How to increase the lactation of a nursing mother? Some Tips

How to increase the lactation of a nursing mother? Some Tips
How to increase the lactation of a nursing mother? Some Tips

Before you look for ways to increase the lactation of a nursing mother, you need to evaluate and understand whether you really need it. Sometimes mothers may wrongly perceive normal lactation as a lack of milk due to strange children's behavior. If you have determined that you really produce little milk and the baby does not have enough for normal nutrition, then you should consult a doctor and find out from him how to increase the lactation of a nursing mother. Your doctor will try to determine why this is happening and will try to help you resolve the problem. In some cases, doctors recommend taking drugs that increase lactation.

how to increase lactation of a nursing mother
how to increase lactation of a nursing mother

The main thing is not to panic! Most mothers are very frightened when they discover that their baby does not have enough milk. It is important not to panic in such a situation, because negative emotions further reduce the production of breast milk. Moreover, the baby is now already so worried about malnutrition, and the bad mood of his belovedmother is passed on to the child.

How to increase the lactation of a nursing mother? Practical Tips

There are a few easy steps you can take to make sure your breast milk is well produced. If you are already in a situation where you are wondering: “How to increase the lactation of a nursing mother?”, Then you should use these tips. As far as possible, postpone all your plans for a while, and let household chores wait a bit. Devote all the resulting free time to increasing lactation.

how to increase milk supply
how to increase milk supply
  1. Breast your baby at least 11 times in 24 hours, every one and a half to two hours during the day and every three hours at night, even if this requires waking the baby.
  2. Don't take your baby's breast until he falls asleep or lets go. Milk arrives on the principle of demand, that is, how much the baby sucks, so much is produced for the next feeding.
  3. Purchase a breast pump if possible. While the baby is suckling on one breast, attach a breast pump to the other. There are also special double breast pumps, most often they are electric and are used for two breasts at once, which contributes to increased production of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that stimulates milk production. Using such a device for 10-15 minutes three times a day can significantly increase lactation.
  4. Even if your baby is hungry, don't bottle feed extras and avoid pacifiers and pacifiers. The baby's need for suckling ensures that heSpend enough time breastfeeding to stimulate lactation.
  5. Eat more foods rich in protein and calcium.
  6. Liquids should be drunk at least 2 liters per day.
  7. Relax more, household chores can wait. Also consider co-sleeping. This way, your baby will be able to breastfeed without waking up, saving you a lot of hassle.
lactation boosters
lactation boosters

The most important thing in breastfeeding is love for your baby and the desire to feed him. The process of feeding should always take place in a cozy, comfortable environment and be enjoyable, both for the child and the mother. If there is harmony in the family, then you will never ask yourself: "How to increase milk lactation?" And if it does arise, then these tips will definitely help you.
