Low placenta - causes and consequences

Low placenta - causes and consequences
Low placenta - causes and consequences

Low placenta is a fairly common pathology of pregnancy, which is very common in the first two trimesters.

Under good pregnancy conditions, the placenta should attach to the bottom of the uterus or to its posterior wall, sometimes with the transition to the side. It is in these places that it has the best blood circulation and is protected from possible injuries. The low location of the placenta is a pathology in which its attachment occurred 6 centimeters below the cervical os. This can only be seen with an ultrasound. In most cases, by the end of pregnancy, the low-lying placenta rises and releases the cervix.

low placenta
low placenta


The placenta is formed where the egg is attached. If there is any defect in the wall of the uterus in the place intended for this, then in order to “survive”, it will attach itself to any other area where all conditions are available for this. Such a pathology can occur after infectious diseases, abortions or difficult births. Also, a low location of the placenta can be caused by multiple pregnancy and the presence of uterine fibroids.


The main danger thatcan occur with a low location of the placenta, is an abortion. As a rule, this occurs due to placental abruption, which in turn is caused by an ever-growing uterus. Its maximum pressure falls precisely on the lower segment, where the placenta is located.

low-lying placenta
low-lying placenta

Signs of placental abruption

The main and most visible sign of placental abruption is bleeding resulting from damage to the uteroplacental vessels. As a result, it separates. Between the walls of the uterus and the placenta, blood accumulates and a hematoma is formed, which gradually increases and intensifies the process of detachment. This leads to compression of the placenta and the cessation of its functioning. There are 3 degrees of this pathology:

  1. Easy. There are no symptoms and the detection of detachment is possible only during an ultrasound scan or at the time of delivery, when a fossa with dark blood clots is found on the placenta.
  2. Average. There are minor spotting and abdominal pain. The uterus is in a little tension.
  3. Severe degree is manifested by sudden bleeding, severe abdominal pain, dizziness, lowering blood pressure and temperature. There is shortness of breath, sweating and severe weakness. The uterus is very tense. If there are scars on it, then it may break.
  4. signs of placental abruption
    signs of placental abruption

To avoid all of the above complications, women who have a lowthe location of the placenta, should carefully monitor their condition. It is advisable to abandon sexual relations, thermal procedures and, of course, physical exertion. To accelerate the rise of the placenta, going to bed, you need to put your feet on a pillow or other hill. And most importantly, at the slightest ailment and the appearance of pain or spotting, do not hope that everything will pass soon, but immediately consult a doctor.
