Pain in childbirth: pros and cons

Pain in childbirth: pros and cons
Pain in childbirth: pros and cons

So the wonderful nine months of waiting have passed, very soon there will be an addition to your family. But, the closer the day the baby appears, the more fears the expectant mother has. Many people want pain relief during childbirth. But this is a natural process, every woman can easily cope without anesthetics.

This article will be devoted to such an issue as labor pain relief, the pros and cons of it will be described in detail. What threatens such intervention by obstetricians to you and your unborn child, you will also find out. Types of anesthesia during childbirth can be varied. What exactly? Read more about it below.

labor pain relief
labor pain relief

Pain management of childbirth: obstetrics, new methods

During childbirth, pain occurs due to muscle spasm, which intensifies due to the release of adrenaline. It is not uncommon for a woman to experience a panic attack that aggravates physical suffering.

Pain relief for childbirth for a woman who is psychologically prepared and consciously approached the planning of the birth of a baby, most often is not required. But still there are caseswhen anesthesia is performed according to the doctor's indications.

non-pharmacological methods of labor pain relief
non-pharmacological methods of labor pain relief

Indications for anesthesia

Give birth pain relief, if any:

  • preterm birth;
  • severe pain;
  • long contractions;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • large fruit;
  • caesarean section;
  • slow labor activity;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • need for surgery.

If none of the above is observed, then pain relief during labor is usually not required.

modern methods of labor pain relief
modern methods of labor pain relief

Types of anesthesia

Modern medicine can provide the following types of pain relief during childbirth: drug and non-drug. In this case, your doctor himself must prescribe a type of anesthesia that will not harm either you or your child. It should be noted that a woman in labor cannot prescribe pain relief herself if there is no direct evidence for this.

Non-drug methods of labor pain relief

This safest group of methods is especially popular among obstetricians. What applies here? Effective and simple exercises that can be started at any stage of labor: breathing exercises, birth massage, aqua therapy and reflexology.

types of anesthesia during childbirth
types of anesthesia during childbirth

Despite the availability of more effective medicinal methods, many are consciously abandoning them in favor of non-drug ones. Naturalbirth pain relief includes:

  • activity;
  • correct breathing;
  • massage;
  • water birth;
  • reflexology.

The appearance of a baby is the most important event in your life. To leave only positive impressions from this day, non-drug methods of labor pain relief, completely harmless and useful for both you and your baby, will help you.

Activity during labor

It is very important to choose an active position during contractions, not a passive one. Help yourself and your baby to be born.

childbirth without anesthesia
childbirth without anesthesia

If you have an uncomplicated birth, then choose the exercises for yourself, the main thing is to make it easier for you. However, sudden movements are strictly prohibited. Take note of the following:

  • rolling from toe to heel;
  • tilts forward and to the side;
  • pelvic rocking, circular movements;
  • flexion and arching of the spine;
  • active walking;
  • wiggle on the fitball.

Breathing exercises

It is worth mastering breathing techniques even before childbirth, during pregnancy. The advantage of this method is the possibility of combination with other types of anesthesia. You do not need a doctor's supervision, you yourself are able to control the process. You will feel relief immediately, and most importantly, pull yourself together. There are several breathing exercises. If someone close to you will be present with you at the birth, then he should be familiar with these exercises in order to help during the birth processyou.

How does it work? It is necessary to distract yourself from the pain, concentrating on breathing. The deeper and smoother it is, the easier it is for you and your child, because he receives more oxygen. And if this method is used together with an oxygen mask, the effect will be much better, your child will feel comfortable. There are several periods during which breathing should be different:

  • first contractions;
  • increase in intensity of contractions;
  • opening the cervix;
  • pulling period.

During the first contractions

This species is different in that it is even and deep breathing, which oxygenates the blood of the child and mother. Concentrate on the account. Inhale through your nose for four counts and exhale through your mouth for six counts. Lips should be folded into a tube. You are distracted from pain, gymnastics gives a relaxing effect. It can even be used in times of panic or extreme stress to calm down.

During intense contractions

During this period, you need to calm down, now is the time to apply the dog breathing technique. These are superficial, shallow breaths and exhalations through the mouth, the tongue needs to be slightly stick out of the mouth. You should not think about how you look at the moment, the maternity hospital is a place where you only need to think about your well-being and about the child, especially, believe me, you are not the only one!

natural pain relief during childbirth
natural pain relief during childbirth

Cervical dilation moment

This is the peak, more painful than now, you will not be! But you need to endure it, giving birth without pain medicationstill preferable. Now it is worth speeding up your breathing, taking superficial quick breaths and exhalations. Fold your lips into a tube, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. When the contraction lets go, calm down a little, it is better to breathe deeply and evenly. This method allows you to slightly relieve acute pain.

Period of attempts

The worst is over, there are no more contractions. Your baby will be born very soon. If the birth is not complicated, then the child will appear after 1-2 attempts. It is necessary to push 2-3 times for an attempt. Do not panic, because now is the final moment, almost painless. If you feel sorry for yourself and disobey the orders of the obstetrician, you will have to use tools, from which there will be quite painful sensations. When an attempt begins, you need to take a deep breath-exhale-deep breath and hold your breath for 10-15 seconds, while you have to push. Do not push in the anus or strain your eyes, as this can lead to hemorrhoids, burst blood vessels in the eyes, a stroke and other unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

Another important announcement: the period between contractions and attempts is needed in order to rest, relax and even out your breathing. You need to train daily during pregnancy in order to be able to pull yourself together during childbirth. Bring your breathing to automatism, and you will control yourself and facilitate your birth.

pain relief after childbirth
pain relief after childbirth

Other options

Modern methods of labor pain relief include a large list of all kinds of procedures, but especially effective (non-drug)are massage, water birth and reflexology.

How to massage during contractions? There are points on the body, acting on which you can significantly reduce and soothe pain. In our case, the sacral zone. You can do this both on your own and ask a person who is nearby. This area can be stroked, pinched, massaged, tapped lightly. To avoid redness and irritation in the massage area, periodically lubricate the area with cream or oil.

How does water help? In a warm bath, the pain of contractions is easier to tolerate, water also has a relaxing effect. The expectant mother can take a comfortable position for herself and just relax, while avoiding chills, fever and sweating, dry skin.

What is reflexology? Modern anesthesia of childbirth includes such a method as acupuncture. It helps to improve labor activity and reduce the pain of contractions. As you can see, there are a lot of options, which one you choose is your personal decision.

Medicated pain relief

In addition to the above natural methods, there are more effective, but, accordingly, more dangerous. Modern methods of labor pain relief with medication include the following:

  • epidural block;
  • spinal blockade;
  • spinal-epidural combination;
  • drugs;
  • local anesthesia;
  • perineal blockade;
  • tranquilizers.

These methods are prescribed only in extreme cases, and your doctor monitorsthe course of labor to ensure that the baby is born alive and he althy. Only he has all the knowledge regarding pain relief and can share it with you. Try to listen to what the doctor says, only he knows what you can and what you should not use. All medications have side effects. And, if you decide on such pain relief, there may be some unpleasant consequences.

Epidural blockade

Everyone has heard, but not everyone knows the intricacies of this procedure. To begin with, epidural anesthesia during childbirth can be either partial or complete. If childbirth takes place naturally, then drugs are administered on the basis that they are enough only for the first stage of labor (that is, contractions), during attempts, the effect of the drug ends. At the same time, only pain signals in the area below the navel are blocked, the motor ability remains, the person is conscious and can hear the first cries of his baby. If you wish or special indications, the second stage of labor (attempts) can also be anesthetized, but this is dangerous, since you do not feel the signals of your body and childbirth can be significantly delayed or go completely wrong. If there is no such need, then do not anesthetize the attempts, during them the pain is more tolerable.

The second option is a caesarean section. In this case, a dose greater than in the previous version is introduced, and motor activity is also blocked. The advantage of such anesthesia is the ability to immediately see the baby and hear him.

administer pain relief during childbirth
administer pain relief during childbirth


This is also an injection given in the lower back, into the fluid around the spinal cord. This is less expensive than epidural anesthesia.


  • you remain conscious;
  • effect lasts two hours;
  • pain the entire body from the thoracic region and below.


  • may cause severe headaches;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • may cause breathing difficulties.

Spinal Epidural Combination

This is a relatively new technology when the above two methods are combined. Such anesthesia lasts much longer, while the mother is conscious. Spinal anesthesia works for the first two hours, then epidural.


No matter how strange and contradictory it may sound, drugs are also used during childbirth, but extremely rarely, in special cases. What drugs are used? This is:

  • "Promedol";
  • "Fortal";
  • "Lexir";
  • "Pethidine";
  • "Nalbuphine";
  • "Butorphanol".

Narcotic substances can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously (through a catheter), the second option is the most successful, since you can adjust the dosage of the drug. This method is good because the pain is blocked for about six hours and the woman in labor can rest. The effect comes in a couple of minutes. Of course, there are downsides: both you and your baby may slow down.

Local anesthesia

It is not used to relieve pain during contractions, but it is very effective if the vagina needs to be incised or stitched after tears. The injection is made directly into the vaginal area, the effect occurs almost instantly, pain in the injection area is temporarily blocked. There are no bad side effects for you or your baby.

Perineal blockade

The injection is made directly into the wall of the vagina, while blocking pain on one side only. Such an injection is given just before the baby is born. The effect of the drug is no more than an hour and has no side effects. This type of anesthesia is not suitable for the period of contractions.


Tranquilizers are used for relaxation, injections are made at the first stage, when contractions are rare and not so sensitive. Such drug anesthesia of childbirth dulls awareness and has a hypnotic effect, reducing the activity of the child, but does not completely relieve pain. Tranquilizers can be either in the form of tablets or administered intravenously or intramuscularly. When administered intravenously, the effect is immediate.


Also carry out pain relief after childbirth. What for? So that a woman can relax and gain strength. Things to worry about:

  • cramps caused by uterine contractions;
  • places of breaks and cuts;
  • difficulty going to the toilet;
  • chest pain;
  • nipple cracking(with improper feeding).

If the pain is caused by tears and cuts, then painkillers or ointments are suggested, but if the birth was taken correctly and you follow personal hygiene, then there should be no pain, or they should be minimal. During suturing, the doctor is obliged to anesthetize, and how this will happen should be discussed with you in advance.

There are several ways to minimize pain:

  • frequent and short water treatments;
  • special cooling pad (helps avoid swelling);
  • keep pads in the fridge (will dull the pain);
  • get ready for a speedy recovery;
  • disturb cuts and tears less (avoid infection, do not make sudden movements, this will help you recover quickly);
  • sitting on a special cushion (applies minimal pressure to the problem area).

Pain associated with uterine contractions go away on their own a week after the baby is born. To shrink them:

  • do special exercises;
  • lie on your stomach;
  • give me a massage.

The following exercise will help with back pain: lie on a hard surface, bend your right leg at the knee and hold the knee with your right hand. With your left hand, direct the heel of your right foot towards your groin. Stay in this position for a few seconds, rest and repeat the exercise. If your back hurts on the left side, then do the same with your left leg.


Women to whomanesthesia was used during childbirth, reviews of all types of anesthesia leave both positive and negative. The whole secret is that each organism is individual, no one knows which method is right for you. Women who approached responsibly the birth of a child say that they consciously chose non-drug anesthesia for childbirth: all medications and manipulations have negative side effects that affect the condition and he alth of the child and mother. Other women in labor claim that well-administered anesthesia helped them overcome this ordeal much more easily.

Childbirth is a natural process, we can cope with pain during contractions ourselves, say most women. Here, they say, it is more important to be psychologically prepared, to know breathing techniques, to be active, to listen to the doctor's advice.
