Astra Tech implants: reviews, manufacturer, warranties, advantages and disadvantages

Astra Tech implants: reviews, manufacturer, warranties, advantages and disadvantages
Astra Tech implants: reviews, manufacturer, warranties, advantages and disadvantages

In the life of a modern person who wants to become successful, one of the key factors of an attractive appearance is a neat and beautiful dentition, which is not ashamed to show in a conversation or in a charming smile. And really, who will believe in the success of a person if he has rotten teeth or even gaps in his mouth due to their absence?

With the high development of dental technology, it became possible to install not only beautiful, but also very durable Astra Tech implants. The reviews write that this system can be used for any indication. It has a positive effect on maintaining the required level of bone hardness at the site of its contact with the implant, this has been clinically confirmed. The high reliability of Astra Tech is confirmed by the warranty conditions provided by the company. Today, implants are given a lifetimewarranty.

Ratings and prices

Astra Tech implant placement
Astra Tech implant placement

Strong and reliable implant Astra Tech from Sweden dates back to 1985. Then the company Astra Tech Implant System for the first time began the production and installation of implants. Today, this Swedish company is part of the US international holding Dentsply International, which is the world's largest manufacturer of modern dental materials. At this stage of dental advances, Astra Tech dental implants are considered to be among the strongest and most aesthetically pleasing. Very few companies can compete with their products.

The closest in terms of quality and reliability of dental implants are such well-known manufacturers as Straumann and NobelBiocare. This is evidenced by the rating of dental implants for 2018. According to him, these three companies go hand in hand in terms of such indicators as the quality of prosthetics, indications for installation, engraftment time and affordability. It should be noted here that in 2018 the price of Astra Tech implants for one surgical stage in the installation process starts from 43 thousand rubles, if the crown is ceramic-metal - over 70 thousand rubles, if the crown is zirconium - from 80 thousand rubles.

Clinical studies of the characteristics of dental products, as well as their popularity among the population, allow us to draw a clear and unambiguous conclusion - Astra Tech is firmly among the top three. But this company leads the rating of dental implants in terms of engraftment, showing a record figure of 99.9%. It's almost 100%result. Other leaders - Straumann and NobelBiocare - showed 99.6% and 99.3%, respectively, which determined their places in the ranking. This trinity is the true kings of the dental market. They have been operating in the dental technology market for a long time and have gained their high popularity by using avant-garde technical ideas and solutions.

Products offered by Astra Tech, a manufacturer of implants, compare favorably in terms of functionality and aesthetics. And if the other two leaders have come close to these boundaries, then other implant manufacturers still lose to them in some respects. Even such elite manufacturers as Xive (joint production of Germany and the USA), Xive Ankylos (the manufacturer is the same), Impro (Germany) and Biohorizons (USA), which have a higher affordability index, still fall short of the level of leaders. However, they are also very popular and reliable, showing a survival rate of 97 to 99%.

Why are Astra Tech so expensive?

However, the high price of Astra Tech implants is fully justified by the fact that it gives a lifetime warranty. So, the patient will no longer have to go to the dentist for this reason. Today, there are many manufacturers of dental implants on the market, and each of them occupies its own niche and is in demand. Of course, when choosing a brand, how much it costs to put a dental implant is of no small importance.

But it should be understood that the lower the issue price, the shorter the warranty period and the worse the performance. For example, budget Israeli and South Korean brands can beset at a price of 15 thousand rubles per unit. But at the same time, they guarantee only 15 years of service for their implants. Therefore, each consumer has the opportunity to choose a manufacturer in accordance with his financial capabilities, but at the same time he must know what exactly he will receive for his money. In addition, each manufacturer's price depends on many factors. Therefore, you can always check with them how much it costs to put a dental implant, and conduct a comparative analysis of price offers.

Types of implants. Description

How much does it cost to put a dental implant Astra Tech
How much does it cost to put a dental implant Astra Tech

Unlike some competitors, Astra Tech products have very attractive key features.

Dental implants Astra Tech are made of ultra-pure and durable material - commercial titanium of the fourth grade - G4Ti. It contains absolutely no impurities of vanadium, silicon or aluminum, which can impede the process of implant osseointegration into the living jaw bone. In addition, Astra Tech has developed a revolutionary complex called BioManagement Complex ™, which plays a key role in achieving a leading position. The high results of dental implantation, as well as the extremely low percentage of complications, steadily tending to zero from year to year, allowed this company to achieve recognition and gain a leading position in the market.

As of 2018, the Astra Tech Dental Implant System offers two product selection solutions - depending on the size of the teeth and their function. The produced line includes designs for different teeth - premolars, molars, canines, incisors. Types of implants are divided into TX and TX Profile. The most popular is the TX system, which is a thin Astra Tech implants with a diameter of only three millimeters. They are used in the restoration of the anterior dentition and in some non-standard situations. Such products are marked with the symbols TX and a number indicating the size of the implant, for example, TX3.0S, TX3.5S, TX4.0S and TX5.5S.

These implants are considered universal because they cover many different cases, both simple and quite complex. The following cases fall under this system:

  • limited vertical height of the bone;
  • narrow spatial arrangement in a horizontal line;
  • sphere of aesthetics.

In reviews of Astra Tech implants, they write that, according to the design features, these products come with a straight cylindrical or conical shape of the upper part of the product. For consumer information, OsseoSpeed TX implants marked 3.5S, 4.0S and 5.0S are cylindrical. They are used exclusively for two-stage installation, when the second stage occurs 3-6 months after the first, but OsseoSpeed TX products with sizes 4.5 and 5.0 have a conical top. This helps them provide high primary stability. These Swedish implants can be used not only for a two-stage installation, but may well be implanted at the same time, that is, in one visit to the doctor. They can even be used when placing an implant ina fresh socket from a recently extracted tooth.

OsseoSpeed TX Profile. Features of this species

Another type of implant from the OsseoSpeed TX Profile series is designed for cases where the patient has such a feature as a beveled ridge of the jawbone. They have a unique slanted neck shape and are used when the ridge on one side, for example, the lingual, alveolar ridge is higher than on the side of the cheek.

The system offered by the company is very simple, but with all its simplicity it is absolutely reliable. It includes a minimum of components and implies maximum freedom of action. The largest implants of this series TX Profile 5 are used to restore chewing teeth.

Preparation and installation. Some important features

Image"Astra tech"
Image"Astra tech"

Before you can start installing the implant, you need to tidy up the oral cavity by pulling out incurable teeth and waiting for the wounds to heal, as well as carrying out the necessary treatment of diseased teeth.

The installation of the Astra Tech implant itself consists in the fact that a pin is implanted into the jawbone, on which a corresponding crown will be installed over time. In this case, the titanium pin performs the functions of a tooth root. It has very small dimensions (depending on the functional purpose of the tooth) - 3-5 millimeters in diameter and 8-17 millimeters in length. The special thread and shape of the implant allows for a uniform load on the jawbone and ensures rapid regeneration, providing the prosthesis with incredible durability anddurability.

Indications for installation

In reviews of Astra Tech implants, people write that they look like natural teeth growing from the gums, even the color is selected taking into account the native shade of living molars. The implant attachment method used by Astra Tech is by far the most reliable and strong, it cannot be compared with the traditional method of attachment to adjacent teeth. This type of prosthesis is preferred in the following cases:

  • when there is no one tooth or several separate ones;
  • when several adjacent teeth are missing;
  • in the absence of extreme teeth in a row;
  • with complete absence of teeth.

Advantages of implants. Why are Swedish designs so popular?

Rating of dental implants
Rating of dental implants

Technological innovations by Astra Tech in terms of the design features of implants and methods of their installation are a real breakthrough in dentistry. The practical use of these developments allows people to return the feeling of natural teeth in their mouths and forget about repeated prosthetics of the same tooth, because even the most inexpensive implants ensure the full functioning of an artificial tooth for about 20 years. This technique has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Astra Tech products have been used all over the world for more than 10 years. At the same time, a lot of practical experience in installation has been accumulated and they do not cause complaints from patients.
  • Method of fixing the implant in the deep layers of the bonejaw tissue allows not only the anterior, but also the teeth of the chewing row to perfectly perform their basic functions, and the correct distribution of the load has a positive effect on maintaining the he alth of the teeth almost throughout a person's life.
  • When using this technique, adjacent teeth are completely preserved.
  • These prostheses can be installed absolutely at any age (both young and old).
  • When installing, you can use both fixed and removable or partially removable orthopedic structures.
  • A wide range of shapes, sizes, and even angles can be selected to provide full comfort for all patient needs.
  • Fast soft tissue healing and hard tissue repair and painless insertion.
  • Strength and environmental friendliness of the material from which the implant is made.
  • Reliable design to withstand heavy axial and shear loads.
  • The use of special surgical instruments during installation, which practically does not injure the gums and allows the patient not to experience pain during the operation.
  • Instant addiction to the installed dentures.

Using the Astra Tech implant system eliminates unpleasant and painful sensations and provides a unique opportunity to quickly fix your teeth and feel like a white-toothed Hollywood actor with a dazzling sparkling smile. At the same time, such prosthetics can be carried out even in the mostsevere and advanced cases. In most cases, the installation of a dental implant is carried out in one visit to the doctor, and this is undoubtedly very convenient for patients.

How much does a dental implant cost
How much does a dental implant cost

Disadvantages of Astra Tech Implants

But of the shortcomings, only one can be cited. This is the high cost of the procedure. Not every person in our country can afford to have implants. However, given the fact that Astra Tech provides a lifetime guarantee on its teeth, meaning that a person will no longer have to worry about reducing the load on false dentures or replacing them periodically, the high price is not such a significant disadvantage.

Reviews about Astra Tech implants. What do people think of these designs?

Dental Implant System
Dental Implant System

This method is not only available in foreign countries, today it is also actively practiced in Russia. Many patients have already appreciated the advantages of this technique and were satisfied with the quality of the product and installation. However, even more people are interested in various issues related to the implantation of Astra Tech prostheses, so we will give feedback from the owners of such products.

Some people believe that Swedish implants are designed for Swedes who have rather large teeth, and that users from other countries will experience some discomfort with such prostheses. But not everyone agrees with this. For example, other patients object to them, citing as an argument that today the Swedish company is part of a largeinternational association located in the United States of America, and this progressive technique has been used for decades all over the world, including in America itself. So if such a feature did take place, then the size and shape of the implants have long been adapted to the Central European consumer. People say that you should not be afraid that such implants will not suit you. As some citizens say, it is necessary that the specialist has sufficient qualifications. Then there shouldn't be any problems at all.

Some people worry that implants will not take root well, and this process will take a long time and be accompanied by painful sensations. If a person has very sensitive gums and foreign bodies do not take root well, then the installation can be carried out in two stages. First, a metal root is implanted into the jaw, a person walks with it until the material is completely rooted, and then the specialist installs the crown itself. In this case, all discomfort will be minimized.

Some potential patients are wondering if it is possible to put inexpensive implants of budget options and what are their differences from those offered by leading manufacturing companies. These questions are answered with pleasure by other people who have already passed such a difficult path. First of all, regarding budget models, it is stated that their cost ranges from 7 to 17 thousand rubles, and, of course, you can install them. In appearance, they are quite nice and able to perform a "representative" function. However, teeth of this quality are not very good.durable and boldly use them for chewing and even biting off will not work - it will not last long. It does not matter if it is a European or an American manufacturer, the reliability and quality, unfortunately, leave much to be desired.

Astra Technology
Astra Technology

Regarding the high cost of implants from Astra Tech, knowledgeable people write that the price of such teeth starts at 45 thousand rubles, but you can get a discount if you put two or three units at the same time. Many dental clinics practice a cumulative family discount system, using which you can save a lot, and this high amount will help you get an even higher discount percentage in the future.


In the article we described Swedish implants. The types and their features were considered. Attention was also paid to the installation process of these structures. Our material provides arguments in favor of implants from Astra Tech, which occupies the first position in the ranking of manufacturers and has been operating on the market for quite a long period of time. The final decision is always yours. Only you decide which manufacturer you should trust, but you should make a decision only after carefully studying the quality, warranty and price of materials.
