Expectant mothers often live in their own world, for the most part they are only concerned with new unusual experiences associated with expecting a baby. It is especially difficult for those who are preparing for childbirth for the first time, because it is so difficult to foresee all the nuances associated with the upcoming cardinal changes in life. That is why it is important to identify and find answers to the most important questions: how to push correctly during labor, how to feed the baby and take care of him at first. Where can a young mother get such useful and, most importantly, verified information?
Why you should take courses
Expectant women in labor often rely on the advice of medical staff or close relatives. Unfortunately, mothers and girlfriends often give not the most practical recommendations, but take the instructions of midwives on that very “Day X” because of pain and a sharp changeevents are difficult. At present, it is very fashionable for expectant mothers to attend childbirth preparation courses. This solution allows you to get verified information much in advance, adapt and assimilate it, and then be fully equipped and help your own baby to be born as painlessly as possible.

What activities are there
There are paid and free courses for pregnant women. The former are organized in private medical or leisure centers, the latter are most often based on the basis of maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics. What educational events to visit, choose, of course, for a young mother, each, of course, has its pros and cons. For example, you can come to paid classes with your spouse, but free courses for pregnant women at the maternity hospital can introduce you to the procedures in a particular medical institution, which is very important if you plan to visit it.

Standard Curriculum
In any case, almost all courses are focused on the standard program. It involves studying the following sections:
- waiting period for a baby for all 9 months;
- birth itself, how to breathe and push during it, as well as consideration of other popular issues;
- Baby care skills, lactation.
The indicated categories are closely interconnected and for the most part should be studied precisely in the complex. However, if desired, expectant mothers can allocatethe most interesting segment and attend classes related only to it.

Preparatory stage
Birth preparation courses related to the first stage (pregnancy) will help you enjoy the expectation of your baby to the fullest. The calmness of the mother at this stage is a good guarantee of the proper development of the baby in the womb. As a rule, during classes, expectant mothers are told about the following factors:
- physiological and psychological characteristics and changes that occur during pregnancy;
- optimal daily routine, which includes walking, proper nutrition, hardening and much more;
- development of the fetus in the womb, as well as external factors affecting its he alth;
- necessary medical measures for the expectant mother, the frequency and timing of their implementation (tests, procedures);
- useful gymnastic exercises.
Of course, such a list of issues considered may vary depending on the program of the course.

Positions for attempts
The second stage of the lesson is one of the most important, it determines the behavior of the woman in labor in the process of contractions and attempts. At this stage it is necessary to dwell a little more. Perhaps the most frequently asked question is this: how to push properly? Answering it, it is necessary to note the importance of the correct posture. Unfortunately, the delivery positions recommended in medical settings are primarily comfortable.doctors, not mothers themselves. If possible, try to push in the following most physiological positions:
- when climbing into the delivery chair, raise your head and shoulders as high as possible, thereby helping the baby to put pressure on the pelvic floor, which, in turn, will lead to the activation of the natural process of attempts;
- with free behavior in childbirth (and this is now also practiced), try to squat, sagging a little. With this posture, natural forces will help you cope with pain and ensure correct, physiological attempts without mistakes.
Do's and Don'ts
Most women in our country give birth in a horizontal position, and this makes you think not only about how to push properly, but also about how to breathe. So, what does the ideal algorithm for proper breathing look like? Inhale as much air as possible through your mouth (you need to do this as deeply and quickly as possible), so that it seems to pass into the stomach, hold it, and only then exhale smoothly and slowly.
What actions should you absolutely not do? Their list can be reduced to the following postulates:
- It is not recommended to breathe spasmodically. This can be determined by the redness of the skin. Remember, this type of breathing causes muscle contraction, including the perineum, which means that the baby will also suffer from this.
- Avoid harsh breathing, it can cause the baby to move backward in the birth canal instead of forward.
- Don't shout at all. During strong exclamations, attemptsbecome completely ineffective, you waste energy, and the baby seems to get stuck.

Be sure to listen to your body, it will tell you how to push properly and in which direction to move during childbirth. Try not to panic and remember that for thousands of years, women have successfully coped with the birth of children on their own. At the same time, you should not give up the benefits of civilization, be sure to take into account the tips and recommendations of a midwife or doctor.
Final lessons
The final stage of the course tells how to care for a newly born baby. After listening to these classes, you will surely be able to learn about such interesting facts:
- what dowry should be purchased for a child;
- rules for organizing bathing, walking, daily hygiene;
- how a woman's body recovers after the birth of a baby;
- how to establish breastfeeding, when and on the basis of what foods to introduce complementary foods and other issues related to infant nutrition.
In order to feel comfortable during childbirth, the postpartum period, as well as during pregnancy itself, it is recommended to remain calm and listen to the advice of specialists as much as possible.