Medicine 2024, October

Cleansing enema with soda. How and in what cases do enemas with soda, reviews of the procedure

Cleansing enema with soda. How and in what cases do enemas with soda, reviews of the procedure

One of the most affordable methods of colon cleansing at home is the use of an enema. Especially effective is an enema with soda. Read more about this in the article

Dropper system: types and installation methods

Dropper system: types and installation methods

Infusion therapy (or the administration of drugs and blood to a patient using a drip system) is recognized as one of the effective methods of treatment. A dropper is a medical device with which a rather large volume of liquid is introduced into the body of an individual

Encephalogram of the brain: why is this procedure needed?

Encephalogram of the brain: why is this procedure needed?

It is not always clear to us the meaning of prescribing certain tests and procedures by doctors. The term "electroencephalogram" also sounds very mysterious. What is it, what information does this form of examination allow to receive?

Institute them. Herzen (oncology): reviews

Institute them. Herzen (oncology): reviews

Institute them. Herzen is known in medical circles around the world. The fact is that this institution has existed for more than a century. During his work at MNIOI, many new methods for diagnosing and treating oncological pathologies were discovered and thousands of patients were cured

If you need a medical certificate for a driver's license

If you need a medical certificate for a driver's license

If a person needs a medical certificate for a driver's license, he must know which doctors he will need to go through and what documents to provide. That's exactly what this article will be about

The structure of the reflex arc. Reflex ring. Physiology of the nervous system

The structure of the reflex arc. Reflex ring. Physiology of the nervous system

The structure of the reflex arc is quite simple, despite the fact that it performs complex, even sometimes contradictory functions. Thanks to reflexes, our vital activity is maintained and the constancy of the internal environment is maintained

Landau reflex: description, how it manifests itself, reasons

Landau reflex: description, how it manifests itself, reasons

The article tells about the Landau reflex, explains its function, the reasons for the absence. The connection of violations of this reflex with cerebral palsy is revealed, the symptoms of paralysis, methods of its treatment and prevention are described

The threshold of sensitivity is High and low threshold of sensitivity, which means what it depends on

The threshold of sensitivity is High and low threshold of sensitivity, which means what it depends on

Sensitivity threshold determines our ability to tolerate pain and discomfort. Your own pain threshold can be controlled, raised or lowered. A high pain threshold is not always good, a low one is not always scary

Effective ways to disinfect water

Effective ways to disinfect water

What are the ways to disinfect water? Chemical methods - chlorination, ozonation, polymer antiseptics, the use of other reagents. Physical technique - UV irradiation, boiling, exposure to ultrasound. What are complex cleaning methods? Innovative disinfection methods - electropulse and electrochemical

Bactericidal irradiator: characteristics. Bactericidal irradiator OBN-150

Bactericidal irradiator: characteristics. Bactericidal irradiator OBN-150

Most medical facilities use ultraviolet irradiation to disinfect air, surfaces, water and medical instruments. It affects the environment and leads to the death of many harmful microorganisms

Placenta along the anterior wall of the uterus: a reason for excitement or a variant of the norm?

Placenta along the anterior wall of the uterus: a reason for excitement or a variant of the norm?

Every pregnant woman knows how important the placenta is. Despite the fact that this is a temporary body, its importance cannot be overestimated. The placenta delivers oxygen and nutrition to the baby. After the next scheduled study on an ultrasound machine, sometimes women are informed that the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus. So what does this mean? Is it the norm? And will it harm the baby?

Sanitary and epidemiological service. SES of Moscow. SES RF

Sanitary and epidemiological service. SES of Moscow. SES RF

The sanitary and epidemiological service checks the premises, residential and office, for the presence of insects and rodents. Objects of any complexity fall under disinfection. To date, hygiene control at enterprises is carried out by various companies offering their services and methods of pest control

Sanatorium "Primorye", Evpatoria. Treatment and rest in Evpatoria

Sanatorium "Primorye", Evpatoria. Treatment and rest in Evpatoria

Recreation and treatment in specialized institutions of the resort towns of the Crimea contribute to the restoration of physical strength and improve the emotional state of everyone who wants to improve their he alth. So, the sanatorium "Primorye" (Evpatoria) is a unique he alth resort

Medical record of the child. Form 026 / y - child's medical record

Medical record of the child. Form 026 / y - child's medical record

There are various forms of medical records. What certificate is needed to register a child in a kindergarten or school? Such a child's medical record has the form 026 / y. Consider what examinations you need to undergo in order to obtain such a document

How to lower the ESR in the blood: folk remedies and drugs

How to lower the ESR in the blood: folk remedies and drugs

ESR is one of the indicators in a clinical blood test. When evaluating the results of the study, the doctor pays special attention to it. Elevated values of leukocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate always mean one thing - a person is sick. The question immediately arises: how to lower the ESR in the blood and will it contribute to recovery? To answer, first you need to understand what the indicator means, what are its normal values u200bu200band what is its role in diagnosis

Why hydrogen peroxide foams on the wound: entertaining chemistry

Why hydrogen peroxide foams on the wound: entertaining chemistry

Getting on cuts and scratches, hydrogen peroxide forms a spectacular foam. Why does hydrogen peroxide foam on the wound? What is the scientific explanation for this impressive phenomenon? Find out in the article

Removal of corns with a laser: reviews, consequences, photos

Removal of corns with a laser: reviews, consequences, photos

Every person has had calluses on their feet or hands at least once in their life. They not only interfere with normal life and hamper the movement of a person, but also cause pain. Laser callus removal is a highly effective and almost painless method

Cryotherapy of tonsils: indications and contraindications

Cryotherapy of tonsils: indications and contraindications

Cryotherapy of the tonsils is necessary when a person often suffers from tonsillitis or tonsillitis. Cauterization of the tonsils with liquid nitrogen is an equivalent replacement for surgical intervention in the body

Cabinet "He althy childhood" in the clinic - what is it and why does it exist?

Cabinet "He althy childhood" in the clinic - what is it and why does it exist?

Not so long ago, special "He althy Childhood" offices began to open in large cities, which were created specifically to make life easier for little patients and their parents. For several months of their work, they have already justified their effectiveness and necessity

Hematoma is Hematoma: types, causes, symptoms

Hematoma is Hematoma: types, causes, symptoms

This article will discuss what a hematoma is. This definition will be presented below. You will also find out what types of hematomas are, their symptoms and causes

Algorithm for measuring the patient's height and weight

Algorithm for measuring the patient's height and weight

Anthropometry is the main method of anthropological research, which consists in measuring the human body and its parts in order to establish gender, racial, age and other features of the physical structure, which allow us to give quantitative characteristics of their variability

Women's childbearing age. What should you know?

Women's childbearing age. What should you know?

Reproductive age is usually called a certain period of a woman's life when she is able to conceive and give birth to a child. This period is approximately the same for everyone, but may differ somewhat due to physiological characteristics. When does childbearing age begin and end in women?

Maternity hospital on Sevastopol: reviews about doctors

Maternity hospital on Sevastopol: reviews about doctors

Born on Sevastopolsky Prospekt in Moscow - an institution about which one can hear mostly positive reviews. Great success is achieved thanks to the professionalism of the doctors working here

Norm of stab neutrophils for adults and children

Norm of stab neutrophils for adults and children

Complete blood count is an extremely important diagnostic procedure. Based on the indicators of this study, doctors assess the general condition of the patient and the presence of various congenital or acquired pathologies. An important indicator in a detailed analysis is the presence of stab neutrophils. The norm is described below

Can I repair blood pressure monitors myself?

Can I repair blood pressure monitors myself?

Measurement of pressure, previously the prerogative of doctors, has now become available to everyone. And this is quite understandable, since semi-automatic and automatic blood pressure monitors have appeared that perform all the functions on their own. However, sometimes the device starts to “jump”, and then it becomes necessary to repair the tonometers or exchange them. When and how to do this is described in the article

Insensitivity to pain: essence, causes and treatment

Insensitivity to pain: essence, causes and treatment

Surprisingly, about a million people around the world cannot feel pain. Fractures, burns, cuts remain unnoticed for these people for a long time. In addition, infectious and inflammatory diseases are also often neglected due to their late detection. Consider the essence of insensitivity to pain, its causes and treatment

Milestone epicrisis: writing example

Milestone epicrisis: writing example

In Russia, the concept of "epicrisis" was familiar in the 18th century. An epicrisis (from the Greek. Judgment, decision) is the doctor's opinion: about the patient's he alth, the symptoms of the disease, its causes, diagnosis, the prescribed treatment and its results. The epicrisis is a mandatory document of business medical workflow, and it will be discussed in this article, where its types, conditions, compilation and template will be considered

Essentuki, Semashko mud bath: address, procedures. Mud therapy: indications and contraindications

Essentuki, Semashko mud bath: address, procedures. Mud therapy: indications and contraindications

For complex balneotherapy, many go to Essentuki. The mud bath has been operating since 1913 and has not changed its profile throughout its existence. Muds of the Tambukan lake, waters of local mineral springs are used for the procedures, the most famous of which is "Essentuki No. 17"

Progesterone: the norm in women

Progesterone: the norm in women

Progesterone is a female sex hormone that is often confused with estrogen. In fact, both of these hormones are produced by the female body and are vital for it. The level of progesterone should always be within the established norm. Therefore, every woman needs to know how this hormone affects the state of he alth and what its performance depends on

How to take a progesterone test for a woman? Which days?

How to take a progesterone test for a woman? Which days?

When is the best time to test for progesterone? This is a common question. Let's figure it out in this article. For women who are planning a pregnancy in the near future, the level of progesterone in the body is of paramount importance, since this hormone affects the reproductive ability of the body

Stillborn baby: causes, management of a pregnant woman, childbirth, consequences for a woman and advice from doctors

Stillborn baby: causes, management of a pregnant woman, childbirth, consequences for a woman and advice from doctors

A stillborn is a baby who was stillborn or died during childbirth at or after 24 weeks of gestation. Until this time, premature birth is considered a miscarriage, the fetus is frozen, and the dead fetus is disposed of as biological waste. The longer the pregnancy, the more difficult it is for a woman to accept the death of a child. Features of the course of pregnancy, types of delivery and the consequences of the birth of a dead child, we will consider further

VTEK: transcript. Medical and labor expert commission

VTEK: transcript. Medical and labor expert commission

Persons employed in work with dangerous and harmful working conditions can be sent to VTEK. The interpretation of this term is a medical and labor expert commission. It decides on the admission of persons to work in disputable situations, and also analyzes cases of occupational diseases, determines the degree of disability and establishes a disability group

Medical bile for arthrosis of the knee joint: reviews

Medical bile for arthrosis of the knee joint: reviews

Arthrosis of the knee joint: forms, symptoms, treatment. Medical bile for arthrosis of the knee joint: methods of application, compresses, reviews of doctors and patients

SMT - physiotherapy. Apparatus for physiotherapy. Physiotherapy SMT - what is it?

SMT - physiotherapy. Apparatus for physiotherapy. Physiotherapy SMT - what is it?

Physiotherapy is understood as one of the methods of treatment, in which not chemical factors (drugs) are used, but physical ones. These include, for example, laser, ultrasound, magnetic field, currents, etc

Ulyanovsk Regional Hospital: address, reviews

Ulyanovsk Regional Hospital: address, reviews

Ulyanovsk regional hospital is one of the oldest medical institutions serving the population of the region. The clinic has modern equipment to provide most types of care, including diagnosis, treatment, VMP, consultations

The roots of the lungs are compacted: what does this mean?

The roots of the lungs are compacted: what does this mean?

The article describes the main diseases hiding under the x-ray symptom "compaction of the root of the lung". Their clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis and treatment of these diseases are also described. Aware - means armed

How to prepare for a kidney ultrasound: useful tips

How to prepare for a kidney ultrasound: useful tips

Some helpful tips to help you prepare for your kidney ultrasound. Explanations on the use of drugs and the consumption of certain foods

What is a microelement? Essential trace elements for the human body

What is a microelement? Essential trace elements for the human body

The human body is a complex mechanism in which everything is interconnected. A special place in this system is occupied by trace elements, the lack of which can provoke the development of serious he alth problems. Therefore, it is important to know what a microelement is and what role it plays in the body

4 maternity hospital, Novosibirsk: Address, 4 Maternity Hospital Reviews: 4.5/5

4 maternity hospital, Novosibirsk: Address, 4 Maternity Hospital Reviews: 4.5/5

There is nothing more thrilling than waiting for the birth of a child. Very often, the process of carrying a baby requires supervision and support from doctors. For successful delivery and the birth of he althy babies, a multidisciplinary institution has been created - the Novosibirsk City Clinical Perinatal Center, or in short - NSPC. What documents are needed to get there, what is allowed to take with you and is there a chance to give birth on your own after a cesarean section?

Neurosurgery (Novosibirsk). Federal Center of Neurosurgery in Novosibirsk: reviews

Neurosurgery (Novosibirsk). Federal Center of Neurosurgery in Novosibirsk: reviews

Where can I get help in diagnosing neurosurgical diseases? Previously, this was possible only in the central cities of Russia. Now the monoprofile specialized institution in Novosibirsk is already the fourth in a row. Thanks to this, patient care in this area has become as accessible as possible for all residents of remote regions of our country