Medicine 2024, October

How to do an ECG for a child? How is an EKG done for women?

How to do an ECG for a child? How is an EKG done for women?

First of all, it should be said that if the doctor ordered to undergo an ECG, then there is nothing catastrophic in this. A lot of people go through this test. It is a standard procedure for diagnosing a particular disease

CT contrast agent: side effects and contraindications

CT contrast agent: side effects and contraindications

Sometimes doctors prescribe CT scans with a contrast agent to their patients, which will better determine the nature of the development of the disease. And about what it is, what indications and contraindications such a study has, and whether CT with contrast has any side effects, we will now tell you

LFK - what is this method? A set of exercise therapy exercises after fractures

LFK - what is this method? A set of exercise therapy exercises after fractures

Exercise therapy is an indispensable element in the treatment of patients who have injuries or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, since without the use of physiotherapy exercises, the impaired function of support and movement is practically not restored

Blood for helminths: indications, interpretation of the results

Blood for helminths: indications, interpretation of the results

Many he alth problems, malaise and indigestion are associated with parasitic diseases. Fecal tests that are done to diagnose such pathologies are not always informative. In addition, they can show the presence of parasites only in the later stages of the development of the disease. Therefore, it is often recommended to donate blood for helminths

Sugar curve - what is it? What indicators of the sugar curve correspond to the norm?

Sugar curve - what is it? What indicators of the sugar curve correspond to the norm?

To determine how the body works and how it reacts to the influx of a significant amount of glucose into the blood, an analysis known as the "sugar curve" is carried out. Determination of glucose tolerance allows you to identify possible problems with the pancreas in time and prevent the development of diabetes

Kursk Narcological Dispensary: address, working hours

Kursk Narcological Dispensary: address, working hours

On Druzhininskaya Street, house number 2, there is a narcological dispensary in Kursk. It provides assistance to people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction in a hospital and outpatient setting

Perm clinic "Heart Institute" on Sibirskaya: reviews

Perm clinic "Heart Institute" on Sibirskaya: reviews

Regional Center Perm Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2 "Heart Institute" is a modern diagnostic and treatment center for cardiology. In addition to consultations on cardiological problems, the center also offers professional advice from endocrinologists, psychologists and other specialists. In addition to the main compartment, there are 15 others. In total, about 70 doctors work at the Perm Heart Institute

Anisocytosis of erythrocytes in the general blood test: indicators

Anisocytosis of erythrocytes in the general blood test: indicators

Any stressful conditions for the body are reflected in the processes occurring in it. Whether it is a trip to the mountains to a sufficiently high altitude or a banal deficiency of any vitamin in the diet. Consider what is erythrocyte anisocytosis

Analysis of OHSS - what is it?

Analysis of OHSS - what is it?

The abbreviation OGSS stands for "total iron-binding capacity of serum". In other words, the analysis shows the concentration in the body of transferrin

Thyroid ultrasound - preparation, description of the procedure, interpretation of the results

Thyroid ultrasound - preparation, description of the procedure, interpretation of the results

It happens that doctors prescribe their patients to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, however, not every one of them fully understands what this procedure is and why it should be done. Therefore, now we will try to understand in more detail the need for such a study, the method of conducting it, preparing for it and deciphering the results

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism: features of the course, causes and treatment

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism: features of the course, causes and treatment

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are extremely dangerous pathologies of the thyroid gland. That is why you need to know the first symptoms for early diagnosis

Swiss University Hospital: history of foundation, overview of departments, staff qualifications, patient reviews

Swiss University Hospital: history of foundation, overview of departments, staff qualifications, patient reviews

Treatment abroad is far from accessible to everyone, but for more than 10 years a unique medical institution of its kind has been operating in Moscow - the Swiss University Clinic SwissClinic. This is one of the medical institutions in Russia, which was created according to European standards. It provides high-tech medical care using all modern methods of surgical treatment

Why can't you shower when you're sick? Doctor's recommendations

Why can't you shower when you're sick? Doctor's recommendations

People often ask why you shouldn't bathe when you're sick. Let's figure out how water procedures affect our body, when you can and should wash, and when you have to refuse to take a bath

Treatment with radioactive iodine in Moscow. Treatment of thyrotoxicosis with radioactive iodine

Treatment with radioactive iodine in Moscow. Treatment of thyrotoxicosis with radioactive iodine

Fundamentals of the method of treatment with radioactive iodine. The impact of iodine isotope on the thyroid gland and the body as a whole. Application in world practice. Feeling good after treatment. Recommendations for those who have undergone the procedure

Skull bones: human anatomy

Skull bones: human anatomy

Description of the main bones of the skull, their structure, connection, functions. Detailed data on the brain and facial part of the skull. features of each section. Stages of head skeleton formation

Doctor for vessels and veins. Phlebologist

Doctor for vessels and veins. Phlebologist

The existence of vein diseases was not a secret back in the days of Ancient Egypt, and there is even evidence that the Egyptians were quite successful in developing methods for treating these pathologies. Medicine has since stepped forward, and now there are modern methods used by specialists. But it turns out that for the treatment of different types of vessels, diverse doctors are required

Total antibodies to Giardia

Total antibodies to Giardia

Giardiasis is one of the types of invasions that can affect people, mammals, and birds. Certain types of examinations, for example, a blood test for antibodies to Giardia, can help identify this problem. About what it is, tells the article

Frequent belching: causes, treatment

Frequent belching: causes, treatment

Diseases of almost all parts of the digestive system are accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. Nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, pain - these are far from the most severe manifestations of them

Electrical synapses and their features

Electrical synapses and their features

Synapses are specialized functional contacts that are located between excitable cells. They transmit and convert various signals. Electrical synapses are intercellular formations through which the transmission of an excitation impulse is ensured

Rectal catheter: description, indications for use, instructions

Rectal catheter: description, indications for use, instructions

In the first months of life, 70% of babies have digestive problems, namely flatulence. This is due to the immaturity of the digestive system, in particular, the intestines. It is not yet fully populated with beneficial intestinal microflora, the enzymatic system is weak, so colic, constipation occur in a newborn baby, and the stomach swells from gases

Thoracic lymphatic duct: anatomy. Lymphatic system. Lymphatic vessels

Thoracic lymphatic duct: anatomy. Lymphatic system. Lymphatic vessels

What is the thoracic lymphatic duct? This anatomical formation is quite large. The duct is formed in the abdominal cavity, and ends in the neck. It collects lymph from the left parts of the trunk and internal organs

Anatomy of the portal vein of the liver, its tributaries and the norm in the diagnosis

Anatomy of the portal vein of the liver, its tributaries and the norm in the diagnosis

The vascular system of the human body is a responsible structure that delivers blood filled with useful substances and oxygen to every cell of all organs and removes waste blood for purification. The main organ involved in blood detoxification is the liver. The portal vein of the liver is the main channel that collects and supplies blood for detoxification

Ultrasound of the stomach and abdominal organs

Ultrasound of the stomach and abdominal organs

Ultrasound of the stomach or other organs is a common method for detecting a large number of different diseases. Its basic principle of operation is the sending of ultrasonic waves by a special sensor, which are reflected from the necessary organ

Atlas - the first cervical vertebra: structure, functions, injuries

Atlas - the first cervical vertebra: structure, functions, injuries

Atlas is the first cervical vertebra in mammals with a complete skeleton and spine. In humans, this department is a fundamentally important part of the musculoskeletal system

Research Institute im. Herzen (institute in Moscow): polyclinic, prices, address and reviews

Research Institute im. Herzen (institute in Moscow): polyclinic, prices, address and reviews

In 1898, the Institute was founded. Morozov, who specialized in the treatment of tumors. The initiative for its creation was taken by the professor of the University of Moscow, the famous surgeon L. L. Levshin and his student V. M. Zykov

Lipoproteins are Classification, norm and deviations, reasons for the increase

Lipoproteins are Classification, norm and deviations, reasons for the increase

Lipoproteins are complex protein complexes, the main function of which is the delivery of lipids from the liver to peripheral organs and vice versa. They contain phospholipids, cholesterol, fatty acids and neutral fats. Despite the widespread opinion about the dangers of lipids, their role in the normal functioning of the body is difficult to overestimate

Freezing sports: in what cases is it necessary and how to use it correctly?

Freezing sports: in what cases is it necessary and how to use it correctly?

The use of sports freezing to provide first aid for bruises, dislocations and other injuries. What are the benefits of freezing spray? In what cases is sports freezing necessary? Compliance with safety rules

How to remove excess water from the body: getting rid of edema

How to remove excess water from the body: getting rid of edema

What woman does not dream of a slim and beautiful figure? Unfortunately, edema, which the fair sex often suffers from, can significantly spoil the appearance, in addition, they increase weight by several kilograms. How to remove excess water from the body without harming he alth, but for the benefit of the figure?

How to improve blood circulation in the brain. Drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain

How to improve blood circulation in the brain. Drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain

Headache, tinnitus, fatigue, dizziness, memory impairment - all this is a consequence of impaired blood circulation in the brain. And if treatment is not started on time, it can lead to serious he alth problems. This article discusses the main causes of poor blood circulation, as well as methods of treatment and prevention

Lasers in medicine. The use of lasers in medicine and science

Lasers in medicine. The use of lasers in medicine and science

The possibility of using light to treat diseases has been known for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians used solar radiation in therapy

The role of the nurse in prevention: nursing care, responsibilities, functions

The role of the nurse in prevention: nursing care, responsibilities, functions

A huge number of pathological conditions can lead to a decrease in the quality of life, disability and even death of a person. For this reason, disease prevention is important. The role of nurses in this matter is indispensable. They carry out educational work among patients, perform the necessary medical procedures, organize he alth schools

Should I have CranioSacral Therapy? Reviews of craniosacral therapy. Craniosacral Therapy for Children

Should I have CranioSacral Therapy? Reviews of craniosacral therapy. Craniosacral Therapy for Children

Craniosacral therapy is a relatively new technique, which, nevertheless, is becoming more and more popular every year. This practice is based on the assertion that all parts of the human skeleton are not only mobile (including the bones of the skull), but are also closely interconnected. So when is it appropriate to use CranioSacral Therapy? What is such a technique?

Reduced platelets in the blood: causes and treatments

Reduced platelets in the blood: causes and treatments

Platelets are small, colorless plates that are responsible for the ability of blood to clot. A significant decrease in the number of these bodies should alert any attending physician. After all, low platelets in the blood or thrombocytopenia usually indicate that a person is developing a serious disease

Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich: biography, photo, his family, children

Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich: biography, photo, his family, children

After a terrible accident at the age of 22, Sergei Bubnovsky miraculously survived, his whole body was literally crushed, and he himself suffered a clinical death. Having become a disabled person of the 2nd group, feeling constant pain all over his body, moving on crutches, he received a higher medical education. He developed and patented his own technique, which restored his he alth. Now Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky helps millions of people

When strabismus in newborns goes away, causes and need for treatment

When strabismus in newborns goes away, causes and need for treatment

Often, young parents notice that the newborn's eyes begin to squint. But do not immediately sound the alarm. Doctors consider this the norm. Is there really no reason to be worried?

Medical gold: what is it?

Medical gold: what is it?

Precious metals are getting more expensive, and the glitter of gold in a necklace or a beautiful ring attracts, beckons, urges you to buy something like that. And then a material suddenly comes to the fore, outwardly very similar to gold, but several times cheaper. Our article will be about this alloy, which is now known as medical gold

Martens bandage: a miracle cure in your home

Martens bandage: a miracle cure in your home

Martens bandage can be useful to you in different situations. This is a kind of lifesaver that has various functions. What? This will be discussed in this article

Immunohistochemical study: decoding and features of the conduct

Immunohistochemical study: decoding and features of the conduct

In modern medicine, special attention is paid to the diagnosis of cancer. The most modern and informative method is immunohistochemical study. With its help, not only the presence of cancer cells is detected, but also their type and the rate of development of the malignant process are determined. In addition, based on the results, the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment is evaluated

How are surgeries done? Indications, preparation and types. How many do the operation?

How are surgeries done? Indications, preparation and types. How many do the operation?

How is the need for surgery determined? How are operations performed: preparation, intervention, rehabilitation? Expediency of surgery and alternative treatment

Trigger finger syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Trigger finger syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Trigger finger syndrome is a pathology accompanied by severe pain and impaired motor activity of the fingers. This phenomenon is the result of changes in the synovial cavity, during which the proper functioning of the tendons in the hands is disrupted. How to deal with such manifestations? Is it possible to do without surgery?