Removal of corns with a laser: reviews, consequences, photos

Removal of corns with a laser: reviews, consequences, photos
Removal of corns with a laser: reviews, consequences, photos

There are many causes of discomfort while walking: uncomfortable shoes, incorrect gait, wet feet or uneven insoles. All these troubles eventually lead to one thing - the appearance of corns. Calluses can deliver not only discomfort and discomfort while walking or running, but also cause significant pain to a person. Of course, in most cases, corns disappear by themselves (when the causes are eliminated), and after a few days nothing reminds of their existence. However, in severely neglected situations, a person may need medical removal of corns. Most often, corns are removed with a laser, because it is very difficult to get rid of them.


Each person can develop calluses on their feet or hands. In total, there are four varieties of this pathology in nature:

  • Wet (water, soft). Well-known blisters with fluid accumulation inside are formed after prolonged mechanical friction of the skin and shoes. As a rule, water corns pass quickly and do not require special treatment. However, when infected in humans,experience pain and discomfort when walking.
  • Dry. Hard callus can either occur as an independent neoplasm, or be the result of a wet one. It is worth noting that hard corn itself does not cause pain to the patient. However, in the later stages of the process, hard growths on the feet can cause cracks and pain.
laser callus removal
laser callus removal
  • Corns. This pathology refers to dry corns, however, the size of corns significantly exceeds the size of ordinary dry formations.
  • Rod. As a rule, such corns are localized in the interdigital spaces and over the entire surface of the foot. A feature of these formations is that on the surface of the skin there is only a small tubercle with a hole in the middle, and the core (root) of the corpus callosum goes deep into the skin.

What will the laser cure?

Removal of corns with a laser is advisable only when the skin formation is pivotal or causes pain. It is important to note that pain and discomfort when walking in a patient occur only in severely neglected cases. Corns on the feet are very difficult to cure with folk methods or pumice. The root of such formation goes far into the depths of the skin. Removal of dry corns with a laser is the only way to get rid of this pathology. With the help of laser radiation, the doctor can quickly and almost painlessly remove the entire affected area, while not affecting he althy tissues.

removalcallus laser reviews
removalcallus laser reviews

How is the deletion process?

Before starting the procedure, the doctor needs to anesthetize the pathological area of the skin. A laser is a special device that emits electromagnetic waves. In this case, the magnetic beams from the device come out in the form of a beam, which is able to easily cut and remove damaged tissue.

Removal of corns with a laser is carried out in 2 ways:

  • Due to the evaporation of water in pathological areas and infected tissues.
  • Due to coagulation and mechanical removal of the cut off area.
removal of dry corns with a laser photo before and after
removal of dry corns with a laser photo before and after

Laser beams have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The entire callus removal procedure takes only a few minutes (from 2 to 10). After the procedure, a small depression appears at the site of the dry skin formation. After the doctor removes dry calluses with a laser (patient reviews say that this process is completely painless), he will treat the wound with an antiseptic solution, and then apply a gauze bandage. The patient must carefully monitor the condition of the dressing and periodically treat the wound with an antiseptic solution. With proper care of the wound, it will heal in the near future, and there will be no trace of the callus.


To get rid of pain and quick healing of wounds, it is best for the patient to apply the removal of dry calluses with a laser. Photos before and after the procedure indicate that withproper postoperative measures in patients do not cause complications. How should the rehabilitation process take place?

laser callus removal before and after photos
laser callus removal before and after photos
  • The patient should not remove the crust from the treatment site.
  • Don't comb the wound.
  • Immediately after the removal of the callus, it is best for the patient to take care of the leg. A person does not need to run, walk a lot and overwork it in every possible way. The best option for wound healing is bed rest, at least for the first few days.
  • Until the wound is completely healed, the patient should not visit swimming pools, saunas or baths.
  • The very removal of corns with a laser (patient reviews say this) does not interfere with continuing normal life in the future. However, for the fastest healing of the wound, gauze bandages with an antiseptic solution should be applied to it. It is very important for the patient to prevent infection of the wound, and the rehabilitation process will be successful.

Who are we talking to?

Before finally saying goodbye to hated skin growths and removing dry calluses with a laser, the patient needs to visit a dermatologist. An experienced specialist will fully examine his patient and find out if it is possible to remove corns with a laser. Some citizens are afraid to visit medical institutions for consultation. In such cases, they should talk to a podiatrist (a specialist who treats foot problems) before having the procedure.

removal of corns with a laser reviews consequences
removal of corns with a laser reviews consequences

Pros andcons of the procedure

Any effect on the human body has its positive and negative sides, and the removal of corns with a laser is no exception. Photos before and after the application of the laser speak for themselves, however, it is worth dwelling in more detail on the pros and cons of the procedure.

removal of dry corns with a laser reviews
removal of dry corns with a laser reviews

Laser Removal Benefits:

  • Infection of the wound during the procedure is completely excluded.
  • The laser completely destroys all pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria, so the wound healing procedure is much faster.
  • The duration of laser exposure does not exceed 10 minutes.
  • No blood and no pain during surgery.
  • Completely get rid of the affected areas in a single visit to a specialist.
  • After laser exposure, there is no trace left on the skin. It is worth noting that when removing corns with a laser, scars, scars or other skin defects do not form at the site of the operation.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • The high cost of laser treatment.
  • Contraindications in some patients.

Who can't?

  • Pregnant women and new mothers who are breastfeeding.
  • With general malaise and reduced immunity.
  • For diabetic patients.
  • People who suffer from cancer.
  • Suffering from herpes in the area of the callus.

Laser callus removal: reviews, consequences,conclusions

The appearance of corns and calluses can significantly worsen the life of every person. Often, skin thickenings go away on their own, and their owner does not treat them. However, in some cases, special treatment is simply not enough. Numerous reviews indicate that the use of a laser to remove corns is a painless and safe way to get rid of this scourge. All discomfort and pain after laser removal usually disappear after 14 days. At the same time, there is no trace of calluses on the skin.

laser dry callus removal
laser dry callus removal

It is worth noting that patients are in no case recommended to self-medicate, because the rod goes deep into the thickness of the skin. It is quite difficult to get rid of dry corns, so it is best to contact a specialist for help.
