Symptom of uterine prolapse. How to recognize pathology?

Symptom of uterine prolapse. How to recognize pathology?
Symptom of uterine prolapse. How to recognize pathology?

Today we will talk about the symptom of uterine prolapse. This pathology is characterized by a displacement of the organ due to weakness of the muscles and ligaments, caused by a variety of reasons. About what exactly is at the heart of such an anomaly and how it manifests itself at different stages, we will tell in this article.

Prolapse of the walls of the uterus: symptoms

Pathology develops in three stages. The first (initial) is characterized by malaise associated with the genital area. It appears as:

prolapsed uterus symptom
prolapsed uterus symptom
  • Drawing pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. By the way, women quite often perceive these signals as harbingers of approaching periods or for symptoms of a cold, but these phenomena can also be manifestations of uterine prolapse.
  • Pain during intercourse. They are often attributed to anatomical features or vaginismus.
  • More abundant and longer periods. And women of childbearing age may have problems conceiving, up to diagnosable infertility.

IfIf you do not consult a specialist, then at the second stage any symptom of uterine prolapse described above will be supplemented by problems with emptying the intestines and bladder.

  • At this time, a woman may have a frequent need to urinate, but the process itself is difficult for her.
  • At the same time, the so-called tenesmus appears - spasms in the anus with false urges to defecate. And after the stool, the feeling of fullness of the intestine does not go away.
  • Sometimes this problem is accompanied by incontinence of feces and urine.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system are becoming regular.

Third stage - uterine prolapse. When moving, the organ is injured, and sexual life becomes completely impossible.

Causes of uterine prolapse

uterine prolapse symptoms
uterine prolapse symptoms

So, we figured out how each symptom of uterine prolapse manifests itself. Now we need to talk about the causes of this pathology. These include constant heavy physical exertion, frequent or complicated childbirth, advanced age leading to weakening of muscle fibers, chronic constipation, persistent cough (for example, in heavy smokers). An important role is played by hereditary predisposition - in some women, the ligaments that fix the uterus have increased elasticity and extensibility. This feature is inherited and, accordingly, can serve as an impetus for the occurrence of omission.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse after childbirth. What to do in this case?

symptomsuterine prolapse after childbirth
symptomsuterine prolapse after childbirth

Let's dwell separately on the postpartum period, since the prolapse of the uterus immediately after the birth of a child or a few years after that, when menopause joins the existing problem, is the most common variant of the development of pathology. Typically, a woman's weak pelvic floor muscles, a large fetus, or the use of forceps or large vaginal tears can be the cause.

In this situation, the main symptom of uterine prolapse is a feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen. You may also experience constipation, lower back pain, leucorrhea, and urinary incontinence.

Since the treatment of the second and third degree of this pathology is most often carried out surgically, up to the removal of the uterus, it becomes clear that an early visit to a specialist will help every woman maintain her he alth and the ability to conceive and bear a child.
