Ankle exercises: a complex of effective gymnastics, results, tips and reviews

Ankle exercises: a complex of effective gymnastics, results, tips and reviews
Ankle exercises: a complex of effective gymnastics, results, tips and reviews

In the article we will consider exercise therapy - a set of basic exercises for the ankle.

The ankle joint is a specific block joint, which is formed by three bones: the tibia, talus and fibula. Its main function is to maintain the human body in an upright position.

Like any joint, the ankle is subject to injury and disease. The reason for them may be insufficiently strong ligaments. Ankle exercises can help strengthen, heal, and recover.

ankle ligament exercises
ankle ligament exercises

For arthrosis

Eliminate the painful syndrome, as well as strengthen the joint will help a set of specially selected exercises. It must be remembered that it is forbidden to heavily load a diseased limb with arthrosis, as well as endure pain.

You can do the following ankle exercises at home:

  • Place hands on the ankle of the affected limb. With gentle movements, it must be turned left and right.
  • Inflamed ankle first rotates clockwisearrow, and then against it.
  • Sitting on a chair and cross-legged, put your feet on your toes. The foot must be lowered to the floor and raised again.
  • Sit on a chair. It is necessary to imagine that there is tissue under the toes of the inflamed foot, and it should be moved.
  • The fingers of the affected limb should be extended and bent.
  • Stand up straight with your feet firmly on the floor. Then start doing small squats. You cannot take your feet off the floor.
  • Sitting on a chair, the feet need to be raised on toes, and then lowered.
  • Stand near the wall. Put your hands on the wall and slowly push up. Keep your feet off the floor during the exercise.
  • Put a bottle or rolling pin on the floor, and then start rolling back and forth.
  • The muscles of the ankle are perfectly strengthened by performing such an exercise as a "bike".

When doing ankle exercises, you need to make sure that the affected joint does not strain. If any discomfort occurs during the lesson, you need to reduce the maximum range of motion or completely abandon the performance.

If there is no physical fitness, then classes should be started with a reduced number of repetitions, the load gradually increases.

Which post-injury ankle exercises are effective?

In case of injury

The patient (depending on the stage of treatment) is prescribed special gymnastic complexes. It must be remembered that the load increases gradually. It is forbidden to move the ankle joint abruptly.

ankle exercises
ankle exercises


During immobilization (the period of bone fusion), the inflamed ankle requires absolute rest. All recommended exercises contribute to ensuring the full circulation of blood in the soft tissues of the affected area, excluding the formation of contractures and atrophy.

All ankle exercises should be done lying down: extension and flexion of the toes; lowering and lifting, abduction and adduction of the injured limb; muscle tension and a gradual increase in strength (the so-called isometric mode).

A good result allows you to get walking with support on the leg in a cast. However, the exercise should be agreed with a specialist. Attempting to climb without permission is absolutely not allowed. In this case, the probability of fusion defects of the inflamed bone increases.

Whether exercise will help with an ankle fracture, we will find out further.

ankle fracture exercises
ankle fracture exercises

Features of rehabilitation after a fracture

Gymnastic complex expands after plaster removal. Exercises are done while sitting on a chair.

At the stage of post-immobilization, exercise therapy helps to restore the functioning of the limb, includes the following focus:

  • performing extensor and flexion movements of the foot;
  • rotate and wiggle the feet;
  • imitation of walking: the foot rolls onto the toe from the heel.

In addition, the following ankle exercises are recommended after a fracture:

  • stand on your toes and begin to reduce and withdrawheels;
  • put the rolling pin on the floor and roll it, first use the outer surface of the foot, and then the inner one;
  • put feet on toes and make springy movements with them;
  • try to grab a small object with your toes for a few seconds.

The ankle should be bandaged at all times after removing the cast, but the elastic bandage should be removed during exercise. When performing gymnastics, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to cause pain. It is desirable to do 2-3 times a week.

To strengthen the ankle after ligament injuries (bone fusion) and restore impaired functioning, you need to continue doing exercise therapy for at least another month. The load on the ankle can be increased. This also applies to exercise time.

It is recommended to perform them with support, for example, on the back of a chair:

  • stand up straight and rise alternately on the heel, then on the toe;
  • standing upright, redistribute your weight; load one leg first, then the other;
  • do squats (while the foot is completely on the floor);
  • walking in place, first on the toes, then on the outside of the foot and heels;
  • do lunges forward with a load on the damaged joint.

A gymnastic set of exercises for the ankle ligaments is compiled by a doctor. The specialist also sets its duration and frequency.

ankle exercises after
ankle exercises after


They talk about a weak anklefrequent injuries. For example, women fall even from a small heel, after a short walk, the ring and middle toes begin to hurt.

There are many exercises to strengthen the ankle. At home, you can resort to the following:

  • Jumping rope. You need to jump low, land only on your toes. It is advisable to practice on a soft surface and in sports sneakers. If you have flat feet, then jumping without special shoes will increase the load on the foot.
  • Run on toes.
  • The ankle is great for picking up small objects from the floor with your toes, like glass balls or buttons.

Rubber band exercise

Special attention should be paid to ankle exercises with a rubber band. You can buy it at a pharmacy. Such exercises improve the condition of the ligaments and muscles of the ankle joint:

  • Sitting on the floor or on a chair, connect the feet together with an elastic band. Put on the heels of the foot, spread the socks, applying the necessary efforts.
  • Sitting on the floor or on a chair, cross your feet at the ankle and tie with a ribbon. At the same time, lean on the heels, then again spread the socks to the sides.

This set of ankle strengthening exercises helps to make weak ligaments stronger, except for accidental joint injuries.

Starting classes, you can use the services of an instructor, later, as you master the classes, do them yourself at home.

ankle strengthening exercises
ankle strengthening exercises

How to recognize a weak ankle?

A symptom of a weak ankle is constant small troubles. For example, legs are often tucked up when walking in heels, the ring and middle fingers hurt after a walk; Ligaments stretched after unsuccessful jump.

An externally weak ankle joint can manifest itself as follows: you need to stand up straight, feet hip-width apart. If you can see that at least one of the patient's feet falls inward, the conclusion suggests itself - you need to strengthen the ankle.

If you get an ankle injury or a sprained ligament, you should wear hard shoes with orthopedic insoles or use specially designed orthopedic shoes for a walk. For a rigid fixation of the ankle, you should wear high-top basketball-like sneakers for a run.

Strengthening the ankle with diet

It is very important to eat right and drink all the necessary vitamins. There are recommendations for taking medications and nutrition to help keep the ankle in good condition. It is necessary to take funds with calcium and pay special attention to glucosamine, chondroitin and saturated fatty acids. Protein food should be a priority. Be sure to take your vitamins.

ankle exercises after a fracture
ankle exercises after a fracture

Tips for strengthening your ankle

You should try to walk barefoot in the summer, especially at sea. It is good to walk barefoot on pebbles. This creates a massage effect that helps to strengthen the ankle. You have to try from time to timewalk on socks. For example, from room to room. Jump rope more often, as this exercise perfectly strengthens the ankle. Experts advise using a massage mat, which not only strengthens the joint, but also improves blood flow and the activity of internal organs, prevents varicose veins and reduces swelling. Thus, with the help of a massage mat, impressive results are achieved. In addition, some experts advise strengthening joints according to the techniques of martial arts masters. But, on the one hand, it helps to strengthen the ankle, on the other hand, it can cause injury. The ankle needs to be given special attention, as he althy legs are essential for a runner. By following these tips and using simple exercises, you can achieve effective results.

exercise therapy ankle set of exercises
exercise therapy ankle set of exercises

Results and reviews

If you systematically engage in physiotherapy exercises, you can put the right load on the joint. The main purpose of exercise therapy is to strengthen the muscle system, improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the ligaments.

A patient at the initial stage of physiotherapy exercises may experience discomfort, but with arthrosis this is a normal condition. If there is an attack of acute pain, you need to stop exercising for a while.

LFK exercises for the ankle, in comparison with treatment with medications, does not require financial investments. But regular exercise is important, and in this case a positive result will be noticeable.

Important milestonetreatment - a dietary diet, which, along with gymnastics, fights arthrosis. To restore cartilage, the patient needs to eat plant and animal foods rich in collagen and proteins.
