Wumbling: exercises at home and at work

Wumbling: exercises at home and at work
Wumbling: exercises at home and at work

If you consider yourself a log, especially in bed, then do not believe what your brain tells you. He is wrong and after some time he will understand how much, because after 10 lessons you will become the queen of the bed. And wumbling will help you with this. Exercising at home is no different than exercising at the gym, so get ready to write down what you read about below.

Intimate fitness was practiced in ancient Greece. Getera mastered the art of controlling the muscles of the vagina so that even the sex symbol of Hellas, Alexander the Great, did not leave the secret rooms of the temple of Pallas Athena for days, peeping how the priestesses of love worked with a load suspended from their belts.

Wumbling exercises at home
Wumbling exercises at home

Imagine: a man invented such a specific kind of gymnastics. Mr. Muranivsky, of course, did not have a vagina, but he was an experienced user, so he developed each set of exercises with great care. Surprisingly, wumbling (exercises at home, at work, and even inovercrowded train car) trains your body invisibly, but gives tangible results not only in bed. With its help, you can even say goodbye to cellulite if you carry out complex treatment and follow a diet.

Muranivsky's girlfriend, a Korean, had a good command of the technique of sexual pleasures, so her actions became the prototype of a new type of gymnastic exercises.

Wumbling exercises
Wumbling exercises

If you hear the word "wumbling", you begin to do vaginal exercises subconsciously. For those who do not yet know what it is, a little preparation is required.

So, wumbling! Exercises at home should begin with trying to draw in the anus 10 times, but neither the abdominal muscles nor the gluteal muscles should strain. Some ladies don't get it right away. If you are lying on your back, then turn onto your stomach. It does not work in this position - stand up. Legs together or slightly apart, toes straight, look in front of you. Such an exercise can be done even in public transport: who will see what is going on under your skirt?!

For wumbling, exercises must be repeated with enviable constancy, and not only fix them physically, but also force the brain to remember each resulting step. Imagine a cramp in the calf muscle: it is not there, but the leg begins to ache. So it is with the training of the vagina: the man has not yet touched you, but it shrinks. Try to sit on a toy: did you feel how your lower abdomen ached? If yes, then the brain has already recorded the necessary information.

Wumbling exercises
Wumbling exercises

Wumbling: exercises at home consist of three main elements:

  • Lay a mat for gymnastic exercises, lie on your back, bend your knees, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise and lower the pelvis 10 times with a break of 2 minutes for one approach. Once you make 5 of them, you can drink still water.
  • Assume the same position, but now, while lifting the pelvis, strongly tighten the gluteal muscles, the muscles of the thighs and the anus. Try to stay in this position for a couple of minutes. Then get down on the mat and repeat the exercise after 30 seconds. For the first time, 5 approaches are enough. Rest 3 minutes and repeat the same complex, only close the feet.
  • Go to the toilet. Learn to interrupt urination for 5-7 seconds several times. This exercise is not given immediately, but do not worry: from the fifth time it will start to work out, and it’s pretty good if your bladder is not going to burst.

For those who are squeamish about bowel movements, it is worth enrolling in a studio where they teach belly dancing. In the process of mastering this art form, you will feel how your body is improving.
