Cleansing enema with soda. How and in what cases do enemas with soda, reviews of the procedure

Cleansing enema with soda. How and in what cases do enemas with soda, reviews of the procedure
Cleansing enema with soda. How and in what cases do enemas with soda, reviews of the procedure

One of the most affordable methods of colon cleansing at home is the use of an enema. A baking soda enema is especially effective.

The action of the enema

Enemas have not only a cleansing effect, after their application, the general well-being of a person improves. Most of those who use this procedure note another positive property - weight loss. The main task of the procedure (how to make enemas with soda will be described below) is to cleanse the intestines from accumulated toxins, toxins, fecal stones. This is what provokes metabolic disorders, which leads to overweight.

enema with soda
enema with soda

Indications for use

A cleansing soda enema can be a necessity for long-term constipation. Also, this procedure can be indicated before medical examinations of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, before surgery, in case of poisoning, before using a therapeutic enema. Soda changes the balance of water to the alkaline side, so the procedure is effective for increased acidity of the feces, which accompanies diarrhea. Soda solution has a calming effect, which greatly facilitatespain in the anus and colon.

enema with soda reviews
enema with soda reviews


Quite often the cause of most gastrointestinal diseases (diarrhea, constipation, nausea, enteritis, enterocolitis), respiratory diseases (ARI, pneumonia), neurological ailments (unreasonable irritation, headaches, dizziness, nervous tics, epileptic seizures), allergic reactions, chronic fatigue, mental disorders is helminth infection. Toxins of parasites have a depressing effect on the human circulatory system and provoke anemia. In severe cases, cancer may develop. Influencing the nervous system, toxins provoke sleep disorders, headaches, muscle tone disorders. Helminths weaken the immune system, which aggravates the course of many diseases.

enema with soda from worms
enema with soda from worms

What contributes to the appearance of worms and the development of diseases?

Systematic irregular and improper nutrition contributes to the formation of masses of undigested food in the large intestine. Worms penetrate the intestinal accumulations in various ways and begin to multiply rapidly. There are a lot of ways for them to enter the human body: unwashed hands, fruits, vegetables, dogs, cats, other infected people, water, air containing helminth spores. After penetrating the body, parasites begin to feed on useful substances and secrete poisons that they produce in the course of their life. All this weakens the immune system and contributes to the development of variousailments.

Therefore, it is very important in the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease to take into account the presence of intestinal parasites, upon detection of which it is necessary to take action to destroy them. Well proven enema with soda from worms. Soda enema also prevents the toxic effect of medications. Antiparasitic treatment is effective only with a general cleansing of the body and diet.

enema with soda from parasites
enema with soda from parasites

Slimming soda

When getting rid of excess weight, an enema with soda is quite popular. Reviews of those who have tried this method testify to the effectiveness of this tool. Already after the first procedures, approximately two kilograms are gone. During cleansing, the body gets rid of accumulated toxins that disrupt the normal functioning of the intestines and the whole organism as a whole. The accumulated toxic masses prevent the absorption of trace elements useful for the body and inhibit the work of important organs, which provokes the occurrence of serious diseases. An enema with soda removes accumulated impurities from the body, promotes the absorption of nutrients from food, and improves the functioning of cells. All this contributes to the active work of the intestines and the improvement of metabolism, which ultimately leads to the gradual elimination of body fat.

cleansing enema with soda
cleansing enema with soda

How to make a baking soda enema?

The solution for the procedure is prepared in advance. It is preferable to use spring water, if there is none, it is necessary to boil tap water.water and let it stand. In order for an enema with soda to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to know and observe the proportions of the components. For the procedure, you need to take about 800 ml of water, heat it up and add 20-30 g of baking soda. Bring the resulting solution to a temperature of 38-42 ºС. It is also necessary to prepare an additional two servings of water, 2 liters each, for a cleansing enema. An enema with soda and s alt has a great effect, so you can add a little s alt to the solution.

Procedure progress

  1. A cleansing enema of 2 liters must be entered through the anus using Esmarch's mug. The solution should be kept in itself for the maximum possible time and empty the intestines.
  2. After that, an enema with soda from parasites is immediately introduced and lingers in the intestines for 30 minutes. After the specified time, it is necessary to empty the intestines. If the reaction is too violent and painful, the cleaning should be stopped immediately. In subsequent procedures, the amount of water in the solution is recommended to be reduced.
  3. The procedure ends with the introduction of a cleaning solution (2 liters of water).

Therapeutic cleansing complex is carried out every other day for ten days. The baking soda enema is used twice a day, the preferred time is 5-7 am or 6-7 pm. In parallel with the procedures, it is necessary, if possible, to exclude fatty and heavy foods, to give preference to vegetables and fruits.

how to make enemas with baking soda
how to make enemas with baking soda

How to administer an enema

First way

The person lies on the left side, bending andpulling your knees up to your stomach. It is necessary to pour a room temperature solution into Esmarch's mug, raise it 1-1.5 m up and lower the tip down. This is necessary to get a small amount of water and air out of the tube. After complete filling with the solution, the tap on the rubber tube is closed, while the mug is not lowered. The tip is lubricated with petroleum jelly and, spreading the buttocks, introduce it into the anus with light rotational movements. 3-4 cm of the tip of the tube is inserted towards the navel, then the tube is advanced another 5-8 cm, while the movements are parallel to the coccyx. Then the tube is removed by 1-2 cm and the tap is opened. Under pressure, water will enter the large intestine. Almost immediately there will be a feeling of "filling" the intestines. At this time, it is necessary to stop the rate of solution supply by pinching the tube or closing the tap. Esmarch's mug should not be completely emptied. To prevent air from entering the intestines, a little liquid is left at the bottom. After that, the valve is closed, the tip is removed.

Second way

The person gets on all fours. After the tip is inserted, the head and shoulders must be lowered and breathing infrequently and deeply into the abdomen should be started. This method is more convenient when carrying out the procedure on your own. In addition, more fluid can be injected and retained using this method.

enema with soda and s alt
enema with soda and s alt

Cleansing enema with soda: reviews

Most of those who have tried the action of a cleansing enema with soda, note its positive effect. This procedure not only perfectly cleansthe body, but also noticeably improves well-being, there is lightness in the whole body. In addition, reviews indicate that if you are on a diet, then it is much easier to carry it in combination with an enema. In the treatment of helminthiasis, saline also has a positive effect. During treatment, a large amount of mucus is eliminated and helminths are expelled. As a result, the patient's condition improves significantly, up to a complete recovery. The elimination of helminths as a result of using this method helps to eliminate the symptoms of diseases that were provoked by intoxication due to parasitism with worms and poisoning with their waste products. The sick feel recovered.


Despite the numerous positive effects, soda enemas have a number of contraindications.

This procedure is not performed under conditions such as:

  • inflammatory processes in the colon and rectum;
  • bleeding hemorrhoids;
  • bleeding of the digestive system;
  • malignant tumors of the rectum;
  • anus fissures;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Remember that the use of enemas is just an auxiliary method of healing the body. First of all, you must adhere to the rules of rational nutrition and a he althy lifestyle.
