Why does the gum hurt? What to do and how to treat?

Why does the gum hurt? What to do and how to treat?
Why does the gum hurt? What to do and how to treat?

Any pain overshadows a person's life. His mood deteriorates, efficiency decreases, general well-being worsens. If the gum hurts, it becomes difficult to eat, drink and even talk normally. Discomfort may worsen at night. Ignoring this condition, drowning out the pain with analgesics, is dangerous. It may indicate the development of a dangerous pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the dentist as soon as possible to find out what the gum hurts from.

why do gums hurt
why do gums hurt

Pain in the gums

The gum is the mucous membrane of the alveolar process. Pain can occur in it due to an incorrectly selected brush. Too hard villi injure the delicate mucosa. Inaccurate movements with dental floss can also damage the gums. If this happens, you will need to change the brush to a softer one. Also, do not floss until the gum is healed.

It happens that the gum hurts a lot after the removal of tartar or the treatment of caries. In the process of dental manipulations, the doctor can damage the mucous membrane. In this case, taking analgin will help andsoda rinses several times a day. The tissue will quickly recover and the pain will pass.

The sharp part of the filling can injure the gum. The dentist always polishes it after application. But due to the action of anesthesia, the patient may not feel the sharp edges and find them already at home. Only a dentist can correct the situation. The patient will need to come back for a follow-up appointment. The doctor will remove those parts of the filling that can injure the gum or tongue.

Brackets and prostheses can damage tissue. The patient will not be able to correct this situation on his own. He will have to seek help from a doctor who will adjust the dental structure. After that, the problem will disappear.

The above situations do not threaten the he alth of gums and teeth. As soon as the external factor that injured the tissue is removed, it will heal and the pain will disappear.

Dry hole

It is not uncommon for a patient to experience gum pain after tooth extraction. There is a classic complication called alveolitis or dry socket. After removing the eights, it occurs in 30% of cases. If another tooth was pulled out, the risk of developing this complication is reduced to 5%.

A dry socket is formed due to the fact that the blood clot, which should protect the wound from infection and promote its healing, is removed or not formed at all. If this happens, the cavity becomes exposed and bone can be seen in it. Pathology is accompanied by such symptoms:

  1. Very severe pain in the gums, which can spread to the neck andheads.
  2. The temperature rises to 38 degrees.
  3. Swelling of the gums.
  4. General weakness.
  5. Discharge of pus.
  6. The appearance of bad breath.
  7. Bad taste in mouth.

Most often, pathology occurs through the fault of the patient. For example, during intensive rinses, with poor oral hygiene, smoking and ignoring the recommendations of the dentist. But there are situations when the responsibility for the development of alveolitis lies entirely with the doctor. This happens when he leaves a cyst in the socket, a tooth fragment, or uses an anesthetic with too much vasoconstrictor.

Infection from a dry socket can spread to the entire bone tissue of the jaw. Therefore, if the gum hurts after tooth extraction, it is necessary to seek help from a dentist as soon as possible. The doctor will clean the hole from food debris, granulations and pus. Then he will fill it with an antiseptic and apply a bandage with an analgesic. If necessary, prescribe antibiotics to the patient.


Inflammation of the gums that does not lead to tooth loss or loosening is called gingivitis. Pathology develops against the background of insufficient oral hygiene. It occurs in most adults and adolescents. Therefore, when a patient turns to the dentist with a question about what causes the gum to hurt, the doctor will first of all suspect this particular pathology.

The inflammatory process occurs due to microbial accumulations and the toxins they release. Pathology occurs in patients with varying degrees of activity. It depends on immunity.sick. Patients are worried about pain, swelling and bleeding of the gums. In the event that the pathology has a hermetic form, the formation of ulcers is possible. The problem cannot be left unattended. Without treatment, the pathology will turn into periodontitis.


Careless attitude to he alth and lack of proper treatment of gingivitis can lead to the development of a pathology such as periodontitis. As a result of the negative impact of microorganisms, gum tissue is damaged. Bacteria produce acids, toxins, allergens and enzymes that lead to inflammation.

At the initial stage of the disease, bleeding and swelling of the gums is observed during brushing. At this time, the development of pathology can still be stopped on its own, with the help of hygiene measures and the right therapeutic toothpaste.

sore gums after extraction
sore gums after extraction

If the patient ignores the problem, the inflammation spreads deeper. The patient begins to feel serious discomfort and turns to the dentist with a question about why the gum hurts. After examining the patient, the doctor will perform a hygienic cleaning and prescribe local preparations to reduce negative sensations and fight microorganisms.


Periodontosis is a rather rare pathology. According to statistics, only 8 patients out of 100 who applied to the dental clinic with the question of what causes the gum to hurt, this diagnosis is made. The reasons for the development of periodontal disease have not yet been found. This significantly complicates its treatment. Completely get rid ofpathology, unfortunately, is impossible.

tooth extraction sore gums
tooth extraction sore gums

Periodontosis is a dystrophic, not an inflammatory disease. For a still unknown reason, the blood supply to the alveolar process is deteriorating. Because of this, all his tissues gradually atrophy, the necks of the teeth are exposed and they fall out.

At the initial stages of the development of pathology, patients feel itching, pain and pulsation in the gums. The necks of the teeth are exposed and their sensitivity increases. Gingival pockets then form, but there is no tissue inflammation.

It is not recommended to treat periodontal disease on your own. All that the patient can do at home is to carefully monitor oral hygiene. The treatment of this pathology should be handled by a professional. Only competent actions will stop the disease or slow down its development.


Periodontitis is a common disease that affects the tissue adjacent to the root of the tooth. This happens when the infection penetrates the root canal, moves along it to the very base. The following factors can provoke the development of pathology:

  1. Deep caries.
  2. Periodontal disease.
  3. Injuries.
  4. Defects when installing crowns or fillings.
  5. Mistake.
  6. ENT infection.
  7. Poor-quality treatment of pulpitis.

Periodontitis begins with aching pain in a particular tooth. Then the gums turn red and swell. At first, discomfort is felt only if you press it. Then the pain becomesconstant. Gradually, the patient's face swells on the affected side.

Taking painkillers and delaying going to the doctor in this case is very dangerous. A complication such as flux or osteomyelitis may develop. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor if the tooth has become sensitive, the lymph nodes have increased and the gums hurt. How to treat pathology, the doctor will decide only after confirming the diagnosis. In most cases, surgical treatment is required.

and sore gums than to treat
and sore gums than to treat


According to statistics, stomatitis is the most common pathology affecting the oral mucosa. The disease most often occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. In addition, its development can provoke beriberi, decreased immunity, poor-quality prostheses and malignant tumors.

When the disease is marked soreness, bleeding and swelling of the gums. The mucosa is covered with a coating of white or yellow. And also develops hypersalivation, the formation of ulcers and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Modern medicine still does not have special tests that would help identify this disease. Therefore, when a patient contacts a doctor with complaints and a question about why the gums hurt, the doctor conducts a visual examination. Finding the characteristic symptoms, he makes a diagnosis.

Medicated treatment

Gum pain caused by a hard brush or floss injury can be relieved at home. For this, it is best to use topical preparations:

  1. Gel "Dentinox N". It contains lidocaine, which instantly relieves pain. In addition, the gel inhibits the growth of dangerous bacteria, soothes the mucous membrane and restores blood circulation in the gums. The product is applied to the damaged area of the gums.
  2. "Dentol". Another local anesthetic in the form of a gel. The drug contains benzocaine, which instantly relieves discomfort.
  3. "Kamistad". The gel contains lidocaine and an infusion of chamomile flowers. The drug relieves pain and inflammation. It also has antibacterial properties.
  4. "Kalgel". The active ingredient is lidocaine hydrochloride. The gel instantly blocks pain impulses. In addition, it eliminates bleeding and kills pathogenic flora.

In the event that the causes of pain in the gums are not clear to a person, you should immediately consult a doctor. This will help avoid the development of complications. After the examination, the doctor will explain the cause of the discomfort and provide the necessary treatment.

When the mucosa becomes hyperemic and the gums hurt, what to do at home should be explained in detail by the attending physician. Incorrect actions of the patient can complicate the situation. For example, the use of a warm alcohol compress in some cases can provoke a serious aggravation. Therefore, before letting the patient go home, the dentist will prescribe him the necessary medicines and tell him in detail how to take them.

sore gums
sore gums

Depending on the pathology, the doctor may prescribesuch drugs:

  1. Painkillers. This includes: Nimesil, Tempalgin, Nurofen, Solpadein, Ketorol, Pentalgin.
  2. Antibiotics and antifungals. Dentists prefer Ciprofloxacin, Natamycin, Metronidazole, Nystatin, or Lincomycin.
  3. Antiseptics. Chlorhexidine, Iodoform and Hexetidine have proven themselves well.
  4. Antihistamines. This group includes Loratadine, Cetirizine, Fexofenadine.

Folk ways to relieve pain

Illness can catch a person on the road or on vacation. If it is not possible to get to the dentist for an examination, you must contact him by phone. The patient must describe in detail all the symptoms, tell how and where exactly the gum hurts. What to do at home to alleviate the condition, the doctor should explain. He will warn against wrong actions that can aggravate the situation, and tell you how to relieve pain before visiting the clinic.

At home, you can use the following recipes:

Rinse your mouth with a strong saline solution, infusion of chamomile or sage. You can also mix hydrogen peroxide with water in equal proportions

sore gums what to do at home
sore gums what to do at home
  • Grind one tablet of analgin and aspirin. Mix the powders, pour on a cotton swab and apply to the gum.
  • In the strickenplace every three hours to rub sea buckthorn oil.
  • Warm compresses should only be done if approved by a doctor. Otherwise, it could be dangerous. For a compress, you can use a warm bag of black, green or chamomile tea.
  • Honey has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It can be rubbed into the affected area.


A person with severe gum pain is unable to think of anything else. It is difficult for him to drink, eat and even talk. You can reduce the risk of developing such a pathology on your own. To do this, you must follow a few simple rules:

Take good care of your oral hygiene. Purchase a quality soft brush and suitable toothpaste. In addition, it is important to use mouthwashes such as Listerine

and gums hurt what to do at home
and gums hurt what to do at home
  • Visit the dentist regularly. After tooth extraction or other manipulations, strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.
  • Eat more foods rich in vitamin C. This will help strengthen the gums and reduce inflammation.
  • Give up bad habits. First of all, from smoking.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Eat as little sugar as possible.
  • Replace coffee with green tea. Scientists have proven that the substances that make up this drink reduce bleeding gums.
