The birth of a child is a miracle. The expectant mother carefully prepares for the appearance of the baby. But during childbirth, an unforeseen situation may occur when an episiotomy may be needed. Stitches after an episiotomy are of particular concern to pregnant women. Let's talk about it in more detail.
What is this?
An episiotomy is a small incision in the perineum that is made to a woman in labor at the time of expulsion of the fetus. Usually, the expectant mother is given local anesthesia before this, but sometimes there is no time for this, and they do without anesthesia.
This operation prevents spontaneous tears by helping the baby pass through the birth canal.
Who needs an episiotomy
Who needs an episiotomy? Sutures after episiotomy heal for a long time. How justified is this procedure? The vaginal tissue is quite elastic. Nature herself ordered that a woman should give birth naturally without problems. But there are a number of special reasons why an episiotomy is needed:
- the baby has a breech presentation, that is, he goes forward with his ass or legs;
- you need to speed up the birth, because the baby has hypoxia - lack ofoxygen;
- There is a risk of perineal tear if the fabric is inelastic.

Unfortunately, in our time, this operation is put on stream, and it is done to almost every second woman in labor. It is easier for a doctor to make an incision than to come up with some other methods of delivery. If possible, it is better to find a trusted and experienced doctor in advance who will not allow surgical intervention. And of course, the mood for a successful outcome is important.
Pros and cons of an episiotomy
Usually, a woman giving birth already during childbirth is faced with the need for an incision, which is made using special surgical scissors. This, at first glance, terrible procedure has several advantages:
- second phase of labor speeds up;
- baby is born without injury, this procedure is safe for him;
- when trying, it takes much less strength for the expectant mother.
Cons include the following:
- painful suturing;
- inability to sit for a long time;
- can injure the rectum;
- long recovery after childbirth.
Despite such a huge number of disadvantages, one must still trust the doctors. And if the well-being, he alth or even the life of a child is at stake, then it is better to agree to a procedure such as an episiotomy. Stitches after an episiotomy may hurt for some time and cause discomfort. See below for how to care for them.
Can it be avoidedepisiotomy?
This surgery is avoidable. It has long been proven that preterm birth usually ends in multiple ruptures. It would seem that this is a paradox, because the head of such a baby, of course, is smaller. But it turns out that a couple of weeks before giving birth, hormones are activated in the woman's body that increase the elasticity of the vagina. Therefore, you need to try to bring the baby to term.

In addition, you can independently prepare the perineum for childbirth. It's better to start early. Doctors advise to lead a he althy lifestyle throughout pregnancy, do not overeat and monitor weight. It is best to visit the pool or yoga for pregnant women, if the obstetrician-gynecologist does not mind and there are no contraindications in each case.
One month before giving birth, you should start doing an intimate massage with a special oil. If it was not possible to buy it, you can use sunflower, almond, olive or sea buckthorn. How such a massage is done is usually shown in courses for pregnant women, so they should not be neglected. This procedure must be done every day. The well-known Kegel exercises will also help the perineum regain elasticity and return to normal after childbirth. In any case, if it happens that the doctor had to make an incision, do not panic.
How long does it take for stitches to heal after an episiotomy?
If indications appear during childbirth, the doctor will carefully make an incision. Practice shows that it is usually located on the right side. Sutures are placed eitherabsorbable threads, or those that will need to be removed on the fifth day. Which threads to choose - the doctor decides.

In the first three weeks, you can not sit, otherwise there is a risk of divergence of the seams. There is also a ban on sexual activity for 5-6 weeks. Usually during this period the sutures heal. Full recovery of the vagina occurs within 6-9 months after childbirth, but only with proper care of the perineum.
Perineal care after childbirth
What does a suture look like after an episiotomy? After childbirth, a woman can feel huge swollen scars. If you try to see yourself with the help of a mirror, then the spectacle will not be for the faint of heart. This is completely normal. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, then after 2 weeks the swelling will subside, and after another six months there will be no trace of it.
Basic stitch care tips:
- do not sit on a flat surface for 2-3 weeks;
- do not lift anything heavier than a child for about 2 months;
- keep your perineum clean, change your pads as often as possible, wash yourself after every use of the toilet;
- treat the seams with a solution of furacilin or brilliant green;
- 3-4 times a day, let the seams "breathe", walk around without underwear;
- eat foods that stimulate the act of defecation so that the stool is regular and the seams do not strain;
- sexual rest for 6-8 weeks;
- do Kegel exercises;
- drink more water.

The most frustrating thing for many moms is the inability to sit. Feeding your baby standing or lying down is very inconvenient. But the he alth of the crumbs is more important, so you can endure a few weeks. If mistakes were made in the care of the perineum, then the risk of complications is likely.
Complications after episiotomy
Like any other surgical intervention, an episiotomy can have complications. What to do if the seam has opened after an episiotomy, and what are the reasons for this? This can happen if a woman lifted weights, for example, carried a stroller with a child up the stairs, or sat down ahead of time. As soon as the first signs of a rupture appear, for example, the suture after an episiotomy hurts, you should immediately consult a doctor. May need secondary suturing.
Sex after episiotomy
In any case, after giving birth, you must refrain from sexual intercourse for 6 weeks. After this period, you need to visit a gynecologist. If everything is in order with the stitches and the doctor gives the go-ahead, then you can remember your intimate life.

Most women who have had an episiotomy admit that they initially experienced fear and pain during sex. Over time, the discomfort will go away. For the first time, it is better to use a lubricant gel and devote more time to foreplay. It is also worth experimenting with poses, choosing the right one. If the pain is unbearable, then you should stop and try in a couple of days. If the pain persists for several months and pulls the sutureafter an episiotomy, you should consult a doctor for advice.
Can I still give birth after an episiotomy
Women who have had this surgery usually worry about the possibility of a subsequent birth? Fortunately, there is no ban on this. It must be taken into account that an episiotomy may be necessary for the second time. Sutures after episiotomy are not elastic. Therefore, midwives make a neat new incision to avoid tearing the old suture.

In about half of the cases, the second and subsequent births pass without this intervention. It is necessary to tune in to a positive outcome of childbirth and carefully prepare for them. Having children is a must, despite the fear that episiotomy induces. Stitches after an episiotomy are such a small thing compared to the happiness that babies give!