The healing science of Tibet includes an ocean of therapeutic methods that can restore he alth, cure diseases and rejuvenate the body. Currently, a number of alternative medical systems are known (including Tibetan medicine). Joint healing is just one branch of ancient Chinese healing science.

Alternative Medical Systems
There are numerous alternative therapies and practices that have been used for many centuries, especially in Eastern countries. The effects of these treatments are known, so there is absolutely no ambiguity about them. Here are some of the accepted alternative medical systems:
- Homeopathy.
- Ayurveda.
- Acupuncture.
- Treatment with natural remedies.
- Traditional Chinese medicine.
- Tibetan medicine.

Traditional Tibetan medicine, sometimes referred to as "Lamaist" or "Buddhist", has evolved over 1200 years into a unique therapeutic system. Here disease is understood as an imbalance of the three principles of Nis-pa, consisting of one or two elements: rLung (air, wind), mKhris-pa (fire) and Bad kann, (earth and water). Buddhist philosophy, as well as the shamanic origins of Tibetan culture, form the backdrop of the cosmological, mind-body, and spiritual dimensions.
Treatment may consist of medicines (usually herbal, rarely minerals or animals), physical treatments (eg massages, baths), regulation of life and nutrition, or spiritual methods. Standardization of originally individualized medicines, separation from mainstream philosophies and cessation of some practices (eg Tibetan dental medicine, moxibustion).
Besides the regions of historical Tibet, very similar medical traditions have been practiced since the Mongol conquest of Tibet in the 13th century in Mongolia, adjoining Siberia and the Russian province of Kalmykia. Especially with traditional Mongolian medicine, Tibetan has a significant similarity. Following the growing interest in traditional Chinese medicine and complementary or alternative medicine in general, more demand from Western countries can be expected in the future.

Tibetan practice
Tibetan medicine is an excellent system that has stood the test of time (more than two thousandyears). Tibetan medicine is similar to other Asian systems such as Ayurveda and the Chinese medical system, however there are many differences (in philosophy, diagnosis as well as treatment approach).
Including the use of medicinal plants and various massage techniques for pain relief and treatment of joints, Tibetan medicine is very relevant to the modern era and can help patients with various problems, including chronic diseases.

Fields of application of Tibetan medicine
Tibetan medicine is useful for chronic problems such as indigestion, heartburn, back pain, asthma, arthritis, eczema, sinusitis, liver, heart and kidney problems, circulatory problems, anxiety, sleep disturbances and problems, related to the nervous system, as well as some cases of cancer, etc.
There are many contemporary problems for which Tibetan medicine can be effective, such as high blood pressure, stress and tension, allergic skin reactions, sexual dysfunction, and restoration of general he alth and vitality. The Tibetan method of treating joints is also widely known, the Tibetans associate it with a violation of the order: water and earth, air.
Cold and hot arthritis
You can say that joints are often damaged by cold, it is always bad for them. However, there are two types of arthritis - "cold" and "hot". Cold type - arthrosis, destructive changes in bone and cartilage tissues. Inflammation (osteoarthritis) can occur in arthritis-damagedjoint after a while. The root cause of this is the common cold. Another type of arthritis is "hot", where the primary, underlying process is inflammation. Infectious arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout are of this type.
Because the basis of these two types is different, the Tibetan joint treatment is very different. Cold type arthritis uses strong medications, a warm diet, and lifestyle changes. Hot natural springs and medical baths are excellent. In the case of hot arthritis, medicines that are "cold" in style are used, compresses are made, a blood test is taken.
Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout are not isolated joint damage, they are systemic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis is caused by autoimmune inflammation that occurs not only in the joints, but in all connective tissues, and gout is a complex metabolic disorder caused by chronic indigestion. Full recovery is possible, but the treatment takes a very long time (about 1 year), involving additional methods, procedures, and so on. If the disease is present for a very long time, then destructive changes in the joints inevitably occur, which are irreversible.

Tibetan doctors
They are primary he alth care professionals who study five years of theory, one year of practice in an accredited Tibetan medical clinic. Then students receive a doctorate degree in Tibetan medicine. However, six years oldtraining in this area is not enough to become a competent practitioner. Therefore, in order to become a professional in your field, further improvement of skills and preparation is necessary.
Features of nutrition in the treatment of joints
In Tibetan medicine, individual he alth involves the proper alignment and balance of the three energies. When the psychological conditions, diet and behavior of a person are not proper, the balance of these energies is disturbed, which leads to many complaints and diseases. What nutritional features does the Tibetan method of treating joints provide? Here are some tips:
- Avoid raw, spoiled, oxidized, s alty, greasy and heavy foods. It's just poison for the joints.
- In the case of "hot" arthritis - rheumatoid, with gout, alcohol is very harmful. Milk, s alt, potatoes and cabbage are also not recommended during treatment.
- Recommended: Rice, fried wheat (such as dried crackers), peas, buttermilk, cow's milk yogurt (curdled milk), cold boiled water, light food and wine with a little honey (only for "cold" type arthritis).
- The radish is exceptionally effective in chronic arthritis, and daikon (long white radish) is used in Tibetan medicine.

Holistic approach
What does Tibetan medicine do? Treatment of joints, migraines, acute and chronic diseases - this is not the whole list. A holistic approach stands out in the treatment of patients. Tibetan doctors review lifestylepatient, physiological, psychological, physical, social, environmental and environmental factors, prescribe the most gentle and natural form of treatment to restore he alth.
Treatment with Tibetan medicines is very individual, requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor. Balneotherapy - bathing in hot thermal springs - a good method of treating joints in Tibet. In addition, the Tibetans make very effective five amrit medical baths in such cases, adding five plants to the water: rhododendron, ephedra, wormwood, juniper and myricaria. More affordable for home use are Zalmanov's baths: the emulsion is sold in pharmacies, as prescribed by the doctor, the patient independently undergoes a course of baths. They are especially helpful for arthrosis - cold damage to the joints.

Tibet: treatment of joints and more
In an autoimmune disease, the defense system begins to produce antibodies that attack our own body. Often a genetic predisposition leads to inadequate functioning of the autoimmune system.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, severe and debilitating disease that causes inflammation of the joints, including the synovial membrane responsible for protecting, nourishing and sliding cartilage. It is not known exactly what causes this inflammation, but it is a classic example of an autoimmune disease. Any external aggressive factor (stress, bacteria or virus) can be the cause of this disease, which affects several joints at the same time.
The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis mainly involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids and disease-modifying drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs have the function of improving symptoms until disease-modifying drugs, which are slow-acting, work. That is why the appropriate medicine is prescribed. It is important to remember that if these medications are used unintentionally, the damage can range from gastritis to ulcers or severe kidney problems.

Monasteries of Tibet: treatment
Tibetan Buddhist monasteries are of great religious and cultural significance for the inhabitants. The monks develop and create educational projects, orphanages and nursing homes, help to preserve the unique culture and language of Tibet. The treatment here is one of the best ways to both general recovery and the solution of certain point he alth problems.

Ayurvedic and Tibetan Therapy
Treatment of joints in Tibetan medicine is carried out with the help of many specialized therapeutic procedures. Ayurvedic and Tibetan practitioners believe that deep relaxation promotes healing and the removal of toxins. The actual therapeutic value of these treatments is best realized when combined over a long period.
- Abhyanga is a special oil massage in which special herbs and inlays are applied specifically for healingdisease.
- Garshana - Vigorous brushing with damp silk gloves to Abhyanga. Methodical cleansing opens the pores, allowing the oil to penetrate deeper, stimulates the flow of lymph and blood circulation and activates the body.
- Shila Abhyanga - Ayurvedic hot stone massage. This is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that uses herbal Ayurvedic oils and bas alt stones heated in water for a slow, deep tissue massage.
- Kuni - Tibetan oil massage. It is an effective dynamic massage system, an important aspect of traditional Tibetan medicine, one of the most ancient and modern healing arts in the world. For many centuries, the famous doctors and yogis of Tibet have relied on the practice of Kuni to restore he alth and harmony with our systems. Whatever you treat (from a simple headache to a complex joint treatment) - in Tibet you can cure everything.
- Nadi Swedana - Localized steam therapy for pain relief with herbal medicated oils. This type of steam treatment focuses on specific areas of the body, such as sore joints or muscles, to improve mobility and flexibility, and to reduce pain. An ideal therapy for those suffering from acute or chronic ailment anywhere in the body.
- Janu Basti - knee therapy. It is an effective treatment for those suffering from knee discomfort and pain, arthritis and knee stiffness. Excellent treatment for athletes, hikers and the elderly.
- Tibetan Acoustic Sound Therapy. Extremely effective treatmentusing musical tuning forks in a non-invasive way to align and balance the natural energy fields of the body, to eliminate obvious energy blockages.
Real miracles are done by doctors from Tibet. Treatment (reviews are mostly positive) is carried out in a variety of ways. Such procedures are not cheap, but people are usually satisfied with the result, unless, of course, they have de alt with all sorts of charlatans. In reviews of Tibetan medicine, some write that they do not understand how they manage to do this at all. People claim that Eastern methods of treatment work, but it is worth going to those specialists who have trained in Eastern medical schools.
Tibetan medicine is not the most ancient, originated in the 7th century AD, but it is worth recognizing that it is one of the most authoritative. It has absorbed thousands of years of experience from many Asian countries, including India and China, which makes it very effective.