Diagnosis and treatment of female infertility

Diagnosis and treatment of female infertility
Diagnosis and treatment of female infertility

Recently, infertility provoked by gynecological female diseases is becoming more common, as well as the impossibility of conceiving a child for other reasons. There are many factors - environmental degradation, stress, poor nutrition and an unhe althy lifestyle. Sometimes the impossibility of pregnancy is provoked by pathologies of the reproductive system, but not every case is explained in this way. In order for the doctor to choose the best method for eliminating the problem, it is important to understand in time why a woman cannot become pregnant. Consider what constitutes infertility, what approaches to its elimination are currently being practiced.

Relevance of the issue

It is important for a modern lady who wants to become a mother to know everything about female infertility: its main causes and types of treatment, diagnostic methods, folk remedies that can help with the desired conception. The problem is common, and doctors predict that in the future the prevalence of this trouble may become even greater. Statistics compiled by world organizations indicate that tubal-peritoneal infertility is most often observed. In many women, the inability to become pregnant is due to endometriosis, impaired functionality of the endocrine system. Up to 15% of all patients cannot become pregnant due to uterine pathologies. Up to 70% of women face problems due to a combination of several factors at once. Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary infertility. Each category has its own unique characteristics, which means that different strategies for returning reproductive function are required.

Underdevelopment of the reproductive organs, the presence of anomalies is one of the most common causes of female infertility. Treatment is possible if the anomalies can be corrected. Structural features, improper functioning can cause hormonal imbalance, which creates an additional obstacle to successful conception. There are many cases when the impossibility of getting pregnant was observed with the wrong location of the uterus, fertilization was impossible due to mechanical obstacles. There is a possibility that the problem is due to the incorrect work of the glands responsible for the production of hormonal compounds.

female infertility factors
female infertility factors

Secondary - acquired form. Careful diagnostics, the use of modern techniques make it possible to successfully treat female infertility. There are many cases when the inability to get pregnant was explained by acquired diseases, injuries, excess weight.

Diagnosis: is it time to panic?

The need for female infertility treatment occurs when a woman cannot become pregnant within two years. If at the same time both partners were checked by a doctor and no diseases could be found, the case is classified as idiopathic, difficult to explain. Such a diagnosis can only be made if the woman’s menstruation is regular, the tubes are passable, there are no adhesions, the test indicates that there is no fibroid, endometriosis is excluded, and the sexual partner has a full-fledged, high-quality sperm. Infertility can be diagnosed if people have regular intercourse that occurs on different days of the ovulatory cycle. Only after two years of constant attempts (at least 4 times a month) to conceive a child, in the absence of success, can we talk about infertility.

Modern technologies are not developed enough for the treatment of female infertility to be effective in 100% of cases. The most reliable method is IVF, but even with its use, only two out of a hundred couples have a positive result. To achieve maximum success, you should carefully check the patient's body for factors that provoke the impossibility of pregnancy. The family planner and sexual partners then work together to rule out any negative experiences that are causing the problem to varying degrees.

High-tech: Going to the doctor

Telling the patient what the treatment of female infertility can be, the doctor necessarily emphasizes the importance of taking into account the reasons for the impossibility of conception. For maximum clarification of the condition, a woman is sent for diagnosis. Many verification methodsstates, elimination of problems is at surgeons. Predominantly, the interventions are organized using high-tech microsurgical instruments, which means that the injuries inflicted on organic tissues are minimal. After the operation, rehabilitation is necessary, but it takes a relatively short time. Intervention usually begins with laparoscopy. This diagnostic technique is one of the main ones, allowing doctors to get an accurate idea of the characteristics of the female body. A special optical device is used, through a small incision directed into the abdominal cavity of a woman. Through communication, the device transmits visual information to computer screens. The optical system allows you to enlarge the picture; the doctor examines in detail all the organs of the small pelvis. Based on the data obtained, the doctor chooses which way of treating female infertility is applicable.

female infertility treatment
female infertility treatment

One of the modern and effective methods is salpingo-ovariolysis. During the operation, the doctor dissects adhesions found near the appendages, so that the tubes and ovaries occupy an anatomically correct location. Another good method is salpingostomy. With such an intervention, the doctor forms a fibrial section of the uterine tubes, if occlusion of the distal tubes is observed, hydrosalpinxes are detected. If polycystic ovaries are established, drilling is prescribed. The intervention is performed using a laparoscope. Using the device, androgen-producing ovarian tissue is treated, against which ovulation is normalized. This method appeared relatively recently, replacedwedge resection and has established itself as effective and safe, reliable. Patients tolerate the intervention quite easily, recover quickly after the completion of the intervention.

What to expect?

As statistics show, when applying the described methods, the degree of success in the treatment of female infertility varies greatly - much depends on both the pathology and the degree of its development. Almost half of all patients become pregnant within the first year after surgery. It makes no sense to repeat operations on the tubes of the uterus. If conception is not observed during the year, it makes sense to use other methods, approaches to restore reproductive function.

Alternative paths: what is possible?

To clarify the patient's condition, female infertility is diagnosed using a hysteroscope. This device helps to study the uterine cavity from the inside. It is injected through the neck of the organ and sent to different areas to obtain detailed information about possible deviations. Hysteroscopy allows you to identify a variety of pathologies that prevent conception, abnormal gestation. With the help of a hysteroscope, an operation is possible if polyps, nodes, synechia to be removed are identified, if the diagnosis shows the need to dissect the septum inside the organ.

To apply for this kind of surgery for female infertility should only be in a reliable, well-established clinic. You should work with a company that respects hygiene standards responsibly, otherwisecase, there is a high risk that the situation will worsen. You should not turn to dubious doctors who practice outside the official offices, even if it saves money - such a measure is unlikely to help you get pregnant, but it poses a serious danger to the he alth and even life of a woman.

Times and frames

Medical statistics clearly show that more often a woman goes to the hospital, and only after some time a man joins the issue - ladies sooner realize the complexity of the situation, the danger of impossibility of conceiving a child. This approach is correct, because the optimal period for the implementation of the reproductive function is a rather short time period. By the age of forty, only 10% of women have a successful pregnancy. To acquire he althy offspring, you need to think about procreation before this age, and if you suspect problems, immediately visit a doctor. Delay can cause the absolute impossibility of pregnancy.

female disease infertility
female disease infertility

The methods of treating female infertility practiced by modern doctors can be divided into two categories: assisted reproductive and restorative. The first option is IVF, insemination in a hospital setting and other similar activities. The restorative approach involves the return to a woman of normal reproductive function given by nature. In addition to the above-mentioned surgical intervention methods using a hysteroscope and a laparoscope, they resort to ovulation stimulation technology.

Where do we start?

If the diagnosis of femaleInfertility shows a violation of the hormonal background, therapeutic measures begin with the restoration of the normal activity of the glands responsible for the production of active compounds. In recent years, cases of impossibility to get pregnant due to sudden weight changes have become significantly more frequent: women, having gained extra pounds, try to get rid of them as soon as possible, which leads to numerous malfunctions in the internal systems, including the endocrine system. To balance the situation, the doctor checks the blood for hormones on different days of the cycle, after which he writes a prescription for medicines. This conservative approach is effective in eight out of ten cases, successful conception occurs in the first year from the start of treatment.

Often, hormonal imbalances are observed due to the uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives. These drugs are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, many people buy them without even thinking about the side effects and how suitable the chosen option is for the body. As the doctors of the clinics point out, the treatment of female infertility, provoked by such hormonal disorders, with the help of a well-chosen medication course, also allows you to get good results during the first year from the start of the program, but no one will guarantee a 100% result.

Pathologies and their consequences

If the tests show that there are no hormonal abnormalities, the patient is offered to undergo an IVF procedure. Among other options for artificial insemination, it was she who was recognized as the most effective, which becamefoundation of its popularity. However, again, no one can guarantee 100% success. There is a possibility that in a particular case, the peculiarities of the immune system became a factor in female infertility, which means that the problem can be solved by taking special drugs that correct biochemical reactions in the body. This situation is quite rare, but should be taken into account in the diagnosis.

clinic for the treatment of female infertility doctors
clinic for the treatment of female infertility doctors

In practice, diseases and pathological conditions of the reproductive organs often provoke female infertility. Every third woman cannot become pregnant due to tubal infertility. The most typical situation is the obstruction of the pipes (partial or complete). This condition can be provoked by: fibroids, endometriosis, a previous abortion, venereal pathologies, surgical interventions that affected the pelvic organs. If such a reason is established, the treatment involves first localizing the inflammation and its relief, after which the regulation of the patency of the fallopian tubes. The patient is prescribed drug therapy to eliminate possible disorders in the body, after which the countdown of a new stage of attempts to conceive begins.

Non-pharmaceuticals: what to try?

Of course, if the cause of female infertility is a disease that affects the reproductive system, only qualified doctors can help, but sometimes the problem of pregnancy is associated with a misunderstanding of how the human body works, according to which cycle the female reproductive system functions. Having sorted outwith the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle, you can maximize the likelihood of conception naturally. In particular, the most productive period of intimate relationships for ovulation is days 10-18 of the cycle. The countdown starts from the first day of menstruation. In the presence of unprotected sexual contact during this period, the chance of fertilization of the egg is the highest. Do not forget about the work of male organs: the best quality of sperm is observed with one ejaculation per day.

To increase the likelihood of conception, you should avoid the use of lubricants, douching. Hygiene procedures are recommended before intercourse or some time after, but not immediately. Some believe that the likelihood of conception is higher if a woman lies on her back for about half an hour after intercourse, lifting her legs up and bending her knees.

treat female infertility
treat female infertility

First steps: what can I do?

Often, doctors give such recommendations to patients who seek help, which frankly surprise the layman, who is waiting for long lists of drugs for constant use. For example, a doctor may recommend a trip to a sanatorium. Treatment of female infertility is not only surgery, hormonal pills and regular measurement of basal temperature. In many ways, reproductive function is determined by the stress load on the body, lifestyle. An instinctively perfectly he althy body may reject pregnancy if a woman lives in an unstable situation. The disorder of life, difficult relationships in the house, rush, life in a big city - all this worsens the prognosis for conception, whilewhile a long rest in a sanatorium, surrounded by nature, clean air is a wonderful way to recuperate. If possible, you should take a course of such treatment with your spouse. Currently, there are many medical and preventive institutions in different countries that work primarily with couples who want to have a baby.

Equally important, having problems conceiving, reconsider the way of life. Not everyone has the opportunity to undergo a course of treatment in a sanatorium, and female infertility cannot be justified by hormonal disorders, other pathologies diagnosed with the help of tests and instruments. To increase the likelihood of conception, you should switch to a he althy lifestyle - sometimes even this is enough. Minor, but numerous violations of hormone production, metabolism in different cells of the body in total affect a person in such a way that reproductive function suffers. Comprehensive recovery, daily activity, proper nutrition - all this helps not only to feel better, but also to increase the likelihood of offspring.

Everyday life: what are we changing?

Treatment of female infertility with folk remedies involves daily exercises, walks in the fresh air and a balanced diet. It is necessary to eat in accordance with the regimen, not to take too long breaks between meals, and also to stabilize the diet. It is recommended to avoid junk and fatty foods, to eat spicy and spicy foods in reasonable quantities. If possible, completely refuse fast food, alcohol. However, when planningconception, any bad habits should be left in the past - not only to alcohol, but also to smoking, toxic substances, if any. Otherwise, even if you manage to get pregnant, there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion or the birth of a baby with deviations.

female infertility treatment with energy hands
female infertility treatment with energy hands

Maximize your chances of successful ovulation by feeling calm and confident. It is necessary to fill everyday life with positive emotions, carefully avoid stress and worries. It is important to feel confident in the present and the future - often it is precisely such a psychological barrier that does not allow a woman to become pregnant, the body rejects the fertilized cell. It is important to allocate at least eight hours of sleep every day. Visiting a doctor, you should clarify what other measures of help you can turn out to be yourself. Doctors will teach simple massage techniques to help relax muscle tissue. Water procedures will benefit. In food, you should use he althy teas with medicinal herbs that have a positive effect on reproductive function. You can find several ready-made collections on the pharmacy shelves.

Natural: is it reliable?

Below is a photo of a drug from Thailand for the treatment of female infertility. This remedy is sold at a price of about 3,500 rubles per package, based on unique natural ingredients. If you believe the numerous shops that sell the product, the drug helps in 100% of cases, it does not matter why a woman cannot get pregnant. It contains only usefulsubstances, there is nothing chemical, industrial, dangerous. Of course, no GMOs. The manufacturer assures that the drug can be used together with pharmaceutical products, it has no contraindications, but it has been proven to be perfectly compatible with almost any means. In our country, the product is presented as a dietary supplement, it has not passed any special checks and certifications, therefore it is not considered a medicine.

surgery for female infertility
surgery for female infertility

As the manufacturer assures, capsules for the treatment of female infertility were created by a Thai professor who has been studying the problem of the absence of pregnancy in the beautiful half of humanity for many years. The composition he created is not only safe and suitable for everyone, does not cause allergies, but also has a positive effect on the reproductive organs, hormonal levels. When taking capsules, the tone of muscle tissues increases, and visually a woman looks younger, he althier - she literally blooms and shines. The drug helps to completely get rid of the discomfort associated with menstrual bleeding, sexual intercourse. Whether it is worth trusting such attractive offers is up to the buyer to decide. The most reasonable option is to first consult with a certified gynecologist, and only after that it is determined whether such dietary supplements are needed in the nutrition program or whether it is worth doing without them.

Paths of recovery: unconventional and very unconventional

Desperate to get help from official medicine, some women turn their attention to different methods, where there is even less guarantee of success. For example, the treatment of femaleinfertility with the help of hand energy. Such a method can really work, but only if the patient is very impressionable, unconditionally trusts the healer. To some extent, this is similar to the placebo effect, well known to any qualified doctor.

diagnosis of female infertility
diagnosis of female infertility

There are also special traditional medicine recipes that help increase the likelihood of conception. Healers recommend drinking freshly squeezed quince juice. The course begins when the month is young, lasts - up to 2/3. Every evening, eat a tablespoon of the product. Another option is yarrow. A small amount of dried leaves is set on fire, clothes and premises are impregnated with this smell. It is believed that psyllium seeds in the form of a decoction can bring benefits. A spoonful of mature dry seeds is taken in a glass of water, boiled for five minutes, after which they insist, decant the liquid and use a couple of tablespoons for food four times daily. The prepared broth is stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, it is eaten warmed to room temperature or slightly warmer.
