot flashes in advance, and facilitate their course in the future. It regulates hormonal levels and has a positive effect on the central nervous system.

Oregano with menopause
Oregano with menopause


One of the effective remedies in menopause is hawthorn. In folk medicine, flowers, fruits, infusions prepared from this plant are used. Medicines with hawthorn help relieve hot flashes, dizziness and suffocation, which are caused by heart failure. In addition, it normalizes blood pressure, which is also important during menopause.


Nettle contains a large amount of trace elements, minerals, vitamin D, which contributes to better absorption of calcium s alts and makes bones more flexible. Nettle has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, significantly improves the general condition. A decoction prepared from it will stop bleeding, which quite often occurs inmenopause period.


What kind of grass to drink with menopause for women? What do herbalists recommend? One of the most popular plants is red clover. This fairly common meadow plant contains a huge amount of so-called phytoestrogens. It is in them that women especially need during menopause. In addition to beneficial minerals, it contains vitamins A and C, which help strengthen the heart and lungs.

Herbs for menopause with hot flashes

During the menopause, women very often experience not too pleasant physiological disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of hot flashes, chills, and increased sweating. In medical terminology, they are called menopausal syndrome.

Mint, lemon balm, sage, calendula, motherwort, red brush, oregano, linden, hop cones are especially popular for relieving hot flashes in doctors and patients. Nasturtium, hyssop, yarrow, burdock, upland queen, clover and other herbs help to cope with this problem.

Let's consider which herbal tinctures are drunk during menopause during hot flashes. Motherwort and valerian tinctures have a positive effect on the body. They help not only eliminate symptoms, but also have a calming effect: they eliminate anxiety, relieve headaches and dizziness. Please note that with frequent hot flashes, a woman’s heart load increases, therefore it is advisable to take these tinctures with herbal decoctions.

What herbs to drink for women with menopause? positive effect duringmenopause show herbal preparations in which the beneficial properties of plants complement each other. For example, if you take the leaves of blackberry, marsh cudweed, motherwort, hawthorn flowers in equal proportions, you can remove the attacks of the tide, cheer you up, and restore your normal state. In order to calm the nervous system and normalize sleep, it is recommended to prepare a medicinal tea based on chamomile, sage, lemon balm and thyme flowers.

Climax: herbal treatment
Climax: herbal treatment

Charges of what herbs to drink with menopause from hot flashes? Below are some recipes.

Collection number 1. Take equal proportions of marigold flowers, tricolor violet leaves, licorice root, anise fruit. We take 5 tbsp. l. ready collection and brew a liter of boiling water. We take three times a day for 21 days, half a glass. After that, we take a week break and resume taking again.

Collection No. 2. One part of horsetail and valerian herb, three parts of sage. For a glass of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials. We drink one hundred milliliters twice a day for 7 days, take a break for two weeks and start drinking again.

Collection number 3. To prepare this collection, we need: herbs cuff and lemon balm, rose hips, hop cones. 4 tablespoons are boiled in a steam bath for a quarter of an hour. Taken orally chilled, four times a day, two tablespoons. l. half an hour before a meal.


What herbal preparations are drunk during menopause in order to improve a woman's condition? In order to relieve unpleasant symptoms, you should take variousherbal preparations that can have a positive effect on the entire female body. The following fees have these characteristics:

  • fruits of hawthorn, mountain ash, wild rose, dried apricots and raisins;
  • peppermint, linden, lemon balm, thyme, wild rose, motherwort;
  • fennel, mint, wormwood, lemon balm, blackberry leaves, raspberries, strawberries;
  • cuff, hop cones, nettle, lemon balm, rosehip and hawthorn (fruit);
  • flowers of common violet, calendula, sage herb, licorice, valerian root.

Cooking herbal preparations

Often, women who are in a state of menopause, the question arises: what herbs to drink with menopause and how to prepare an infusion from them? Here are some cooking tips:

  1. The main component of this herbal collection will be sage. For brewing, we need 2 parts of sage (leaves), one part of swamp cudweed, blackberry leaves, lemon balm, blue cyanosis. We brew a large spoonful of the resulting mixture with boiling water (0.2 l), let it brew a little. This tea is recommended to be taken up to 3-4 times a day.
  2. Three parts of blackberry leaves, two parts of motherwort, one part of cudweed herb, hawthorn fruit and lemon balm. Fill the collection with boiling water (0.5 l) and leave for about 60 minutes. In the event that the infusion of herbs with menopause is drunk regularly, after 2 weeks the attacks of hot flashes will significantly decrease, sleep will improve, and the headache will pass.
What herbs can be drunk with menopause
What herbs can be drunk with menopause

Non-hormonal herbs for menopause

Herbs have onthe body has a slight sedative effect, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the functioning of internal organs. Herbal preparations and herbs will help alleviate the condition of a woman with menopause. What herbs to drink to get rid of unpleasant symptoms? Among non-hormonal herbs, burdock, chamomile, peppermint, linden flowers, stinging nettles, etc. can be noted..

To relieve mental and nervous tension, depression, it is recommended to use St. John's wort. Please note: it does not mix well with heart drugs and antidepressants.

Often during menopause there are various disorders in the work of blood vessels and the heart. In order to improve the condition, herbalists recommend using an infusion or decoction of hawthorn, which are advised to drink instead of tea. It has been noticed that almost immediately after drinking a decoction of hawthorn, blood pressure and heart rate normalize, and metabolism improves. Experts do not recommend self-medication due to the individual characteristics of the body, in some cases herbal medicine can harm he alth.

Hormonal herbs

Very often with menopause there are problems associated with hormonal failure. Their deficiency is reflected in the body with unpleasant manifestations, which are expressed in the form of hot flashes, severe headaches, nervous breakdowns and other similar symptoms. There are a number of medications available to deal with this problem, but herbal treatment has a positive effect.

Herbal preparations and herbs that contribute to the restoration of hormones have an amazing ability not to add the amount of missing hormones, but to contribute to their natural production. Speaking about what herbs to drink during menopause to restore the level of progesterone, estrogen, testosterone in a woman's body during menopause, one cannot fail to note the bitter gourd, sacred vitex, evading peony, flax seeds, yellowing sophora, oregano, angelica root, cimicifuga.

Vitex sacred
Vitex sacred

Angelica root

This herbal remedy is widely used to treat many female diseases that are caused by hormonal changes. With it, you can get rid of the characteristic symptoms of menopause, such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes. In Tibetan medicine, it is considered an indispensable remedy for menopausal women due to the fact that it is able to regulate the amount of female sex hormones. Angelica is one of the best herbs for menopausal women to normalize the menstrual cycle and balance estrogen.


This is one of the most unique and amazing plants, which can be safely called an effective plant hormone that can enhance the sexual functions of the body. It has been scientifically proven that Goryanka increases the production of testosterone, stimulates the nervous system. The plant has a beneficial effect on large blood vessels.blood vessels, dilates capillaries, normalizes blood pressure, thins the blood.

Vitex sacred

It contains flavonoids and testerone in its composition, which have a positive effect on the reproductive system of women. Vitex contributes to the normalization of sex hormones, during menopause it reduces pathological symptoms, such as anxiety, insomnia, tension, mood swings. The positive effect of the treatment does not occur immediately, but after only a few (5-6) weeks after the start of treatment.

Climax and fibroids

One of the most common female diseases is uterine fibroids. I would like to talk separately about what herbs they drink during menopause with such a disease.

In order to prepare a medicinal mixture, we need two parts of hawthorn fruit, the same amount of St. rose hips.

We combine all the components and brew them in ½ liter of boiling water, put them in a water bath for twenty minutes, then insist for half an hour, filter and drink 3 cups. In addition, with menopause with uterine fibroids, it is recommended to drink wild strawberry tea daily for 60 days.

Herbal tea for menopause

Phyto raw materials can be used as healing infusions in the form of tea. One of the most popular drinks for menopause is made from oregano. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs, put in a thermos and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Insist for 4 hoursdrink up to 4 times a day as a tea.

What herbs to drink with menopause in women
What herbs to drink with menopause in women

When brewing in oregano, you can add other herbs from menopause, such as mint or sage. Such a drink helps to prolong ovarian function during early menopause, removes irritability, insomnia, saves from bleeding, and improves the condition with hot flashes. Herbs for menopause in the form of tea can be prepared from the leaves of lemon balm, blackberries, motherwort and hawthorn. Herbal teas can be consumed for 14 days daily.

How to delay menopause

Some women feel anxious about menopause and seek medical attention in the hope of delaying menopause. If the beginning of this natural process falls on the age of 48-50 and does not cause complications, do not interfere with the approach of this period.

However, there are situations when early menopause comes to young women who have not yet given birth. In this case, at the initial stage, you can stop its approach and restore menstruation with the help of medicines, sometimes you can resort to traditional medicine and carry out herbal treatment.

First of all, I would like to warn that without consulting a specialist, it is strictly forbidden to induce menstruation on your own. Otherwise, it can cause a number of unpleasant consequences, so if you decide to use this method, be sure to consult your doctor. Consider what herbs to drink before menopause in this case. First of all, it should be noted that in order toto stabilize the menstrual cycle, herbs should be taken regularly, an unsystematic approach to this issue will not bring the desired result. The menstrual cycle can be restored with the help of herbs such as sage, red clover, cimicifuga, oregano, linden, soy. They contain plant hormones that will have a beneficial effect on the egg and help restore the menstrual cycle.

Herbs that help with menopause
Herbs that help with menopause

Herbal preparations, which include knotweed, rose hips, nettle, yarrow, Rhodiola rosea, elecampane root, have proven themselves well. To prepare it, you need to take two large spoons of each herb, combine, then take one part of the mixture and pour hot (not boiling) water, insist for 12 hours. Take 100 milliliters three times a day. It is recommended to take monastic tea for this purpose. It consists of sage, oregano, hawthorn, wild rose and others. Traditional healers advise drinking a strong infusion of onion peel, after taking it, menstruation will begin the next day.
