Varicosis in the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

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Varicosis in the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Varicosis in the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Video: Varicosis in the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Video: Varicosis in the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
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Varicosis of the legs is a pathology well known to many modern people firsthand. Almost every third woman of reproductive age faces it. But such a diagnosis as "uterine varicose veins" can lead any patient to fear and bewilderment. After all, this disease is very rare and is little known. In addition, this disease is difficult to diagnose, as it often occurs with virtually no symptoms.

schematic representation of varicose veins
schematic representation of varicose veins

What is this

Varicosis of the uterus (see photo above) is a disease in which the walls of blood vessels become too thin, long and inelastic. Many people think that this can only happen with the legs, but in reality this is not at all the case. In fact, varicose veins can develop in any part of the body through which blood vessels pass.

Surprisingly, uterine varicose veins are diagnosed quite often, but despite its prevalence, it carries a great danger. Usually, this defect occurs with a mild clinical picture. In addition, its symptoms are oftenare perceived as symptoms of diseases of the reproductive organs, which only exacerbates the situation due to the lack of necessary treatment.

Often, pathology can be detected only during pregnancy. After all, it is during this period that a woman's body undergoes the most thorough and detailed diagnostics.


Different conditions can lead to the disease. Among them, experts identify several main causes of uterine varicose veins.

  • Hormonal imbalance. The female body is constantly exposed to surges in levels of vital elements with each menstrual cycle. In addition, hormonal disorders often occur during menopause and pregnancy, as well as when taking oral contraceptives.
  • Regular abortions.
  • Pathologies of the reproductive organs. The greatest danger is borne by diseases that last a long time without appropriate treatment.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Frequent deliveries.
  • Carrying a large baby.
  • Congenital anomalies relating to the vessels of the uterine cavity.
Causes of uterine varicose veins
Causes of uterine varicose veins

Risk group

Among other things, the likelihood of developing uterine varicose veins increases many times under the influence of such conditions:

  • obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • an increase in the size of the organ itself.

During pregnancy, this disease appears against the background of excretion inblood flow of progesterone. This hormone is able not only to reduce the tone of the reproductive elements, but also the walls of blood vessels. As a result, they are oversaturated with blood due to disorders in the outflow process and are greatly stretched.

It is noteworthy that the pathology can cover other organs of the genitourinary system. Less commonly diagnosed are varicose veins of the cervix, ovaries, and even external reproductive parts of the body.


Usually, signs of uterine varicose veins are mild. In addition, they often resemble manifestations of inflammation, as a result of which the true pathology simply goes unnoticed.

Most often, the disease is detected during pregnancy, since it is at this time that the organ is exposed to the greatest load, which contributes to the rapid progression of the defect. Usually, the first symptoms of uterine varicose veins are:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated or occurring after physical activity and intimacy, can radiate to the lower back;
  • abnormal change in the menstrual cycle - the discharge becomes too scarce, and their duration increases;
  • there is increased sensitivity of the vagina;
  • during childbearing, the disease manifests itself as a feeling of fullness in the hypogastrium.
woman holding her stomach
woman holding her stomach

By the way, many women mistake the last symptom for the onset of preterm labor.

Usually, the disease is extremely difficult to identify by symptoms. Treatment of uterine varicose veins is often delayed precisely because of the difficulties of diagnosis. That is why many women face complications of this disease.

Varicosis of the uterus carries a great danger, since the thinned and expanded walls of blood vessels can be injured and torn. Against the background of these processes, anemia occurs. In addition, this disease can cause complications during childbirth and labor.

Varicosis of the uterus has an erased clinical picture, while it poses a threat to a woman's he alth. Finding it is always extremely difficult, so you should use all kinds of examinations and go through them as carefully as possible.


It is simply impossible to make a diagnosis of "varicose veins in the uterus" only on the basis of a gynecological examination and the collected anamnesis. After all, any specific manifestations of this disease are unusual. Doppler ultrasound is recommended for the detection of intrauterine varicose veins. This procedure makes it possible to carefully examine the state of the vessels in the uterus and determine the presence of the disease. In addition, auxiliary examinations can be prescribed for the patient:

  • laparoscopy;
  • Pelvic CT;
  • selective ovaricography;
  • phlebography.

Among other things, the possibility of the presence of endometriosis, neuropathy that appeared after surgery, deviations in the localization of the uterus, and inflammatory processes in the intestine should be excluded. In other words, it is very important to conduct a differential diagnosis. After all, the symptoms of the described conditions are very similar to the manifestationsvaricose veins.

Choosing an appropriate treatment regimen is possible only through a full diagnosis.

Varicosis of the uterus - what to do

In the treatment of this disease, both conservative and surgical methods are successfully used. Two specialists are simultaneously solving this problem: a phlebologist and a gynecologist.

Conservative therapy involves the use of:

  • antiaggregants - "Pentoxifylline";
  • venotonic agents - Detralex, Angilex, Phlebodia;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac and Movalis.

It is worth saying that during the bearing of a baby, all the proposed medicines are contraindicated. So the patient during pregnancy is recommended therapeutic exercise. Also, women at this time are shown wearing compression underwear.

How to treat varicose veins
How to treat varicose veins

After completing drug therapy, the patient should maintain a he althy lifestyle. It is imperative to give up bad habits and provide the body with a full physical activity every day.

In addition, the treatment of uterine varicose veins involves a balanced diet. During the period of therapy, it is very important to replenish your daily menu with the maximum amount of fruits, vegetables, bran, fermented milk components, as well as foods rich in iodine. In addition, compliance with the drinking regimen is shown. The diet also involves the rejection of fried, fatty, smoked and spicy foods,confectionery and other sweets.

Diet for varicose veins in the uterus
Diet for varicose veins in the uterus

How to treat uterine varicose veins? In addition to following a diet and taking medications, a woman is recommended to go swimming, regularly take a contrast shower and attend lymphatic drainage massage. All these procedures will significantly speed up the healing process.

Other treatments

In some cases, uterine varicose veins may be an indication for surgical intervention. Usually, specialists resort to surgery with a strong progression of the pathology. During the surgical intervention, damaged vessels are completely removed and replaced with special prostheses.

Surgery for varicose veins
Surgery for varicose veins

Also, varicose veins of the uterus can be treated through laparoscopy. During this procedure, the integrity of the skin is not violated, only small punctures are made in it, through which damaged veins are removed. At the time of X-ray endovascular surgery, the process is fully controlled with the help of special devices. At the same time, catheters are inserted into the vessels.

In some cases, drug therapy is combined with traditional recipes. A good result in the fight against varicose veins can be achieved with the help of horse chestnut, kombucha, dandelion and other medicinal plants. But you can use them only after agreement with the gynecologist.

Drug therapy for varicose veins in the uterus
Drug therapy for varicose veins in the uterus

Features of childbirth

If a woman has uterine varicose veins during pregnancy, there is always a completelya logical question regarding childbirth. In such cases, the patient can be assigned both a caesarean section and natural childbirth. The final decision always remains with the doctor. In general, the situation depends on the degree of neglect of the pathology and the presence of a danger to the life of the mother and child.


To prevent the onset of varicose veins, you should adhere to a he althy lifestyle, eat right, try to provide the body with normal physical activity. If there is a risk of developing the disease, you should contact a specialist who will help you choose the right venotonic agents.

Varicosis is considered a very serious pathology. That is why it is very important, when a disease occurs, to treat it in time in order to prevent the development of all sorts of complications.

Treatment of uterine varicose veins in pregnant women
Treatment of uterine varicose veins in pregnant women


As already mentioned, uterine varicose veins is considered a dangerous disease that is almost asymptomatic. That is why this defect often entails the occurrence of various complications. Most often, women against the background of varicose veins face the following complications:

  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Some women believe that pathology is a contraindication to intimacy. However, in reality this is not so: it is possible to have sex if it does not cause discomfort. But with regards to the use of oral contraceptives, it is worth consulting withgynecologist. As a rule, such drugs for varicose veins are strictly prohibited. So in order to prevent all sorts of complications in the future, you should choose another method of contraception.
