Everyone has known iodine since childhood. Mothers often treated their wounds and made a cough net. But not everyone knows about the benefits of the product and how the iodine mesh is made correctly. After all, even such a simple procedure has its own nuances.
What is the use of alcohol tincture of iodine?

Iodine is a cheap drug that helps fight inflammation in the body, disinfects abrasions and wounds, thereby accelerating their healing. When used externally, iodine begins to act on the vessels and accelerates blood supply to the treated area. As a result, the following happens in the body:
- blood with toxins and harmful substances is quickly replaced with new blood with oxygen and antibodies to fight the disease;
- due to the accelerated blood supply, the vessels dilate, thereby reducing pain;
- reduces swelling and inflammation;
- if iodine is used to treat an open wound, then it additionally destroys the infection, thereby preventing the development of complications.
For colds, you need to know exactly which area to treatsolution, how to apply drawings correctly. In case of wounds, it is also necessary to be able to properly treat them. Iodine mesh, applied to different parts of the body, helps to cope with a variety of inflammatory diseases. More on this later in the article.
How to make an iodine grid correctly?
The reviews say that first you need to make sure the expiration date of the drug. Since many keep iodine in the first aid kit for years, believing that the shelf life is unlimited. If the solution is no longer suitable, then you need to buy a new one.

When there are no cotton buds in the house, you can make them yourself. It is necessary to wind the cotton wool on a match or other similar object. The sterility of the fleece is optional, but it must be clean.
Before applying iodine, the skin must first be cleaned of contamination and dried. Otherwise, dirt on the skin may cause side effects (irritation, inflammation, and so on).
Next, the cotton swab should be well moistened in a solution of iodine so that all the cotton wool is soaked, but it does not drip. First of all, stripes are applied vertically, then horizontally. The recommended distance between the strips is no more than 1 cm. If the iodine mesh is applied to the lung area, then it is not recommended to apply lines to the heart area.
After applying iodine, it is recommended to put warm clothes on the patient over the treated area. If it was the back, then a jacket, on the legs - socks and so on. The procedure is done at night for the best effect. When applied correctly, by the morning at the treatment site should remainmortar marks.
When is mesh recommended?
Knowing in what situations iodine and iodine mesh help, you can speed up recovery and relieve pain. It is recommended to use the solution for the following diseases:

- for colds accompanied by runny nose and cough;
- abrasions and wounds (shallow);
- diseases of the reproductive organs in women and men;
- vascular disease;
- diseases of a neurological nature;
- for treating bruises and bruises;
- for some diseases that are accompanied by skin rashes;
- sometimes used for weight loss.
With proper application, iodine can be used not only to speed up recovery, but sometimes also to prevent diseases. In this case, you need to get the necessary information from the therapist.
Contraindications for use
Unfortunately, even ordinary iodine can cause harm by making an iodine mesh. To prevent this, you need to know what contraindications the remedy has:
- You can not use the mesh for treatment if the patient has a fever, as iodine will contribute to its further growth.
- If the body's iodine content is exceeded, for example, as a result of treatment with iodine-containing drugs.
- Intolerance to the components included in the iodine solution.
- If you have kidney problems.
- Thyroid dysfunction.
- Skin rashesunknown nature.
Terms of Use

If there are doubts about whether it is possible to make an iodine grid, then you can always get answers to questions from a pediatrician or therapist. He will also give recommendations on the correct use of the drug. There are important points on the use of iodine when the medicine can cause serious harm to the body:
- you can’t drink iodine, it will cause a severe burn of the digestive tract, especially the stomach, sometimes the organ even has to be removed;
- use iodine solution to cleanse the respiratory tract by inhalation, it can cause severe burns to the nasal mucosa, larynx and lungs;
- use for deep wounds, it can cause tissue necrosis and severe pain shock;
- if an iodine mesh is made when coughing, then the area opposite the heart is necessarily excluded;
- you can not apply the solution on the nipples, the skin there is very delicate and can be injured;
- it is not recommended to update the "pattern" when it dries and absorbs;
- due to the risk of burns, iodine cannot be used to treat the mucous membranes, cheeks and eyelids.
To check if the iodine mesh is being done for the first time, a drug sensitivity test is required. For this, a strip is applied to the wrist and shoulder. If within an hour there is no itching, swelling or other side effects, then you can start treatment.
When can I make an iodine mesh for a child and pregnant women?

There is no definite answer in medicine to this question. The only thing for sure is that iodine cannot be used until the baby reaches one year. Otherwise, there will be damage to the skin (it is still too thin, and a burn will occur), which will cause additional anxiety for the baby.
The recommended age for using iodine for treatment is from six or seven years old. At this age, the skin becomes dense, and the thyroid gland is almost formed. Unfortunately, the mesh can affect this organ. For this reason, pregnant women are also not recommended to use iodine. Although no harmful effect has been proven.
When coughing, bruising
Before you start using iodine, you need to be able to properly apply the remedy for various diseases. And understand why this procedure is done. If difficulties arise, you should seek the advice of a doctor.
- Classic use of iodine cough net. Before going to bed, a grid pattern is applied to the back in the lung area. The pattern is done on the back, front and sides. In order not to stain clothes, you can put unnecessary fabric (pleasant for the body and not synthetics) or a T-shirt on the mesh. You should put on a warm jacket over it and go to bed like that. The warming effect will accelerate the discharge of sputum from the lungs, and the accelerated blood supply will ensure the rapid saturation of the blood with oxygen. You can apply the mesh once a day no more than three times a week. To improve sputum discharge, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk with honey.
- Net from the common cold. It is also applied before going to bed on the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose. It is also recommended to applyon the sole, calves and ankle (in the area of the protrusion of the bone). It is better to dilute the solution on the nose with water in a ratio of 1: 1, to avoid getting burns. Avoid contact with eyes and eyelid area.
- To relieve swelling, inflammation and cyanosis after a bruise, you can also make an iodine mesh. You can't apply it right away. Usually the procedure is carried out after a day. Nets are applied to the damaged area, the distance between the strips is small, not more than 1 cm and not less than 0.5 cm. The procedure can be repeated every other day.
- If it hurts to swallow, then you can make a net on the throat, but it is advised to do this very carefully. The area of the thyroid gland and lymph nodes should be avoided. Otherwise, you can worsen the patient's condition.
- For pain due to sprained muscles and ligaments, you can also apply mesh to the damaged area, this will help reduce swelling and pain. The damaged area must be fixed with an elastic bandage.
Mesh for other diseases

When else is it done? In the following situations:
- The mesh will help out at night with the unexpected appearance of cramps in the legs. It will relieve pain, warm muscles and relieve tension. But for complete elimination, you need to see a doctor for treatment.
- Iodine 1% is used in the treatment of mammary glands. To do this, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe gland is treated with a solution, avoiding the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples. This helps to get rid of seals in the chest and pain. Usually this method of treatment is negotiated by a mammologist.
- The mesh helps with inflammation of the appendages,relieves inflammation and pain. The drawing must be applied to the area where the appendages are located (from the bottom of the abdomen, on the sides).
- Iodine helps fight heaviness in the legs and varicose veins. To do this, it must be applied to the calves before going to bed, after which the legs must be put on a hill.
- You can reduce lumps and bruising at the injection site. To do this, the mesh must be applied to the damaged area. In this case, the skin puncture site itself should not be touched. Since the procedure cannot be carried out daily (no more than three times a week), it can be alternated with the application of a cabbage leaf.
With the help of the grid, you can find out if there is a lack of iodine in the body. To do this, you need to track after what period of time the strip is absorbed. If within three hours, then this is a reason to contact a therapist, ENT and endocrinologist.
Doctors advice

Before starting treatment, you need to determine if there are any contraindications. Since there is no exact answer, is it possible for children to make an iodine grid. From one to six years, iodine should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2, depending on age and skin condition.
Treatment can be carried out no more than once every three days. Before this, it is imperative to conduct a sensitivity test. If the mesh is applied to the baby, then you need to make sure and make sure that he does not spin. Relatives can help hold or distract the child. If side effects occur, treatment should be discontinued immediately.