Diabetes, unfortunately, today is a widespread disease throughout the world that affects people of any age and gender. This dangerous endocrine pathology can cause severe complications in the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems.
To prevent the transition of the disease into a more severe form, you should strictly follow a diet, change your lifestyle. In addition to the drugs offered by official medicine, in the complex therapy of this disease, products and herbs that reduce blood sugar are used, Official medicine confirms that some plants really reduce blood sugar. Moreover, they have a healing and restorative effect on the patient's body.

Herbs used in the fight against diabetes
Hypoglycemic properties have Rhodiola rosea, ginseng, eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis,. Herbs that treat diabetes are divided into hypoglycemic, includingcomponents like insulin and those that have a strengthening effect on the body: they increase immunity, cleanse the body, and activate the work of internal organs. The former are more often used in the treatment of type II diabetes, prescribed as an addition to the diet and hypoglycemic drugs. They have little effect on type 1 diabetes.
A list of blood sugar lowering herbs can be summarized as follows:
- flaxseed;
- ginseng;
- mistletoe;
- cinnamon;
- peony;
- buds and birch leaves;
- knotweed;
- sage;
- chicory;
- camel grass;
- felt burdock;
- goat's rue.
This, of course, is not a complete list of herbs. We will talk about them and other medicinal plants and their properties in this material.

Herbs that reduce glucose intake from food
It is known that after food enters the body, the level of sugar rises. That is why experts recommend taking a glucose test on an empty stomach. The body of a he althy person reacts to the intake of foods containing carbohydrates by increasing glycemia for some time after eating.
In case of violation of carbohydrate metabolism, correction of hyperglycemia using medicinal plants is carried out at several stages:
- when food arrives;
- during the absorption of sugar into the blood.
To reduce the amount of carbohydrate food, herbs are used that dull the feeling of hunger. But applythey should be taken with caution, since the effect of hypoglycemia is likely, which is a dangerous condition for a diabetic. Plants that stretch the walls of the stomach, giving the illusion of overcrowding, help reduce the amount of sugar that comes with carbohydrate foods. For example, flaxseed is rich in vitamins and beneficial fatty acids. Used as a decoction.

Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of raw materials. After three hours, the infusion is ready for use. Psyllium seed has the same properties.
During the absorption of glucose into the blood, plants that have an absorption effect should be used. For example, Jerusalem artichoke. It contains a large amount of polysaccharides that slow down the manifestation of hyperglycemia after eating.
Plants that regulate blood sugar circulation
To reduce blood sugar, it is important to deliver glucose molecules to the periphery and ensure their penetration into cells. This is how the normoglycemia support mechanism works in a he althy body. At this stage, plants that stimulate the pancreas are useful. This is necessary to produce the required amount of insulin.
Ginseng is an herb that lowers blood sugar at the stage of circulation in the body. The plant activates the regeneration of pancreatic cells. Mistletoe, cinnamon, peony have proven themselves well. The following effective representatives of medicinal plants that reduce blood sugar are those that contain zinc in their composition:
- leaves and buds of birch;
- sage;
- knotweed.
These herbs are valuable in that they stimulate the active production of insulin by the pancreas in case the secretory function is not completely lost. These herbs are used as infusions.

Herbs that remove excess sugar
Sugar remaining in the bloodstream, the body seeks to remove by filtering through the kidneys. To speed up this process, you should take diuretic herbs - juniper berries, birch leaves, St. John's wort, horsetail, and knotweed.
What herbs to lower blood sugar?
We must not forget that almost all medicinal plants aimed at reducing sugar cannot be the basis of treatment, since they are not able to have a powerful therapeutic effect in the acute and severe stages of the pathology. Herbs that reduce blood sugar should become one of the links in the therapeutic complex and, of course, after consultation with a specialist.
The overwhelming number of diabetics are well aware of the beneficial properties of this herb, which quickly reduces blood sugar. In diabetes, the root, which is rich in inulin, is usually used. Preparations based on it not only reduce the level of glycemia, but also prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Drink from roots
Ground chicory roots (30 gr) pour 500 ml of boiling water, put on low heat and boil for 10 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered and cooled. A very pleasant tasting drink should be takena third of a glass twice a day.
Infusion of roots
Powder from the roots of this plant (3 tablespoons) pour two cups of boiling water. The remedy is infused for four hours. Take half a glass of infusion four times a day.
This plant is used as an infusion or decoction. To prepare the infusion, pour 500 g of raw materials with boiling water and let it brew for two hours. The drug is filtered and taken three times a day for 40 minutes half a cup before meals. Oats contain many vitamins and minerals, polysaccharides that slow down the increase in glycemia.
Felt Burdock
Many "experienced" diabetics know which herbs are most effective at lowering blood sugar levels. Felt burdock applied as a decoction shows excellent results.
A spoonful of crushed dry leaves, pour ¼ l of boiling water. The remedy is taken three times a day, 70 ml before meals.

Goat's Rue
Leguminous plant, perennial herb. Harvesting of seeds and herbaceous part of the plant is carried out during the flowering period. The seeds contain galegin, a substance that has an effect similar to insulin.
A teaspoon of the plant is infused in a glass of boiling water. Taken in several doses throughout the day. This remedy works effectively only with a mild course of the disease. Treatment should be continued for a month.
Camel Grass
If you still do not know which herb can lower blood sugar, pay attention to camel grass, the secondThe name is fenugreek, which belongs to the legume family. Camel grass has the following medicinal properties:
- regulates metabolism;
- supports the work of the heart and blood vessels;
- enriches the body with vitamins and trace elements;
- stimulates the digestive tract.
The plant has a powerful hypoglycemic effect, activates the regeneration of pancreatic cells, stimulates the production of insulin. Fenugreek accelerates the elimination of toxins and lowers sugar levels.
Herbal preparations for treatment can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared on your own, strictly following the rules of harvesting. It is important to know that not all herbs that lower blood sugar in diabetes can be combined with each other. If you do not have experience in the collection and preparation of medicinal herbs, it is better to give preference to the pharmacy composition. Herbal preparations have a complex effect on the body. The duration of their treatment lasts up to two months. Then you should take a break for two weeks. In the next course of treatment, a different composition is taken.
Many experts believe that in the treatment of diabetes it is much more effective to use not one plant, but collections of several components. What herbs to lower blood sugar and how they are combined in different collections, we will tell further.
Recipe 1
This is one of the most well-known diabetic formulas, which, when proportioned and dosed, is very effective:
- birch buds - 2 parts;
- gorchanka herb - 4 parts;
- rose hips – 3parts;
- burdock root - 5 parts;
- grass centaury - 5 parts;
- dog nettle - 3 parts;
- licorice root - 2 parts.
All herbs are thoroughly mixed, 2 tablespoons (tablespoons) of the mixture are taken and poured with boiling water (0.5 l). Herbs are infused for 3 hours. Before meals (but at least 3 times a day) take 150 ml of infusion.

Recipe 2
Leaves of bear ears, blueberries, valerian root and dandelion root are crushed and combined in equal proportions. Two tablespoons (tablespoons) of a mixture of herbs are poured with boiling water (0.5 l), insisted for an hour, filtered and taken half a glass before eating.
Recipe 3
The following collection of herbs has hypoglycemic properties and the ability to improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Mix the following herbs in equal proportions:
- licorice root;
- umbrella centaury;
- goat's rue grass;
- calamus root.
The herbs are crushed to a powder and this mixture is consumed in ½ tsp. half an hour before meals four times a day. It is advisable to drink the mixture with orange juice or green tea.

Stabilization fee
Walnut, lure and mulberry leaves mix in equal proportions. Add to the mixture the same amount of St. John's wort, peppermint, galega, bird knotweed, bean pods (no grains), speedwell, chicory root, and flaxseed. Mix all ingredients thoroughly andthen a tablespoon of the mixture, poured with 250 ml of boiling water, soak for 5 minutes in a water bath.
When the composition has cooled, strain it and drink the decoction during the day in three doses. Treatment lasts three weeks.
Collection to strengthen immunity and normalize sugar levels
Mix a glass of elecampane root, damask nigella, oregano and pomegranate peels. Grind plants to powder. Store it in an opaque container in a cool place. Take this remedy for a month three times a day, a tablespoon a quarter of an hour before meals.
Rules for brewing herbs and medicinal fees
It is important not only to know what herbs to lower blood sugar, but also to follow the rules for preparing medicinal formulations. Most herbalists and traditional healers recommend preparing preparations and infusions in a water bath, but practice shows that the beneficial substances contained in herbs are released even without such conditions.
Infusion is recommended to be prepared in the evening so that in the morning you can take half or a third of the recommended dose. For brewing, you can use a glass or ceramic kettle with a piston. Crushed dry herbs are placed at the bottom of it, which are poured with boiling water. By morning, the remedy will not only be ready, but also well infused and chilled.
It should be remembered that the beneficial properties of these drugs do not last long. Then the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms begins, which contribute to the development of enzymatic reactions. An infusion or decoction that is not stored inrefrigerator, should be consumed within 24 hours, and stored in the refrigerator lasts two days.

Quite a few people with diabetes know what herbs to lower blood sugar. But not everyone knows that most medicinal herbs have contraindications for use. That is why, when using any herbs, consultation with the attending endocrinologist is necessary.
On their own, only people with deep knowledge in this field are allowed to collect raw materials for the preparation of medicinal preparations based on them. Otherwise, the use of herbal medicines can end in failure if a poisonous plant is used instead of the necessary herb. It is important to strictly follow the scheme of taking the funds that the doctor will prescribe to the patient, as well as the dosage.