Alternative medicine 2024, October

Garlic against worms: homemade recipes, rules for taking, especially getting rid of worms and doctors' reviews

Garlic against worms: homemade recipes, rules for taking, especially getting rid of worms and doctors' reviews

The appearance of worms in the body is accompanied by poor he alth, weight loss. If the tests confirm the presence of helminths, toxic drugs are prescribed to get rid of them. But first, you can try folk remedies for getting rid of worms with garlic

Folk remedies for gastritis: an overview of the most effective remedies, action, reviews

Folk remedies for gastritis: an overview of the most effective remedies, action, reviews

Folk remedies for gastritis help to quickly and effectively get rid of the existing problem. In addition, they are prepared exclusively from natural raw materials, so they do not provoke any side effects. However, you should consult your doctor before using any remedy

Folk remedies for pulmonary tuberculosis: recipes for the most effective remedies, action, reviews

Folk remedies for pulmonary tuberculosis: recipes for the most effective remedies, action, reviews

Some people prefer to treat pulmonary tuberculosis in adults with folk remedies. However, medical experts recommend performing such manipulations only in combination with medical procedures prescribed by the attending doctors. How to cure pulmonary tuberculosis folk remedies? Which of them are the most effective and give the maximum effect? Let's take a look at the most popular of them

Soda for cystitis: description of treatment methods, effectiveness, application, reviews

Soda for cystitis: description of treatment methods, effectiveness, application, reviews

Rezi and pain during urination are one of the main signs of the development of cystitis. Many women all over the world suffer from this disease. In addition to the use of various medications, you can also apply traditional medicine recipes. Baking soda is very effective

Hot bath for hemorrhoids: benefits and harms, bath rules, water temperature, water procedure time, indications and contraindications

Hot bath for hemorrhoids: benefits and harms, bath rules, water temperature, water procedure time, indications and contraindications

A hot bath for hemorrhoids is an ambiguous solution. Of course, this procedure relaxes many. In some diseases, a hot bath should be taken with great care. Poor awareness of patients about the permitted types of water procedures sometimes leads to an aggravation of the problem and the development of complications

Herbs for uterine contraction: names, folk methods of treatment, recipes for decoctions, proportions, rules for taking

Herbs for uterine contraction: names, folk methods of treatment, recipes for decoctions, proportions, rules for taking

Herbs that cause uterine contractions are actively used in modern gynecology. These are natural preparations with practically no side effects and contraindications, which perfectly cope with their task, do not harm other organs and body systems, and also save money. The most important reproductive organ needs to be restored after childbirth or spontaneous abortion, with heavy bleeding during critical days and in some other situations

Which tea reduces blood pressure: types, properties, methods of preparation and useful tips for hypertensive patients

Which tea reduces blood pressure: types, properties, methods of preparation and useful tips for hypertensive patients

Which tea lowers blood pressure? An important part of therapy for lowering is the use of herbal drinks. Treatment with such means is quite effective. Herbal tea should be consumed strictly according to the doctor's instructions. Each composition has its own contraindications. It should also be borne in mind that the use of herbal tea does not replace drug therapy

The most effective treatment for prostatitis with folk remedies

The most effective treatment for prostatitis with folk remedies

Prostatitis is a very common pathology of the genital organs among men. Outwardly, it is an inflammatory process concentrated in the prostate gland. For many years, folk remedies have been very effective methods of therapy. With prostatitis, alternative medicine can be used at home

Treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies at home

Treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies at home

Such a disease as a trophic ulcer is characterized by a very long process. As a rule, such wounds do not heal on their own, while they fester strongly, and the infection begins to spread to other areas of the skin. Most often, a trophic ulcer affects the feet, as well as the lower limbs

Herbs to lower blood sugar: list, recipes

Herbs to lower blood sugar: list, recipes

In diabetes, the level of this indicator increases in the blood, and sugar also appears in the urine. With a long-term pathological process and the absence of treatment in the body, the patient begins to experience violations of absolutely all types of metabolism … But it is worth noting that you can use herbs at home to lower blood sugar

Gargling with calendula: solution preparation, application, effectiveness, reviews

Gargling with calendula: solution preparation, application, effectiveness, reviews

With angina and inflammation of the mucous membrane, medicinal plants are recommended for treatment not only by herbalists, but also by representatives of official medicine. Today we have prepared a material for you, in which we will tell you in detail about whether it is possible to gargle with tincture of calendula, and let's talk about the beneficial properties of the plant

Recovery after a stroke with folk remedies: traditional medicine recipes

Recovery after a stroke with folk remedies: traditional medicine recipes

Recovery after a stroke with folk remedies helps to quickly and effectively return the normal functioning of all organs and systems. To achieve the best result, it is advisable to use folk remedies and techniques in combination with medications, massage, and physiotherapy

How to make living water at home: recipes, the specifics of the use of living and dead water

How to make living water at home: recipes, the specifics of the use of living and dead water

The number of original methods of treatment include the use of living and dead, as well as melt water. They help to normalize blood pressure, get rid of headaches, improve the body and strengthen the immune system. The article will talk about how to make living water yourself at home, how to get dead water, as well as some effective recipes for using them

Folk remedies for nail fungus on the hands: effective methods, tips and tricks for getting rid of

Folk remedies for nail fungus on the hands: effective methods, tips and tricks for getting rid of

Folk remedies for nail fungus on the hands have a good result, and also do not provoke the occurrence of side effects. However, despite their safety, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of their use

What is the use of cloves? The use of cloves in folk medicine

What is the use of cloves? The use of cloves in folk medicine

Clove is a condiment with a very bright aroma and spicy taste. It has a wide range of culinary uses and many he alth benefits. Consider how cloves are useful in traditional and folk medicine

Exercising with a pinched sciatic nerve: a set of exercises, therapeutic exercises

Exercising with a pinched sciatic nerve: a set of exercises, therapeutic exercises

Quite often, patients experience pinching in the sciatic nerve. The main reason for this pathology of the spine is a sedentary lifestyle. Pinching is also common during high-intensity exercise and during pregnancy. Sciatica (the correct name for pinching the sciatic nerve) is accompanied by severe pain

Lymphadenitis: treatment with folk remedies, doctor's advice and patient reviews

Lymphadenitis: treatment with folk remedies, doctor's advice and patient reviews

Lymphadenitis can act as an independent disease or be a signal of the presence of pathological processes at a particular level. Doctors consider lymphadenitis as manifestations of the barrier function of the entire lymphatic system, as well as as a limiter to the spread of any infection. If one of the types of the disease has been diagnosed, then it is possible to treat lymphadenitis with folk remedies

Treatment of thyrotoxicosis with folk remedies: traditional medicine recipes, nutrition, vitamins

Treatment of thyrotoxicosis with folk remedies: traditional medicine recipes, nutrition, vitamins

Thyrotoxicosis is a disease that is associated with dysfunction of the thyroid gland. With the appearance and development of this disease, the thyroid gland is damaged and malfunctions. This pathology develops on the basis of diffuse toxic goiter. If, after the examination, the patient was diagnosed with such an ailment, then treatment with the help of folk remedies will be carried out without fail

Garlic for toothache: traditional medicine recipes, where garlic should be applied, what it gives, effect, consequences, reviews and recommendations of dentists

Garlic for toothache: traditional medicine recipes, where garlic should be applied, what it gives, effect, consequences, reviews and recommendations of dentists

If you have a toothache, it is imperative to visit a qualified specialist. Toothache indicates that some serious inflammatory process is taking place inside. If, for some reason, there is no opportunity to visit a dentist, then first aid should be provided as soon as possible. And in this case, garlic will help with toothache

Herbs for bronchitis: types, list, brewing recipes, preparation of tincture, rules for taking, dosage and advice from doctors

Herbs for bronchitis: types, list, brewing recipes, preparation of tincture, rules for taking, dosage and advice from doctors

Inflammation of the lining of the bronchi is called bronchitis. Among the symptoms, experts note a dry or wet cough, weakness, fever, respiratory failure. For many years, doctors have recommended herbal supplements to traditional bronchitis treatments. About what herbs and fees should be drunk, described in this article

Useful properties of sorrel: highlights

Useful properties of sorrel: highlights

This plant is not only a component for making delicious soups and salads, the beneficial properties of sorrel have long earned it a well-deserved reputation as an effective remedy for combating various ailments

Wheatgrass: useful properties, harvesting

Wheatgrass: useful properties, harvesting

For a person unfamiliar with traditional medicine, this plant is associated with a weed that interferes with the cultivation of crops. But wheatgrass has beneficial properties that can be used to combat various ailments

Using sandalwood oil at home

Using sandalwood oil at home

Sandalwood oil has been known since time immemorial. Some sources claim that even in ancient Egypt it was widely used to create embalming compositions. But the birthplace of this oil is India. There it was used for religious purposes, as well as during meditation

Milk thistle for weight loss: reviews and role

Milk thistle for weight loss: reviews and role

The beneficial properties of this plant have been known for a long time, thanks to them milk thistle can be used for weight loss, the reviews of many people confirm that the meal from it is an effective auxiliary drug

Useful properties of rhubarb: main aspects

Useful properties of rhubarb: main aspects

This is not only a very tasty plant, widely used in cooking. The beneficial properties of rhubarb have long been used in medicine, especially for ailments of the digestive system

Celandine: medicinal properties and contraindications, recipes

Celandine: medicinal properties and contraindications, recipes

Healing herbs have been known for centuries. The first medical treatise that has come down to us is considered to be a Sumerian tablet with several recipes. The clay find dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. e. The plant, which will be discussed in this article, has been known for its medicinal properties since about the same time. The properties of celandine, however, much later - in the II century AD. e., very accurately described by Avicenna

Birch leaves. Useful properties and application

Birch leaves. Useful properties and application

Birch among folk healers is considered a unique plant. To get rid of many ailments, you can use its roots and birch bark, buds and leaves, as well as earrings. Birch sap is especially appreciated

If the knee joint hurts: treatment with folk remedies

If the knee joint hurts: treatment with folk remedies

It happens that many people have pain in the knee joint. Treatment with folk remedies for this misfortune does not replace traditional therapy, but contributes to a faster and more effective disposal of the disease

Home "doctor". Medicinal properties of lilac

Home "doctor". Medicinal properties of lilac

At first, people grew it as an ornament, admiring the unearthly beauty of the plant. However, after a while they realized that lilacs can not only be admired, but also used for medicinal purposes. Today, the medicinal properties of lilacs are widely used in folk medicine

Celandine from papillomas: instructions for use, features and reviews

Celandine from papillomas: instructions for use, features and reviews

Even those people who are not supporters of non-traditional methods of treatment know about a plant called celandine. And those who believe that medicinal herbs can cope even with serious ailments know everything about its medicinal properties and contraindications for use

What are the medicinal properties of kombucha?

What are the medicinal properties of kombucha?

What is kombucha? First of all, this is a kind of symbiosis of yeast and the so-called acetic acid bacteria. It owes its name to tea, since it is this liquid that is used as a nutrient medium. At the moment, experts identify a variety of medicinal properties of kombucha. Let's look at this issue in more detail

Symptomatics and treatment of bursitis with folk remedies

Symptomatics and treatment of bursitis with folk remedies

Treatment of bursitis with folk remedies should be comprehensive and lengthy. That is, you should not only apply compresses to sore spots, but also take medicine inside

Shepherd's purse: medicinal properties and methods of application

Shepherd's purse: medicinal properties and methods of application

Shepherd's purse, whose medicinal properties have been known for over two thousand years, is a medicinal product widely used in ancient Greece and Rome. In medieval Europe, this plant was used as an excellent hemostatic agent, but later it was unfairly forgotten by traditional medicine and became the prerogative of quackery

Tansy: medicinal properties of the plant

Tansy: medicinal properties of the plant

Tansy blooms along many highways and back roads in July. The medicinal properties of this amazing plant have been known for a long time. Tansy has a huge number of healing and simply useful properties and is used not only for healing, but also for domestic needs

Grass coltsfoot: medicinal properties and contraindications

Grass coltsfoot: medicinal properties and contraindications

Herb coltsfoot has been used since ancient times to treat a variety of ailments. This unique plant was appreciated by the healers of Ancient Greece and Rome. They used the herb to treat bronchitis, asthma

God's tree: healing properties, photo

God's tree: healing properties, photo

Godwood is a popular medicinal plant that has been used for centuries against many ailments and diseases. Herbal remedies strengthen the gastrointestinal tract by increasing the production of digestive juices

Nikolai Peychev - healer, author of healing techniques. Alternative medicine

Nikolai Peychev - healer, author of healing techniques. Alternative medicine

Nikolai Peichev is the author of the healing system, which is a training program whose goal is to learn how to heal yourself and then pass on your skills to others until people all over the Earth can change illness for he alth

What is Bolotov's decoction? Non-traditional herbal treatment

What is Bolotov's decoction? Non-traditional herbal treatment

The psychic is sure that all diseases can be cured with available natural ingredients - herbs and fermented milk products. What is only one decoction of Bolotov, made from medicinal plants. Absolutely all of his works are interesting and supported by scientific facts. After reading his works, everyone will be able to successfully overcome ailments and regain lost he alth

Hydrogen peroxide: myths and reality according to Neumyvakin

Hydrogen peroxide: myths and reality according to Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin wrote a book about how treatment with hydrogen peroxide helps with many diseases. He claims that such a drug is a universal remedy for many ailments. The article provides examples of the use of this remedy and the required dosage

Cinnamon: plant properties and features

Cinnamon: plant properties and features

Cinnamon contains a lot of useful substances. The properties of the plant have been used in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking since ancient times. For the preparation of spices, only the inner layer of the tree bark is suitable