Diagnosis: breast fibroadenoma. What it is? Is it dangerous?

Diagnosis: breast fibroadenoma. What it is? Is it dangerous?
Diagnosis: breast fibroadenoma. What it is? Is it dangerous?

If a woman feels a seal in her chest that does not disappear when changing position, then we can assume that she has a breast fibroadenoma.

what is breast fibroadenoma
what is breast fibroadenoma

A rare woman is not afraid after such a neoplasm is discovered. First thoughts about oncology, about the operation.

Is breast fibroadenoma dangerous, what is it in general? After the removal, will it be possible to return to normal life, or will there be no "after" anymore?

The first thing a woman who has had to deal with fibroadenoma should see a gynecologist. The doctor will decide the issue with additional examinations and determine the treatment strategy.

This neoplasm very rarely turns into oncology. The danger is only leaf-shaped fibroadenoma, which develops in 3 cases out of 100. Yes, and it degenerates into a life-threatening sarcoma in 10 out of 100 cases.

The nature of the tumor, its contours, dimensions - only a special ultrasound will show what sizefibroadenoma of the breast, what is it. Do I need to tune in for additional treatment? One ultrasound is not enough. Most likely, you will still need to do a mammogram (although some gynecologists do not insist on such an examination) and a puncture of the seal. A puncture is an injection during which fluid is taken from the neoplasm for a biopsy. Sometimes a histological examination is required. Each case is different.

If the induration is caused by blockage of the mammary gland duct, there are cases when the fibroadenoma disappears after the puncture.

causes of breast fibroadenoma
causes of breast fibroadenoma

The tumor contains epithelial connective tissue, may be single or consist of several neoplasms. Nodules range in size from a few millimeters to 9 centimeters.

The causes of breast fibroadenoma may be different, these are:

  • hormonal failure;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • breast injury.

A large formation cannot disappear by itself. Small nodules sometimes disappear after the leveling of the hormonal background, if their appearance is provoked by excessive production of estrogen. Most often, surgery may be required to remove it.

Suppose the diagnosis is known - breast fibroadenoma. What it is is also now clear. In order to confirm or refute it, you need to pass a special analysis - histology. They do it after surgery, and only it will allow you to accurately know the prognosis, what will beoutlook after breast fibroadenoma removal.

fibroadenomas of the mammary gland, causes of appearance
fibroadenomas of the mammary gland, causes of appearance

Removal can be done by conventional surgery. In this case, the shape of the breast may change and leave a scar.

A more gentle method is laser surgery. In this case, you will not have to stay in the hospital, however, if a histological examination is necessary, the method is unacceptable.

The latest method of influencing the tumor with low temperatures - cryoblast - is not performed in all clinics. It's a pity. The shape of the breast does not change, the scar does not remain.

Sometimes surgery is done using radio waves.

Mammotomy biopsy allows you to remove the tumor in the most gentle way. Such a surgical intervention allows for a complete examination, and leaves almost no scar.

If the treatment strategy is worked out correctly, and the characteristic is given by histology - benign fibroadenoma of the mammary gland (what it is, you already know), then within 1-2 weeks after surgery it will be possible to return to normal life.