Women's he alth 2024, October

Removal of an ovarian cyst: indications for surgery, postoperative period, consequences

Removal of an ovarian cyst: indications for surgery, postoperative period, consequences

Ovarian cyst is a very common condition affecting women of reproductive age. Less often, such a pathology is detected in patients older than fifty years. The cyst is a benign formation, but sometimes it can degenerate into a malignant form. Therefore, when diagnosing a disease, in most cases, surgery is recommended to remove the cyst on the ovary

The drug "Klimalanin": reviews of doctors, contraindications, composition, indications for use

The drug "Klimalanin": reviews of doctors, contraindications, composition, indications for use

Women of elegant age, who have crossed the 45-year mark, get rid of the negative signs of the menopausal syndrome using Klimalanin. Reviews of doctors, contraindications, pharmacological action are of interest to most women during the period of extinction of the childbearing function, lasting up to 55 years. How do patients react to the drug? Features of the non-hormonal drug "Klimalanin", reviews of women and doctors will help to avoid mistakes and navigate in the choice of means

Laparoscopy for polycystic ovaries: preparation, conduct and period after surgery

Laparoscopy for polycystic ovaries: preparation, conduct and period after surgery

Why is laparoscopy performed for polycystic ovaries? This surgery is necessary to restore fertility. Thanks to laparoscopy, all ovarian cysts can be removed without the risk of complications

Spiral "Multiload" - effective contraception

Spiral "Multiload" - effective contraception

There are many methods of contraception. Intrauterine device "Multiload" - one of the most effective means against the onset of pregnancy

Uterine bleeding: treatment of pathology

Uterine bleeding: treatment of pathology

The article tells about uterine bleeding, indicates its etiology, and also describes the main methods of treating this pathology

Erythroplakia of the cervix: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Erythroplakia of the cervix: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Erythroplakia of the cervix is a violation of the natural structure of the epithelium covering the cervix, characterized by tissue atrophy. Pathology is diagnosed quite rarely, which makes it impossible to study the disease in detail. That is why it is still considered little studied. Erythroplakia is a precancerous condition and occurs in women of all ages. Below we will talk in more detail about this disease and how to treat it

Bleeding with Duphaston. Instructions for use "Duphaston"

Bleeding with Duphaston. Instructions for use "Duphaston"

The drug belongs to the spectrum of progesterone hormone analogs, which are widely used in gynecology in the treatment of various pathologies accompanied by hormonal imbalances, in particular, progesterone deficiency in the female body. Against the background of taking this remedy, as indicated in the instructions for it, breakthrough bleeding and pain may develop

It hurts the lower abdomen a week before menstruation: possible causes and what to do?

It hurts the lower abdomen a week before menstruation: possible causes and what to do?

It hurts the lower abdomen a week before menstruation: possible causes and practical recommendations, what to do in such situations? Modern methods of treatment, used drugs and folk remedies to relieve discomfort

Sexual cycle: types, features and stages

Sexual cycle: types, features and stages

The sexual cycle is also called the menstrual cycle. These are changes occurring periodically in the body of a woman of reproductive age, which are aimed at the probable possibility of conception. In medicine, the first day of menstruation is considered to be the beginning of the menstrual cycle

True cervical erosion: symptoms, causes, treatment methods, reviews

True cervical erosion: symptoms, causes, treatment methods, reviews

True cervical erosion is quite common in women. There are many provoking factors, as well as certain signs of the course of the disease. It is important to determine the presence of pathology in a timely manner and carry out treatment in order to prevent the occurrence of complications

Is it possible to sleep on your stomach after cesarean: sleep comfort, he alth benefits and recommendations from gynecologists

Is it possible to sleep on your stomach after cesarean: sleep comfort, he alth benefits and recommendations from gynecologists

Sleeping on your stomach is one of the favorite activities of women. During pregnancy, they wean from this position, since it is impossible to squeeze the fetus. For 9 months of bearing a child, women get tired of sleeping on their side and back, so they dream of sleeping on their stomach after childbirth. After the birth of a baby in a natural way, there are no problems with this. Can I sleep on my stomach after a caesarean section? The article will consider whether a woman can take such a position in a dream

Creamy discharge after ovulation: types, possible diseases, signs of fertilization

Creamy discharge after ovulation: types, possible diseases, signs of fertilization

Discharge from the genital tract depends on the phase of the woman's menstrual cycle. If their character has changed, this indicates some changes in the body. What does creamy discharge after ovulation indicate? This question interests many women. Features of discharge, norms and pathologies will be discussed in detail in the article

HCG in non-pregnant women: standard value, reasons for the increase, correction

HCG in non-pregnant women: standard value, reasons for the increase, correction

High levels of hCG in non-pregnant patients are a rather alarming sign. Often this indicates the presence of oncological diseases that require immediate treatment. This hormone is produced in large quantities only during gestation. Why does hCG rise if a woman is not pregnant? Under what pathologies is such a deviation from the norm noted? We will consider these questions in the article

Mucinous ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, consequences

Mucinous ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, consequences

If at a certain stage of the ovulatory process a hormonal failure occurs in a woman's body, a benign formation in the form of a cyst may occur in the ovary, which is a kind of bubble filled with liquid contents

It hurts (pulls) the ovary: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

It hurts (pulls) the ovary: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Complaint about pulling the ovary is quite common. Sometimes this symptom does not mean that a woman has some kind of disease. Drawing pains can appear during ovulation, before menstruation, during pregnancy. However, when pathological conditions occur, serious complications are possible. Therefore, it is important to find out the cause of the pain syndrome

Chest hurts, but no periods: possible causes, diagnosis and advice from doctors

Chest hurts, but no periods: possible causes, diagnosis and advice from doctors

Why do my breasts hurt but I don't get my period? This question is very often heard from the lips of women at the appointment with a gynecologist. Especially the fair sex is concerned about the condition when menstruation does not go with severe soreness of the chest. If the breasts hurt, but there is no menstruation, then this can be explained both by physiological factors and by the manifestation of various ailments and diseases

When you can go to the bath after cesarean: recovery after surgery, the effect of the sauna on the body, the benefits and harms

When you can go to the bath after cesarean: recovery after surgery, the effect of the sauna on the body, the benefits and harms

Caesarean section is a surgical intervention that is performed in those situations that pose a threat to the mother and baby. Of course, such an operation is a certain stress for the body of a woman and a baby. Recovery after such an event takes from several weeks to six months or more. About when you can go to the bath after a cesarean, the rules for visiting the steam room and safety measures are described in the article

Rupture of the perineum 2 degrees: types, causes, suturing and prevention

Rupture of the perineum 2 degrees: types, causes, suturing and prevention

Rupture of the perineum is a complication of childbirth. In this case, under the pressure of the fetus, damage to the muscles of the perineum occurs. Immediate surgical intervention is important, after which there is a long recovery period

Why does the cervix hurt?

Why does the cervix hurt?

The cervix is the lower part of the organ, that is, the transition zone from the vagina to the uterus. Its shape resembles in girls and nulliparous women a cone or a cylinder after childbirth. The size is influenced by several factors. The norm is about 3-4 cm long, 2.5 cm wide. In a pregnant woman, the neck is shortened before childbirth and softens, that is, it becomes the birth canal for the baby

Double uterus: causes, symptoms and the possibility of conception

Double uterus: causes, symptoms and the possibility of conception

Is a double uterus dangerous and why does it appear? Everything you need to know about this pathology: causes, manifestations, possible consequences, methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as features of the course of pregnancy in this condition

Progesterone in a woman's body: influence, norm, pathology

Progesterone in a woman's body: influence, norm, pathology

Progesterone in a woman's body performs a number of important functions. It is called the pregnancy hormone, but it is also important for those who are not going to get pregnant. So, progesterone directly affects the general condition of a woman, and its lack leads to depression, stress, miscarriages

Erythrocytes in a smear for flora: norm, pathology, treatment

Erythrocytes in a smear for flora: norm, pathology, treatment

Exceeding the normal levels of erythrocytes contained in vaginal discharge is considered a sign of some hormonal disorders in the female body and inflammatory processes, which can externally be expressed as unpleasant, and in some cases dangerous diseases. In this article, you will be able to get acquainted with why erythrocytes are determined in a smear for flora, what are the normal indicators, and also what deviations from acceptable values will indicate

Why does the stomach hurt during ovulation: causes, features and advice from gynecologists

Why does the stomach hurt during ovulation: causes, features and advice from gynecologists

Asymptomatic egg maturation in women occurs only in rare cases. In most cases, the beginning of this process in the female body can be recognized by pain, which should include pain in the abdomen during ovulation. But why does the stomach hurt during ovulation? Why does this symptomatology repeat every month? Speaking about why the stomach hurts during ovulation in women, this symptom is explained by changes occurring in the reproductive organs

Brown discharge after childbirth: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Brown discharge after childbirth: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Brown discharge after childbirth is an absolutely normal and natural phenomenon. In a young mother, the uterus is cleansed, resulting in blood clots, mucus and other brown discharge. However, in some cases, they may signal any deviations

Massage of the uterus at home: technique and features of the procedure

Massage of the uterus at home: technique and features of the procedure

Massage of the uterus at home is a technique that was extremely popular around the world about half a century ago. However, with the development of medical technology, it has lost its relevance. Only recently has interest returned to her

Is it possible to go to the pool with menstruation: the opinion of gynecologists. Rules for safe use of the pool during menstruation

Is it possible to go to the pool with menstruation: the opinion of gynecologists. Rules for safe use of the pool during menstruation

When a woman begins her period, her active life is in question. During this period, physical activity, weight lifting, intimacy with a man are undesirable. In addition, it is not recommended to visit swimming pools during menstruation

Balls in the mammary glands when feeding

Balls in the mammary glands when feeding

Most often, the cause of seals is associated with stagnation of milk and is called lactostasis. With timely action, complications and other negative consequences can be avoided. In the article, we will consider what to do if a ball is found in the mammary gland, and why this violation occurs

Breastfeeding after caesarean section. How to properly breastfeed a newborn

Breastfeeding after caesarean section. How to properly breastfeed a newborn

Breastfeeding after a caesarean section can be difficult due to some problems. They are caused not only by emotions, pain and medications that a woman takes after surgery, but also by anesthesia. When it comes to breastfeeding after a caesarean section, the most important thing is the positive attitude of the mother and the great desire to breastfeed her newborn baby

Conservative myomectomy: what is it, indications for and recovery period

Conservative myomectomy: what is it, indications for and recovery period

Now doctors often prescribe conservative myomectomy for the treatment of fibroids. What it is? This method is one of the most common and effective. Its main advantage is that women retain the uterus and childbearing function. What are the types of myomectomy? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Hydrogen peroxide douching: an antiseptic against inflammation

Hydrogen peroxide douching: an antiseptic against inflammation

Gynecologists often prescribe douching for a variety of diseases of the female reproductive system. But today we want to talk about douching with hydrogen peroxide for thrush. In what cases is this procedure justified, its pros and cons

Milk is gone. What to do with insufficient lactation?

Milk is gone. What to do with insufficient lactation?

A young mother, while enjoying the company of her baby, may suddenly discover that she has run out of milk. What to do in such a situation? First of all, do not panic, because stress does not contribute to lactation

Mycoplasmosis in women: symptoms and treatment, causes

Mycoplasmosis in women: symptoms and treatment, causes

Mycoplasmosis in women proceeds in completely different ways, it all depends on which viruses provoked the disease. Timely diagnosis and complex treatment of the disease are very important, which will prevent the development of complications

Infertility in girls: signs, diagnosis, treatment methods

Infertility in girls: signs, diagnosis, treatment methods

In Russia, about 15% of couples are considered infertile. If conception does not occur after a year of regular attempts (that is, sex without using contraceptives), then the woman and man need to see a doctor to establish the causes, start treatment and conceive a he althy child. Some couples simply choose the “wrong” time, while others face serious he alth problems

Bleeding from endometriosis. Drugs to stop uterine bleeding in endometriosis

Bleeding from endometriosis. Drugs to stop uterine bleeding in endometriosis

Every woman of reproductive age can face such a problem as endometriosis. Quite often, signs of a pathological process are bleeding and spotting. Against the background of endometriosis, there is a violation of the cyclical nature of menstruation and pain associated with this phenomenon in the lower abdomen. What is dangerous endometriosis of the uterus, many are interested

Methods of treating mastopathy at home

Methods of treating mastopathy at home

The disease responds well to treatment if it is detected in time and consulted with a specialist. Treatment of mastopathy at home can be a good support for drug therapy, but this can only be done after consultation with a mammologist

Climax condition of a woman: symptoms. How to alleviate the condition with menopause?

Climax condition of a woman: symptoms. How to alleviate the condition with menopause?

A woman is inherently unique. In her body, processes so different in nature occur that no other creature could cope with all this

The drug "Femoston" with menopause: reviews of doctors and patients. "Femoston": price

The drug "Femoston" with menopause: reviews of doctors and patients. "Femoston": price

Currently, obstetricians and gynecologists often prescribe Femoston for menopause. Reviews of doctors are diametrically opposed, but in the vast majority of cases positive. Let's figure out what this drug is

How to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother so as not to harm the baby?

How to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother so as not to harm the baby?

During pregnancy, women try to be especially attentive to their he alth. After the birth of a baby, little changes. Indeed, from that moment on, the fair sex becomes a nursing mother. However, not always women manage to protect themselves from various diseases. What can bring down the temperature of a nursing mother? Women face this question very often

Why does the lower back hurt in women: causes and treatment

Why does the lower back hurt in women: causes and treatment

Lower pain is a wake-up call from the body. Do not think that this is just fatigue, everything can be much more serious. In this case, diagnostics is indispensable. Therefore, in order to maintain your he alth, you need to consult a specialist

Brown discharge during and outside of pregnancy: possible causes

Brown discharge during and outside of pregnancy: possible causes

The presence of brown vaginal discharge during pregnancy can be harmless and temporary, but if it recurs, it is important for a woman to visit a gynecologist without fail and get expert advice from this specialist. The possible reasons for this phenomenon will be discussed below