Medicine 2024, October

Erythrocytes in urine: norm and deviations

Erythrocytes in urine: norm and deviations

Erythrocytes are microscopic cells present in human blood. They carry oxygen and carbon dioxide through the vessels and capillaries, carrying out one of the most important functions in our body - gas exchange. Their presence in the urine is permissible only in very small quantities, and an increased content may indicate that some organs are not working in the right way. Let's see what red blood cells in urine mean?

Mysterious hospital "Mount Massif"

Mysterious hospital "Mount Massif"

Mount Massif Psychiatric Hospital - is it a fiction or not? Is there such a hospital in the world? Let's try to figure it out

Nasal shower: description, device, application

Nasal shower: description, device, application

Nasal irrigation plays a significant role in the treatment of many pathologies of the maxillary sinuses and in postoperative care. The nasal shower optimizes the distribution and cleansing power of the irrigation solution in the nasal cavity. At the same time, the ionic composition and Ph positively affect the he alth of the epithelium

Insulin-like growth factor: norm and deviations

Insulin-like growth factor: norm and deviations

Insulin-like growth factor is a hormone similar in chemical structure to insulin. It regulates the processes of cell differentiation, their development and growth. Also involved in glucose metabolism

Does it hurt to remove stitches? Let's figure it out

Does it hurt to remove stitches? Let's figure it out

Naturally, any operation is a very unpleasant event that requires great endurance and fortitude. Most likely, it will affect the state of the body as a whole, and it is possible that for a long time a person will be disturbed by slight weakness and somewhat painful sensations in that part of the body that was affected

Child in the hospital: conditions and care, necessary things, tips

Child in the hospital: conditions and care, necessary things, tips

A child's stay in the hospital comes with a number of issues. Indeed, for children, a hospital is a frightening and unfamiliar place where they will have to spend several days, and maybe even weeks. Let's try to figure out what should be the care of a child in a hospital, what conditions you need to create for your offspring for a speedy recovery, how to behave to parents and what should not be done under any circumstances

Phases of gastric secretion: cerebral, gastric, intestinal. Mechanisms of regulation of gastric secretion

Phases of gastric secretion: cerebral, gastric, intestinal. Mechanisms of regulation of gastric secretion

What can be food in terms of digestion speed, how much is it processed by the stomach and gastrointestinal tract in general? What are the phases of gastric secretion? Detailed analysis of the brain, gastric, intestinal stage. Inhibition of gastric secretion. Secretion of gastric juice between meals

Blood test for INR: the norm of the indicator in men and women, decoding the results

Blood test for INR: the norm of the indicator in men and women, decoding the results

INR - the most accurate method for assessing the work of the blood coagulation system. The norms of other indicators of the coagulation system vary depending on gender, age, laboratory in which the study was conducted, and the reagent used. But a blood test for INR is a worldwide recognized indicator, the only one for all laboratories

Prothrombin according to Quick: norm and deviations

Prothrombin according to Quick: norm and deviations

Laboratory study of blood samples for prothrombin allows you to assess the quality of the coagulation mechanism. Like any sample for laboratory testing, blood for a prothrombin test should be taken on an empty stomach. If the patient, due to his he alth, is unable to fulfill this condition, he must eat no later than 5 hours before sampling

Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation: symptoms, technique, indications and contraindications

Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation: symptoms, technique, indications and contraindications

The apparatus for intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation is a mechanical device that, with a sharp decrease in the contractility of the left ventricle, instantly pumps blood into the lumen of the aorta. This device during the period of relaxation of the ventricles inflates the balloon at the ends of the catheter, which are connected to the artery, this function will provide oxygen to the internal organs and support the work of the heart

Central venous catheterization technique

Central venous catheterization technique

A central venous catheter (CVC) is not required in awake patients with stable circulation and in patients not receiving high osmolarity solutions. Before placing such a catheter, it is necessary to weigh all possible complications and risks. In this article, we will look at how central vein catheterization is performed

Robertsonian translocations: description, features and characteristics

Robertsonian translocations: description, features and characteristics

Robertsonian translocations are one of the most common types of such disorders on the planet, which unfortunately affects the future offspring of such people. Violation of ploidy (the number of homosomes), along with translocation, is already much more dangerous. and we will explain why

Ashner's test - features, description and recommendations

Ashner's test - features, description and recommendations

The work of the internal organs and systems of the body is guided not only by the central nervous system - the central nervous system, but also by the ANS (vegetative nervous system). The functioning of the heart also interacts in close connection with the ANS - with the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions

Basophils are lowered: causes, rules for blood sampling, interpretation of the results of the analysis, possible consequences and consultation of doctors

Basophils are lowered: causes, rules for blood sampling, interpretation of the results of the analysis, possible consequences and consultation of doctors

It is widely believed that low levels of basophils in the blood are the result of allergic reactions. This is not true. Basophils respond to many processes that occur in the human body. Which ones exactly? And what is the reason for their decrease in the blood?

Best glucometer: customer reviews

Best glucometer: customer reviews

Let's try to identify the best glucometers that can be found in domestic pharmacies. All models are distinguished by their efficiency and quality component, as well as a lot of positive feedback from users

Normal volume of the thyroid gland: dimensions, contours, ultrasound diagnostics

Normal volume of the thyroid gland: dimensions, contours, ultrasound diagnostics

Most pathologies are asymptomatic for quite a long time. You can recognize them in the early stages with the help of ultrasound diagnostics. Conclusions about the state are made on the basis of the parameters of the organ structure, size, volume of the thyroid gland. The last indicator is especially important. Normal volume is different for men and women. When deciphering the results, the age of the patient is also taken into account

MRI of the thyroid gland: what does the study show?

MRI of the thyroid gland: what does the study show?

Thyroid diseases are a very common problem, from which no one is immune. Of course, in this case, correct and timely diagnosis is extremely important. And often, doctors refer patients to an MRI of the thyroid gland

Liver elastometry. Liver Fibroscan

Liver elastometry. Liver Fibroscan

Liver elastometry is a modern method of examination, which is prescribed for suspected fibrosis. Before the advent of this procedure, it was possible to examine the state of liver tissue cells only with the help of histology

Alalia - what is it? Alalia: correctional work

Alalia - what is it? Alalia: correctional work

Alalia is the complete absence of speech or its underdevelopment in children with normal intelligence and hearing. This disorder is the result of damage to the speech areas of the brain during birth

4th generation cephalosporins tablets. 4th generation cephalosporin antibiotics

4th generation cephalosporins tablets. 4th generation cephalosporin antibiotics

Cephalosporins are classified as beta-lactam drugs. They represent one of the largest classes of antibacterial drugs

Hormone of the yellow body: description and functions in the body

Hormone of the yellow body: description and functions in the body

The corpus luteum hormone: description and functions in the body. What affects the level of progesterone in the human body? High and low progesterone levels. Causes and methods of reduction, practical recommendations

The branches of the external carotid artery in humans

The branches of the external carotid artery in humans

The branches of the external carotid artery play an important role in a person's life, because they carry blood to the head. With their help, most parts of the head receive oxygen, these are cheeks, lips, and auricles

Clinic of plastic surgery Gayk Babayan: description, services and reviews

Clinic of plastic surgery Gayk Babayan: description, services and reviews

Increasingly, the fair sex go under the knife of plastic surgeons to correct existing flaws in their appearance. As the demand for services increased, so did the supply. Many specialists declare themselves on the market of plastic surgery services, among which there are both experienced and worthy doctors, and illiterate doctors who seek to cash in on their patients

Perinatal center (Ufa): description, services, reviews

Perinatal center (Ufa): description, services, reviews

Choosing a place for childbirth is a responsible task. Where can I go for medical help in this area in Ufa? To the perinatal center! What does he represent? How good and quality services does it offer?

Intramuscular injection: algorithm. Intramuscular injection technique

Intramuscular injection: algorithm. Intramuscular injection technique

All people tend to get sick. In some cases, doctors prescribe injections for more effective treatment. In a medical institution, this procedure will be carried out quickly and almost painlessly. But what to do when the treatment is carried out at home? This article will tell you how an intramuscular injection is performed (algorithm)

Massage for babies: types, rules and technique

Massage for babies: types, rules and technique

To create all the conditions for the proper development of an infant, a pediatrician may advise a baby massage. This procedure has a positive effect on the he alth and well-being of the child

Glycogens. What it is? Let's find out

Glycogens. What it is? Let's find out

Glycogen is a complex, complex carbohydrate, which in the process of glycogenesis is formed from glucose that enters the human body with food. From a chemical point of view, it is defined by the formula C6H10O5 and is a colloidal polysaccharide with a highly branched chain of glucose residues

Who is a donor? Who can become one and what benefits are provided for blood donation?

Who is a donor? Who can become one and what benefits are provided for blood donation?

Before you ask yourself who a donor is, you need to understand what human blood is. Essentially, blood is the tissue of the body. When it is transfused, tissue is literally transplanted to a sick person, which in the future will be able to save his life. That is why donation is very important in modern medicine

Dizziness as a symptom of heat stroke

Dizziness as a symptom of heat stroke

Heat stroke is considered a very serious problem that cannot be solved without the intervention of a doctor. Therefore, if you notice a symptom of heat stroke in someone, the victim should be immediately taken to the hospital, where he will receive the necessary care

Cleansing the liver "Allohol" (14 days): regimen, reviews

Cleansing the liver "Allohol" (14 days): regimen, reviews

Those who care about their he alth have probably heard or read about such a program as cleaning the liver with Allohol. 14 days, according to those who have tried this technique, is enough to completely cleanse the body and improve he alth. Is this so, what are the contraindications for use, is it safe and is it worth cleaning the liver at all - let's figure it out in order

NII Turner: address, photos and reviews. Research Children's Orthopedic Institute named after G.I. Turnera

NII Turner: address, photos and reviews. Research Children's Orthopedic Institute named after G.I. Turnera

Research Institute im. G.I. Turner in Pushkin is a unique institute for pediatric orthopedics and traumatology, where they help young patients cope with severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the consequences of injuries

How to increase white blood cells

How to increase white blood cells

Many people know that the level of leukocytes in human blood is an important indicator of the defenses of our body. After all, the functions of leukocytes are to fight viruses and harmful bacteria, as well as to restore and increase immunity. Today we offer to find out how you can increase white blood cells

Leukocytes in the blood: the norm by age

Leukocytes in the blood: the norm by age

The foundation of human life is his he alth. Self-care is made up of many factors. Every day you can make choices in favor of proper nutrition, sports and disease prevention. At the same time, every day the body independently makes a choice in favor of fighting viruses and infections from the inside. This work is done by leukocytes invisible to the human eye

Asthma treatment. Main steps

Asthma treatment. Main steps

At the first stage, the treatment of asthma involves the use of bronchospasmolytics. These medicines are considered "first aid" remedies

In medicine, palpation - what is it?

In medicine, palpation - what is it?

The article will tell you what kind of technique is palpation and what are its features, distinguishing features

Lumbar lordosis smoothed: concept, definition, description, causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Lumbar lordosis smoothed: concept, definition, description, causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

There are 3 physiological bends in the human body: one kyphosis and two lordosis. The formation of each of them occurs at different stages of life. Under the influence of various adverse factors, a pathological process can develop, characterized by straightening of the curves of the spine. In some cases, they do not begin to form at all

Diet for pyelonephritis in a child: nutritional features

Diet for pyelonephritis in a child: nutritional features

Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys that is bacterial in nature. It occurs in acute or chronic form and affects not only adults, but also babies. The article will talk about the features of the diet for pyelonephritis in children

The structure of viruses and their organization

The structure of viruses and their organization

The internal structure of viruses allows them to multiply only in the cells of other organisms, and nothing else. They do not show any extracellular vital activity at all. The sizes of widespread viruses range from 20 to 300 nm in diameter

Bandages "Orlette": types and features of models

Bandages "Orlette": types and features of models

The Orlette brand specializes in mass production and individual manufacturing of orthopedic products intended for the prevention and treatment of problems of the musculoskeletal system. The brand was developed by REHARD TECHNOLOGIES from Germany

Antifreeze poisoning: symptoms, first aid, consequences

Antifreeze poisoning: symptoms, first aid, consequences

In case of antifreeze poisoning, it is important to urgently provide first aid to the victim. The consequences of poisoning can be deplorable, even fatal. Moreover, it is absolutely easy to recognize the symptoms of poisoning the body with antifreeze