Foliate fibroadenoma of the breast: causes, symptoms and treatment

Foliate fibroadenoma of the breast: causes, symptoms and treatment
Foliate fibroadenoma of the breast: causes, symptoms and treatment

Foliate fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm. It often appears as a result of hormonal imbalance. The likelihood of such a tumor turning into a malignant pathology is rather small. It is about 5 percent.

Features of the disease

The size of the leaf-shaped fibroadenoma can be different. In medical practice, there are both very small and fairly large neoplasms. Some patients are diagnosed with cancerous tumors of this kind, while others have a benign pathology. The disease develops, as a rule, in the fair sex.

fibroadenoma in the breast
fibroadenoma in the breast

It most often occurs in girls under the age of 20 or in women 40 and older. This is a relatively rare type of breast tumor.

Main characteristics of the neoplasm

Foliate fibroadenoma is divided into three types:

  1. Benign.
  2. Cancer.
  3. Intermediate, or borderline.

This tumor has a fairly dense texture, consists of lobules or large grains. The photo shows what leaf-shaped fibroadenoma looks like.

foliate fibroadenoma
foliate fibroadenoma

Inside the neoplasm are small nodules filled with mucous contents. It has a pinkish or light gray tint. The size of the tumor varies from one to thirty-five centimetres. However, the nature of the neoplasm is not determined by its volume. A small amount does not guarantee the absence of cancer pathology.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

Tumor appears as a result of various reasons. Experts say that leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the breast can be formed under the influence of the following circumstances:

  1. The period of gestation.
  2. fibroadenoma in the breast during pregnancy
    fibroadenoma in the breast during pregnancy
  3. Being overweight.
  4. Lactation.
  5. Chronic liver pathologies.
  6. Disorders of the functions of the YVS.
  7. Multiple abortions.
  8. Presence of mastopathy.
  9. The presence of various neoplasms in the genital or adrenal glands.
  10. Poor functioning of the immune system.
  11. Other diseases that cause hormonal imbalances.
  12. Genetic predisposition.

In very rare cases, a neoplasm is diagnosed in the stronger sex. The cause of the development of the disease in men can only be a violation of hormonal balance.

Main signs of disease

One of the features of the development of pathology is its ability not to manifest itself for many years. The patient does not feel unwell and is unaware of the presence of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma. Symptoms make themselves felt only as a result of exposure to provoking factors, under the influence of which the tumor begins to grow. As a rule, a neoplasm is detected at a doctor's appointment during an examination of the mammary glands. But sometimes the woman herself notices a seal in the tissues of the organ. It has a dense structure. In a few months, the tumor can increase significantly in size. The growth of the neoplasm is accompanied by discomfort in the chest area.

Other signs of pathology

When a foliar fibroadenoma is present, a woman notices a change in the appearance of the breast. The skin in the place where the neoplasm is located becomes bluish in color, becomes thin, enlarged vessels are visible on them. Fluid comes out of the nipple. In rare cases, the surface of the gland becomes covered with sores, the patient has a fever, and there is a feeling of weakness.

temperature and breakage
temperature and breakage

If a neoplasm transforms into a cancerous pathology, it is not possible to get rid of unpleasant sensations even with the help of medications. The woman has a loss of appetite, a decrease in the ability to work. Anemia may develop.

Typical tumor location

Only a specialist is able to determine the localization of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma on ultrasound. This method allows you to determine the size of the neoplasm, as well asthe part of the gland in which it is located. Usually the tumor is located in the upper or central quarter of the organ. Often fibroadenoma reaches large volumes. Then it occupies most of the gland. It is formed both in one breast and in both. A neoplasm of a malignant nature can lead to the formation of metastases in the lungs, liver, bones. Pathology does not affect the lymph nodes.

Diagnostic measures

In the early stages, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the breast is difficult to recognize. The neoplasm, which is small in size, is practically not palpable. In order to diagnose an ailment, specialists use the following methods:

  1. Examination with ultrasound.
  2. Tissue biopsy.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  4. Evaluation of the condition of the mammary glands using mammography.

If the growth trend continues for three to four months, it is most likely a foliar fibroadenoma. In order to accurately determine at what stage the tumor is and whether it has transformed into a cancerous pathology, the patient is prescribed the above diagnostic procedures. Depending on the results of the medical measures taken, the specialist selects the therapy for the woman, which, as a rule, consists of surgery and medication.

Treatment of disease

First of all, a patient with a similar diagnosis undergoes an operation to remove the neoplasm.


If the tumor hasbenign or borderline, one of two possible types of surgery is performed:

  1. Removal of the area of the gland in which the pathology develops. The procedure takes about half an hour. It is performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, a woman spends three to four days in a hospital.
  2. Removal of a quarter of the mammary gland in which the tumor is located. This procedure involves subsequent radiotherapy.
  3. Surgery to remove the entire organ and surrounding tissues. This surgical intervention is performed if the tumor is large or it has transformed into an oncological pathology.

After removing a section of the gland, specialists conduct a laboratory analysis of the neoplasm. This study allows you to determine the presence of cancer cells in the tissues of the organ.

The sutures that are placed during the operation heal fairly quickly. However, a woman should pay attention to her he alth even when the neoplasm has already been removed. After all, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma may reappear. Does this tumor affect the condition of the fetus during pregnancy? Doctors answer this question in the negative. However, the tumor interferes with the process of breastfeeding, as it provokes lactostasis. For this reason, and also because fibroadenoma in expectant mothers grows rapidly in size, in this situation, the neoplasm must be removed as soon as possible.

Prognosis for disease

After surgerya woman should visit the doctor regularly. Experts warn that a relapse of the pathology is possible within two years. This is especially true for malignant neoplasms.

breast cancer
breast cancer

Every six months, the patient should undergo a doctor's examination and a mammogram. In addition, it is important to follow all the prescriptions of the attending doctor. If you follow the recommendations, a woman has a chance to get rid of this dangerous disease once and for all.
