Car births don't happen that often, of course. However, there are situations in life when there is no time to think. In this case, the baby is born right in the car. Recommendations for those who are afraid to be in this position, we will give in our article.
Do I need to hurry?

Women who live far from the maternity hospital are afraid they won't get there in time. Therefore, if you feel that contractions have begun, you must first determine the stage of pregnancy at which you are. If this is the third trimester, and the due date is already approaching, listen carefully to yourself. During this period, very often contractions are false. In another way they are called training. They are necessary to prepare the uterus for the future birth of the baby. As a rule, there is a long interval between them, and they stop after taking a warm shower. If the duration between contractions is small and decreases over time, you should not pull further. Better call an ambulance.
Women who live invillages far from the city. Especially in the winter season, when the roads are swept up and there is no way to get to the medical institution. It is better for such mothers to take care of this in advance and ask the doctor for a referral for prenatal preservation.
Those who give birth not for the first, and even more so, not for the second time, can survive transient labor. Some note that they practically did not feel contractions until the straining period. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when there is very little time left before the birth.
First signs
Are you still in a situation where there is no way to get to the hospital? It is good if there is a close person next to you, for example, a spouse who knows how to deliver. It is better to prepare him for this in advance.

If the contractions started in the car while driving on the highway, and the drive to the hospital is at least an hour, you need to stop in a safe place and prepare for the birth.
If you, being in public transport, getting to the hospital, felt attempts, tell the people who are next to you about it. No need to be shy, because your life and the life of your child depends on it. Perhaps there is a person with a medical education among the passengers who will provide first aid.
It happens that a woman feels that she is giving birth on the train. To endure to your station is dangerous. In this situation, inform the conductor of your position. You will be dropped off at the next stop, an ambulance will be called in advance and transferred to the doctors.
When departedwater or intolerable contractions at home, immediately call an ambulance. Self-confident women try to call a taxi and get to the maternity hospital on their own. However, this is fraught with the fact that your obstetrician may turn out to be a taxi driver who does not know at all how to help in such a matter.

If you have to have a birth in a car, tell the person next to you to prepare everything you need for this. You will need:
- A clean sheet or diaper to put under. If this is not available, clothes removed from oneself will do.
- Be sure to unfold the back seat, if possible. This will allow you to get into a more or less comfortable position.
- There is a first aid kit in every car. From it you need to extract the antiseptic liquid. Suitable as hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine, and iodine. This will avoid infection.
- Clean water. If this happens in winter, you can collect snow and melt it.
- A sharp object for cutting the umbilical cord: a knife, scissors, a razor.
These are just the most necessary items that can help to welcome a baby into the world.
First stage of labor

Before you give birth, your companion must understand that he will have to go through a period of contractions with you. While they last, the woman in labor can walk or sit, if it makes it easier. As soon as the girl feels that she wants to use the toilet in a big way, this most likely saysabout the beginning of the rough period. It is necessary to take a horizontal position, having previously undressed below the waist.
Drive away all negative thoughts from yourself and focus on the process of childbirth. Be sure to bend your knees and breathe deeply. This stage can take quite a long time, so save your energy for the hardest part - pushing the baby out of you.
Baby is born
Childbirth without a doctor is a complicated process. However, nature itself will tell you how to act. When a woman feels the first attempt, she needs to press her head to her chin and push hard. It is necessary not only to strain the stomach, but to direct efforts to the perineum. Your companion at this time should already be ready: he should disinfect his hands, stock up on a clean cloth and control the process of the head appearing.
Unfortunately, a person who does not have a special medical education will not be able to tell you how to push correctly so that there are no tears. You should not be afraid: when the head appears, you will practically not feel pain. Do not try to push the baby out quickly. Firstly, you are unlikely to succeed, and secondly, breaks in this case are inevitable, especially internal ones.
The most difficult thing after the appearance of the head is the shoulders. They are quite wide compared to her. A common nuisance that happens with improper delivery is a fracture of the baby's collarbone. Therefore, as soon as you see that the head has already appeared, put your hand under it. Then you should raise it a little so that first one shoulder appears, and then the other. But neither inUnder no circumstances should you try to pull the baby out with force! On average, 4-5 attempts are needed for it to be born painlessly. Explain to the woman in labor that she should not scream in pain. It is better to endure and direct your efforts to attempts.
Childbirth in an extreme situation will be successful if the partner does not panic, but calmly takes the child into his hands.
What to do with the newborn

When the baby is in the hands of the one who helped in delivery, you need to cut the umbilical cord. Only this should not be done immediately: while it is pulsing, you cannot touch it. After that, you need to carefully cross it, leaving 7-8 cm for dressing. It may not turn out very pretty, but there is no need to worry: when you get to the hospital, the doctors will help you tie your navel correctly. After that, treat the wound with any antiseptic liquid liquid.
When a baby is born, he must scream, this will open his lungs. Be sure to remove mucus from the mouth and nose of the newborn. You can use a syringe, and if it was not at hand, you will have to do it by mouth.
Next, you need to wipe the baby with a clean cloth, wrap him in a sheet or diaper, and then put him on the mother, who will give him a breast.
Ambulance delivery
It's good if you managed to call the doctors before the start of the attempts. In any ambulance there is everything you need to take delivery. Next to you will be a doctor and his assistant. They probably already have experience in this matter. Therefore, childbirth in the car will take placesafely. The doctor will control the process of the appearance of the baby, will be able to properly process the umbilical cord. In addition, the necessary medicines and tools will always be at hand. You'll be safe right after the delivery as the mother and baby will be taken to the hospital where they will receive all the care they need.
To the hospital - a must

It is becoming popular to give birth at home these days. Various films on the Internet can confuse a woman, depicting all the delights of the birth of a child in her native walls. In fact, this turns out to be very dangerous, because the apartment is unlikely to have the necessary equipment. Home birth is just an exception to the rule when the expectant mother does not have time to get to the hospital. Perhaps the emergency doctors who arrived on time decide not to take you to the maternity hospital if you have already begun to give birth. In this case, the doctors will see the child right in your apartment.
And what about those who are forced to give birth at home without having time to call the doctors? It is good if one of your loved ones is next to you. First of all, they must call an ambulance, and then control the process of the birth of a child. It is worth laying the woman on the bed, enclosing a sterile cloth. Home birth should never take place in the bath! Even if you think this method is safe, without proper practice it will not go smoothly.
After your assistant accepts the baby, you should immediately go to a medical facility. There, the gynecologist will examine the woman in labor for ruptures, and neonatologists will assess the conditionnewborn.
Now you are instructed what to do if the labor starts in the car. The main thing is not to panic. Any person can cope with this difficult task if he keeps everything under control. For her part, the woman must fully devote herself to the process of childbirth. Scream and panic will only deprive the future mother of strength, scare the baby in the womb. To ensure that childbirth in a car without a doctor goes smoothly, just in case, carry a bandage, a vial of antiseptic, and a syringe in your purse. This will greatly facilitate the process of the birth of a child.

Try not to delay the trip to the hospital and calling an ambulance until the last minute, then such extreme situations can be avoided.