A beautiful smile helps not only to enjoy positive moments, but also to gain self-confidence. Unfortunately, not everyone from birth can boast of perfectly even teeth and a correct bite. In order not to be ashamed of your smile, the situation with crooked teeth should be corrected as quickly as possible. And the main assistant in the fight for a smile are braces. Reviews about the installation of braces and the consequences of such therapy for the teeth help the clients of the dental clinic decide for themselves whether it is worth taking such a serious step towards a Hollywood smile.
What are braces?
Brackets are non-removable orthodontic appliances for straightening teeth. They can be placed on the outer or inner side of the teeth, upper and/or lower jaw.

Bracket systems are installed and removed only by an orthodontist. He is also engaged in advising clients on the need to wear a device.
At what age can you wear braces?
Patients can correct crooked teeth both in childhood and at a more mature age. Dentists do not recommend braces until the age of 9, while the young patient is still developing the dentition.
The optimal time for alignment using this method is 12 years. The sooner the installation of the system begins, the less time it may take to achieve the optimal result. There is no upper limit for braces.
Prior to the installation of braces, young patients may be credited with the use of special orthodontic plates and trainers. These devices will help correct the bite, as well as eliminate small defects. They, unlike braces, are removable.
Types of bracket systems: description, features
If a patient wants to correct the bite or individual teeth with braces, he will be interested not only in the price, but also in the types of orthodontic systems. There are 4 types of braces depending on the material:
- metal;
- plastic;
- ceramic;
- sapphire.
The principle of assigning different textured materials to bracket systems is the same - getting rid of teeth defects. But the appearance of braces is different from each other. This also applies to their cost.
Metal braces
These are the most inexpensive and common braces. Stainless steel is used in the manufacture of orthodontic appliances.steel, titanium and nickel alloy. Reviews about metal braces (installation, wearing) are positive in 9 out of 10 cases.
Advantages of metal braces:
- Strength is the main advantage of this type. Metal braces are virtually indestructible.
- The force of friction between the components of the system - the arc and the groove - is minimal in metal systems. This means that treatment with metal braces will be faster than with more aesthetic braces.
- Low price. They are 2-3 times cheaper than sapphire braces and 40-70% cheaper than plastic and ceramic ones.

But these braces also have disadvantages:
- According to reviews, metal braces, unlike other types, are very noticeable on the teeth. This causes some discomfort, especially in patients under the age of 20, who are very picky about their appearance.
- Sometimes, if improperly installed, metal braces can rub and cause discomfort. To reduce the negative impact, you need to ask the orthodontist to sharpen the protruding surfaces and irregularities in the system. This will relieve additional discomfort and reduce friction.
Many people hesitate to install metal braces due to the fact that they are very visible on the teeth. But the results of surveys conducted in popular publications on medical topics showed that others are friendly towards people who are forced to wearmetal braces. They do not consider this a sign that affects the decline in attractiveness. Moreover, wearing braces cannot be a reason why respondents could refuse close communication with another person.
Plastic Braces
Plastic is one of the universal and widespread materials, which is also used in orthodontics. Plastic braces are also an affordable way to correct smile defects, but they are different from metal braces.
System Benefits:
- Aesthetic appearance. The hue of the braces is matched to the color of the dentition, which makes them almost invisible to others.
- Low price. They are significantly cheaper than sapphire and ceramic braces.
- Pain during correction is minimized. The option is suitable for sensitive patients and those who are afraid of visiting the dentist (and even more so, the orthodontist).

But attractive appearance and low price should not distract from the main purpose - bite correction. In this regard, plastic braces have a number of disadvantages:
- Delayed impact on the dentition. Due to their smooth influence, the wearing of the plastic system is increased by 6 - 12 months.
- Special diet. Plastic, the color of which is matched to the natural color of the teeth, tends to stain in the first days of installation. This forces patients to refuse food with food coloring (soda, wine) and everything that can leaveplaque (strong tea and coffee), 1-2 weeks after installation.
- Fragility. They are 70-80% more susceptible to the damaging effects of solid materials than metal ones. This gives some inconvenience to those who are used to eating solid food. For the same reason, plastic braces are not recommended for children to avoid frequent replacement of the system.
- Increase in the cost of treatment with frequent shifts. Fragility forces patients to sometimes seek system correction, which leads to financial costs and an increase in the duration of treatment.
According to reviews, the installation of plastic braces does not differ from the metal system. But they are not so popular due to obvious shortcomings in the treatment.
Ceramic braces
If metal and plastic braces can be attributed to an economical option for correcting an overbite, then few can afford systems made of ceramic material. Ceramic braces combine the strength of metal with the aesthetics of plastic, allowing for effective, quick bite correction and an attractive appearance.
Benefits of ceramic braces:
- Strength. They, like metal, are less susceptible to deformation and change.
- Aesthetic appearance. Ceramics is also matched to the color of the dentition. She is almost invisible to others.
- No allergies. Metal (even titanium and nickel) can cause allergies in some patients. According to reviews about the installation of ceramic braces, not a single case was recordedallergic reaction.

Despite its obvious advantages, this method of achieving a beautiful smile cannot boast of 100% perfection either. This is related to:
- High material cost. You will have to pay three times more for beauty without a metallic "taste" than when installing a budget option.
- Possible coloration of ceramics. Despite the more expensive material, ceramics are subject to coloration, like plastic. It also forces patients to give up some types of food for a while.
- Deformation of the enamel. Long-term (2-3 years) wearing of the system can have a negative impact on the condition of tooth enamel. After braces, every 4th patient is forced to go to the dentist to restore enamel mineralization.
- Increasing the timing of bite correction. Bite correction with a ceramic bracket system is faster than with a plastic system, but is inferior in speed to a mechanism made of metal material.
Sapphire braces
The most expensive bracket systems are sapphire. When installing them, a metal arc made of Teflon coated with white enamel can be used. Due to the light transmission capacity, such braces are almost invisible to others. Some perceive sapphire systems as a decoration for the dentition, with the possibility of correcting a smile.
Dignity of artificially grown sapphire braces:
- Invisible to others. Orthodontic sapphires transmit light, whichallows them to appear translucent on the teeth. The metal bow does not feel bulky in the mouth and can be tinted white with Teflon.
- Effective in correcting difficult cases. They are stronger than plastic or ceramic, and therefore, like metal ones, they are more often used in patients with frankly bad bite.
- Do not cause discomfort during installation. Due to the neat shape of the arc and the material, they do not scratch the mucous membrane.
With the use of sapphires when installing braces, bite correction occurs within 0.5 - 3 years, depending on the complexity of the case.
Disadvantages of sapphire braces:
- High price. In Russia, there is no company that would be engaged in the manufacture of structures. That is why sapphire braces are so expensive. The main material is produced by growing artificial sapphires abroad.
- Relative fragility. Sapphires, despite their strength, can break when exposed to hard objects. Therefore, patients with braces are advised not to eat nuts and other hard foods.
- Duration of wearing. Correction of bite with sapphire braces requires patience from patients: wearing stable mechanisms can drag on for 2 years or more.
Lingual (aesthetic) braces
Most of the citizens at the word "braces" represent a stable mechanism on the outside of the dentition, which is noticeable to others. But there are also invisible tooth alignment systems. They are called lingual braces and are locatedinside the dentition. This kind of alignment is completely invisible to others.
Aesthetic braces are installed after consultation with the orthodontist. Unlike braces, which are located on the outside, they cannot always cope with serious defects. Therefore, orthodontists use this type of bite correction in simple cases.

Patient reviews about braces inside the dentition are contradictory. They, like classic braces, have their pros and cons.
Advantages of aesthetic braces:
- invisible to others;
- help correct bite even in adulthood.
No embarrassment while wearing braces, which are invisible to others, cannot hide the obvious flaws of the system:
- Very high cost. They are 2 times more expensive than regular braces.
- Not used in complex cases.
- The installation and wearing of such braces is perceived by patients much more painful than with classical systems.
Recommendations for installing braces
Before getting braces, the patient should consult a dentist. The installation and removal of braces is carried out by an orthodontist.
Before installation, it is recommended to check the teeth for caries. Problematic teeth during the period of wearing a bracket system are much more difficult to cure, and in some cases this cannot be done without damaging the mechanism. Therefore, orthodontists strongly recommend to engage in the rehabilitation of the oral cavity.before braces.
According to reviews, it is better to entrust the installation of a bracket system to a professional. To do this, before going to the doctor, you should carefully study the opinion of a specialist on forums or thematic sites.
Because the treatment takes a long period of time, the patient will have to repeatedly meet with a specialist to twist the archwire and review the result. Therefore, it is important to choose a doctor based on your own preferences and comfort. An experienced orthodontist not only inspires confidence at the consultation stage, but will also be able to reduce the time spent on treatment to a minimum.
Before installing braces, you should decide on their type. This affects the cost of treatment and the appearance of the smile while wearing the mechanism.
The cost of installing braces
One of the questions that worries all patients: "How much does it cost to put braces on my teeth?" Not all patients can afford braces. According to reviews, the installation of a bracket system is not a cheap option for correcting the dentition. The cost of braces also depends on the type of material chosen and the region in which the dentistry is located.
The most expensive braces in the metropolitan area. Here, patients will have to pay at least 50,000 rubles for metal braces. The price includes taking an impression, installing a bracket system, receiving accessories for dental care (dental brushes, a special toothbrush).
Plastic braces cost 10-30% more. You will have to pay up to 100 thousand rubles for their installation.
Even more expensive - ceramicbite correction systems. They will cost the patient 100-150 thousand rubles. The cost of ceramic braces may vary depending on the company in which the base for the system will be made.
Sapphire braces are considered the most expensive. They are almost invisible on the teeth, for which patients of the dental clinic must pay at least 180-200 thousand rubles to the cashier.
The final cost is affected by the choice of medical institution. Some companies are ready to make a discount for customers, while others, on the contrary, cooperate only with expensive suppliers and offer exclusive options.
In the regions, the installation of braces is cheaper. The client can find out the addresses for installing braces via the Internet: in every city with a population of at least 50 thousand people there is at least one private company. Since the service is not among the public ones that can be obtained under the CHI policy for free, you will have to choose a clinic with the most favorable reviews, prices and service.
How much do braces cost (prices in regions):
- metal - 15-40 thousand rubles.
- plastic - 45-60 thousand rubles.
- ceramic - 65-80 thousand rubles.
- sapphire - 85-100 thousand rubles.

There are regions (Oryol region, Kursk, Kaluga) where patients can install a bracket system even cheaper without sacrificing treatment.
Reviews on the installation of braces
Wishing to correct the bite with braces, clients of dental clinics want to beconfident in the result. The treatment process takes at least 6 months, and the installation cost is from 15 to 200 thousand rubles. Such a mechanism requires not only financial costs and constant visits to the doctor, but also patience.
What patients themselves say about wearing and installing braces:
- The most positive reviews are about metal braces for correcting bites. Despite their unattractive appearance, they are very effective in treatment. In addition, metal braces are the cheapest in orthodontics. According to reviews, the installation of metal braces is unpleasant due to the presence of rough edges (material features). They can scratch the mouth, rub, cause discomfort.
- The process of wearing braces requires regular maintenance. This is not only thorough oral hygiene with the help of special devices (brushes, brushes), but also visits to the orthodontist at least 1 time in 1.5 months.
Nutrition with braces
Teeth alignment reviews describe how the installation and wearing of the system in the first 1-5 days can cause discomfort due to pressure on the dentition. Therefore, in the first days after installation, it is recommended to reduce the load on the teeth by eating easy-to-chew food. These are mashed potatoes, cereals, soups.
Some products will have to be completely abandoned. These are nuts, seeds, food with dyes (relevant for all types except metal), chewing gum, nougat, gozinaki, some sweets (taffy, lollipops).
Chocolate is not a food that orthodontists forbid, but particles of nuts and fruits thatfound in tiles can damage the enamel. Cleaning small pieces that get stuck between the teeth takes 5 to 20 minutes a day. If this is not done, leftover food will damage the enamel, which can lead to cavities.
Dental treatment during bite correction
In orthodontics, the installation of braces is done by an orthodontist. It is he who can advise on proper diet and oral care. The main condition for proper treatment is that it should not be to the detriment of the natural state of the dentition.

At the first signs of caries, toothache (not associated with wearing a bracket system), treatment should be started immediately. Wearing braces can complicate the process of treatment, but is not a reason to postpone the problem until later.
Term of wearing braces
Many clients who are going to do teeth straightening are looking for the timing of bite correction in the reviews. But since the treatment is individual, no doctor can tell you exactly how long it may take to restore a beautiful smile.
An experienced orthodontist is able to approximately indicate the duration of treatment with an accuracy of 3 months. But it is recommended to stop wearing the braces only after achieving the maximum result.
The minimum period for correcting an overbite with braces is 6 months. The maximum customer can wear the system for 3 years and even more.
According to reviews about the installation of braces, several factors affect the period of wearing the system:
- Material type. The greatest effect is achieved when correcting the bite with metal and sapphire braces.
- Age of the patient. Dentists recommend starting to wear the system before the age of 18, since during this period it will take less time to restore the bite. Braces in adulthood help correct an overbite, but the process takes 6-12 months longer.
- Careful wearing. If the patient has never damaged the system, looked after it and the oral cavity, then recovery will be faster than with regular braces repair.
- Individual indicators. Pain threshold, friction force, bite condition - all this refers to a personal factor.
Braces in adulthood (expectations and reality) always give a positive result. Therefore, this method of correcting a smile is preferred by more than 89% of patients over 25 years old.
Star braces
Not all celebrities can boast a perfect smile from birth. Many of them, such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Gwen Stefani or Tom Cruise, did not like to smile very much in their youth due to bad bite.

With the advent of popularity, appearing on cameras more and more often. And a Hollywood smile is not just a privilege of the elite, but the need for an ideal, star image.

The installation of a bracket system helped many stars correct the situation, which they did not hide from journalists and fans.