Women's he alth 2024, October

Caesarean section: reviews and more

Caesarean section: reviews and more

Twenty to thirty years ago, a cesarean delivery was something out of the ordinary. Today, more and more women are resorting to this method. Some women in labor have serious problems that threaten the life of a mother or baby, while others have only a fear of natural childbirth that causes a caesarean section. Reviews of women who have gone through both natural childbirth and childbirth by surgical intervention are more than tempting

Whims of wildlife. How is the fertilization of the egg

Whims of wildlife. How is the fertilization of the egg

The process of conception of a new life is a rather complex phenomenon, the study of which in detail became possible only with the development of technology. About how the fertilization of the egg occurs, and this article will tell

Is it possible to dye your hair during menstruation: facts and recommendations

Is it possible to dye your hair during menstruation: facts and recommendations

Many women want to know if it is possible to dye their hair during menstruation. Indeed, is it possible to do this without risk to he alth and appearance? It's worth looking into this

Vaginosis during pregnancy: causes and symptoms

Vaginosis during pregnancy: causes and symptoms

Very often a woman carrying a child is exposed to serious pathologies, and all because her body is being rebuilt, it has to work for two, so the immune system is weakened. Often, women have such diseases of the reproductive system, which, if not properly treated, can lead to miscarriage

Calcification in the mammary gland: what is it? Diagnostics, treatment

Calcification in the mammary gland: what is it? Diagnostics, treatment

Calcifications in the mammary gland are calcium s alts that have been deposited in place of altered or dead tissues. This feature cannot be determined by palpation. Reliable information can be obtained through mammography

How and where can you get an abortion? Types of medical abortion

How and where can you get an abortion? Types of medical abortion

Abortion refers to the medical termination of a pregnancy. Each such manipulation can have its own consequences and complications. Moreover, the longer the period of development of the embryo in the womb, the more pronounced they are. The article will tell you about where you can have an abortion and what you need for this

Vacuum termination of pregnancy: terms and reviews

Vacuum termination of pregnancy: terms and reviews

Today's article will tell you about how long a vacuum abortion is done. You will learn about the nuances of this manipulation and you can read the reviews

Cosmetic suture after caesarean section: what it looks like, what to process, how long it heals

Cosmetic suture after caesarean section: what it looks like, what to process, how long it heals

As a rule, caesarean section in most cases ends with the application of external cosmetic sutures, which heal with the formation of an inconspicuous and thin scar. Over time, the external scar can be corrected with the help of hardware, cosmetic, and surgical procedures. In this article, we will get acquainted with the features of cosmetic sutures after cesarean section, photos, as well as the features of care

Prolapse of the uterus: what to do? Treatment of uterine prolapse and prolapse

Prolapse of the uterus: what to do? Treatment of uterine prolapse and prolapse

The article contains a description of genital prolapse: signs, stages of development. Conservative methods of treatment are described and methods of surgical intervention are indicated

Signs and treatment of cervicitis

Signs and treatment of cervicitis

Cervicitis is a gynecological disease caused by various microorganisms, such as fungi or viruses. There are quite a few paths for the development of the disease - inflammation, insufficient or improper hygiene, promiscuity, hormonal contraception, pathological internal processes in the body, cervical polyps that have not been treated, and so on

NMC - what is it?

NMC - what is it?

NMC are menstrual irregularities that can occur in every woman at any age. Both pathological causes - inflammation, hormonal disruptions, and physiological ones - pregnancy or climate change can contribute to this

Symptoms of menopause in women over 50

Symptoms of menopause in women over 50

Climax has long been studied in gynecology and is an inevitable period in the life of every woman. When a woman's gonads cease to function in their usual tone, menopause occurs, which is called menopause

Swollen labia - a sign of illness

Swollen labia - a sign of illness

Signs of vulvovaginitis - swollen labia, pain and itching, which increase with a change in body position, burning during urination

Inflammation of the Bartholin gland: causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the Bartholin gland: causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the Bartholin's gland is called bartholinitis. The causes of the disease are various kinds of bacteria in the form of Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, Trichomonas, etc. The causes of inflammation of the Bartholin gland may be weak immunity along with poor personal hygiene and various disorders that pass from the reproductive system of one person to another

Can kvass be given to a nursing mother? Nutrition for breastfeeding

Can kvass be given to a nursing mother? Nutrition for breastfeeding

Most women who have known the joy of motherhood choose to breastfeed their babies. Of course, this is the right decision, but many questions arise regarding which foods and drinks can be included in the diet, and which, on the contrary, should be avoided. Is it possible to kvass for a nursing mother? And what kind of food is considered the most correct?

How to recognize breast cancer at an early stage?

How to recognize breast cancer at an early stage?

Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the mammary glands. The affected areas enlarge and may spread to other organs. Many people die from malignant neoplasms, so women just need to know how to recognize breast cancer at the very beginning of the disease. It is on the list of the most dangerous due to high mortality

On what day after menstruation does ovulation occur? How to calculate it?

On what day after menstruation does ovulation occur? How to calculate it?

Maturation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ideally, with a 28-day cycle, egg maturation will occur approximately 13-15 days after the onset of menstruation

How to organize the first complementary foods with artificial feeding

How to organize the first complementary foods with artificial feeding

First of all, it is worth understanding how to understand that the child is ready to introduce complementary foods. In this case, it is better to be late than to be ahead of events. First of all, you should consult with the district pediatrician, but you should not forget about your seventh sense, because for 9 months you and your baby were one

When should I expect my period after a caesarean section?

When should I expect my period after a caesarean section?

In recent decades, Russian women increasingly prefer delivery via caesarean section. How does the menstrual cycle "behave" after a caesarean section? What periods after caesarean section are the norm? Is natural childbirth possible after caesarean? All these questions are covered in this article

It is worth learning how to breathe during labor and labor

It is worth learning how to breathe during labor and labor

Many supporters of natural childbirth oppose any analgesics and painkillers, surrendering to the completely natural process of the birth of a baby. In this case, the role of anesthesia is harmonious breathing, which helps to most effectively engage in the process of childbirth

What is menstruation and how to calculate the cycle of menstruation

What is menstruation and how to calculate the cycle of menstruation

Any girl sooner or later enters a new stage in her life - puberty, which is accompanied by the appearance of menstruation. The cycle rate is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the onset

The top five causes of missed periods

The top five causes of missed periods

When menstruation does not come at the right time, almost every sexually mature representative of the tender half of humanity begins to quietly panic. The first (and most common) among the causes of delayed menstruation is considered to be the onset of pregnancy

Unwanted pregnancy: surgical and vacuum abortions, which is safer?

Unwanted pregnancy: surgical and vacuum abortions, which is safer?

In today's world there is a lot of talk about the ban on abortion. There are many views on this problem: religious, social, medical, and so on

How to remove a scar after a caesarean section

How to remove a scar after a caesarean section

Sometimes, after the birth of a long-awaited baby, a mother has a scar on her body after a cesarean. It looks extremely unattractive, so women tend to either get rid of it completely, or make it invisible. You will learn how to remove a scar after a cesarean from this material

The correct position of the fetus is longitudinal

The correct position of the fetus is longitudinal

If the doctor said that the position of the fetus is longitudinal, then this means that the baby is lying correctly. But not all mothers know what it looks like. To understand, just look at the diagram or photo

Adenomyosis of the uterus: signs and treatment, reviews

Adenomyosis of the uterus: signs and treatment, reviews

Adenomyosis of the uterus is a disease that many young women face. Pathology is accompanied by the germination of the inner lining of the uterus into the muscle layers, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the entire reproductive system

Clitoral erection: how does it occur and what is it for?

Clitoral erection: how does it occur and what is it for?

Clitoris erection: what is it for; how it arises; the structure of the clitoris; external signs of erectile function in women

External conjugate: special obstetric study

External conjugate: special obstetric study

The external conjugate is one of the dimensions of the pelvis, necessary to determine the shape and size of the pelvis. During pregnancy, these dimensions make it possible to judge how adapted the mother's body is to bearing and giving birth to a child

Colporrhaphy anterior: indications for surgery, performance, rehabilitation, reviews

Colporrhaphy anterior: indications for surgery, performance, rehabilitation, reviews

Anterior colporrhaphy - suturing the anterior wall of the vagina and connective tissue membranes above the bladder (cystocele plasty). The operation is used for medical reasons and to improve the quality of sexual life

How to stop menopause at home with folk remedies?

How to stop menopause at home with folk remedies?

His arrival is inevitable in the life of any woman, with the only difference being that it affects someone earlier and someone later. It's about the climax. This is not the most pleasant moment for the fairer sex, and everyone wants to know if this process can be delayed or stopped. Menopause begins to appear at about forty-five years, but there are exceptions, and some experience it at an earlier age or, conversely, later. What is it like, and is it possible to stop menopause?

How to give birth faster? The burning question of pregnant women

How to give birth faster? The burning question of pregnant women

Pregnancy usually lasts 9 months. And the closer the term of childbirth approaches, the more the girl worries about how long the process itself will take. And, of course, every lady wonders how to give birth quickly

Pregnancy: how to understand that contractions are starting?

Pregnancy: how to understand that contractions are starting?

The first pregnancy is the most exciting time for every woman, because it is full of new sensations, events and worries. In order for childbirth to be easy, you need to prepare for them in advance, learn more about the process itself, because, as they say, forewarned is forearmed. And of course, the expectant mother has a lot of questions about this, but most often women are interested in this moment: how to understand that contractions are starting? There are some signs, the so-called harbingers of childbirth

Which intimate lubricant is better: reviews, prices

Which intimate lubricant is better: reviews, prices

Intimate lubricants have been known to lovers for several thousand years, it turns out that lovers have been using them since ancient Egypt. At that time, artificial lubricants were made from animal and vegetable oils flavored with floral esters. It is unlikely that in those days sexual partners wondered which intimate lubricant is better, because there was nothing to choose from

Endometrial polyp: treatment without surgery and reviews

Endometrial polyp: treatment without surgery and reviews

The endometrial polyp is a benign neoplasm, which can be fought not only with the help of surgical treatment, but also in a non-surgical way - hormonal drugs, Chinese tampons, folk remedies

Why does the labia itch?

Why does the labia itch?

If your labia itches, it can be caused by various reasons. In any case, a visit to the doctor for examination will not be superfluous

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix: consequences and reviews

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix: consequences and reviews

Basically, various pathologies occur on the cervix. And very often the only way to prevent more serious problems is surgery. Until recently, various pathologies of the genital area could only be cured by cauterization or other painful manipulations. In modern medicine, radio wave coagulation of the cervix is successfully used - a quick and painless operation that is performed even on nulliparous girls

Second birth is easier than the first - myth or reality?

Second birth is easier than the first - myth or reality?

Every woman, upon discharge from the maternity hospital, sincerely believes that she will not return there again. Years pass, and the desire to have a second child completely takes over the minds of parents. But how to agree to this responsible step, when one half of the acquaintances insists that the second birth is easier than the first, while the second has the opposite opinion?

Discharge with smell in women: causes

Discharge with smell in women: causes

Vaginal discharge is considered the most common female problem. Some of them have no he alth hazard and do not cause any discomfort to women, but others may have an unpleasant odor and be accompanied by itching and discomfort. It is about this type of discharge that we will talk in this article. Discharge with an odor in the intimate area cannot leave indifferent any woman who is faced with this problem

Endometrioid ovarian cyst: treatment and diagnosis

Endometrioid ovarian cyst: treatment and diagnosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which the walls of the uterus grow beyond its limits. Today it ranks third among all gynecological pathologies. Its exact causes are still poorly understood. The disease can take various forms. One of its most common manifestations is an endometrioid cyst of the left or right ovary. With improper treatment, pathology can lead to hormonal disorders, infertility

Spirals for women - what is it?

Spirals for women - what is it?

All modern girls and women are very concerned about the issue of contraception. Now it is very important to plan pregnancy, because it is much easier to protect yourself than to commit a kind of crime - an abortion. Therefore, contraceptives for women are widely used