Cabinet "He althy childhood" in the clinic - what is it and why does it exist?

Cabinet "He althy childhood" in the clinic - what is it and why does it exist?
Cabinet "He althy childhood" in the clinic - what is it and why does it exist?

Every parent knows how difficult it is to be with a child in a children's clinic. It's no secret that he althy and sick patients have to queue up in front of the doctor's office for a long period of time. In order to reduce the risk of the spread of airborne infection, in large cities they began to open a He althy Childhood office in a polyclinic. What is this place and what happens in it?

Cabinet he althy childhood in the clinic what is it
Cabinet he althy childhood in the clinic what is it

Prerequisites for the emergence of this cabinet

Reception of children in children's medical institutions is arranged in such a way that he althy, convalescent and sick people should sit in one general queue. Each parent has already faced such a situation more than once - an almost recovered child after a visit to the doctor becomes even more seriously ill. Recently, "He althy Childhood" offices have been opened in large cities. In a children's medical institution, a he althy child, as a rule, has to stand in numerous queuesin order to get a document in a kindergarten, school or swimming pool. All the necessary information can now be easily obtained in one office.

Already done…

For the first time, a special room for he althy children was opened in the children's city polyclinic No. 94 in Moscow in August 2014. Of course, at that time the "He althy Childhood" office in the Moscow polyclinic was only a pilot project, however, it proved itself only on the positive side.

When can parents apply?

office he althy childhood in the clinic
office he althy childhood in the clinic

Many children's institutions have already opened special rooms for he althy children, but not all parents know what they are created for, and who can apply to it.

In what cases can parents contact the "He althy Childhood" office in the clinic (what is it, it is written above)?

• When completing the necessary documentation about the child's he alth before visiting various sports clubs and sections.

what kind of office he althy childhood in the clinic
what kind of office he althy childhood in the clinic

• To obtain a children's certificate in a sanatorium, swimming pool or he alth camp. It is no secret that before visiting the pool or going to a he alth resort, you need to undergo a medical examination and obtain a certificate from a doctor.

• To issue a certificate in the form f-026 / y. Everyone knows that before starting classes in a kindergarten or school, a child needs to undergo a full medical examination in a clinic. Cabinet "He althy childhood" in the children's clinic - an office whereeach parent can quickly and without unnecessary nerves issue a medical card for a child.

When else can I apply?

he althy childhood in children's polyclinic
he althy childhood in children's polyclinic

• To get referrals for tests. Many are forced to wait in line for a long time to see a doctor just to get a referral for clinical tests.

• Any parent can make an appointment for their son or daughter to see a specialist doctor. A he alth worker in the He althy Childhood office will carefully examine the child, ask the parent about the reasons for going to a medical institution, and, depending on the indications, sign the child up for a consultation with a suitable doctor.

• For medical examination before vaccination. Before each vaccination, the doctor must carefully examine the child, the whole procedure takes about 5 minutes, and standing in line with the pediatrician will take from 15 to 60 minutes, or even more.

• To issue a prescription for dairy children's cuisine. It is no secret that it is very problematic for the parents of a baby to visit a children's clinic, especially if it is only about issuing a preferential prescription. What kind of office "He althy childhood" in the clinic? This is the place where parents of a toddler can get a discounted milk prescription in minutes.

How can I get into the "He althy Childhood" office?

he althy childhood in a children's clinic
he althy childhood in a children's clinic

Many children's polyclinics already have special rooms, however, parents are still interested in the question: "He althy childhood room"in the clinic - what is it and how can I get an appointment there? An appointment coupon can be taken at the reception in the same way as a coupon for any other doctor in a children's clinic. In addition, you can sign up for this office through a special website on the Internet by selecting the column "pediatrician - he althy childhood".

Cabinet "He althy childhood" in the clinic - what is it, a necessity or an excess? The organization of such rooms has made it possible to significantly reduce the spread of airborne infections in children, because now there is no need for he althy and sick people to sit in the same queue. In addition, getting the necessary referrals or certificates for children's institutions has become much easier.

What is the result?

• Improving the quality of care and availability of the community pediatrician.

• Reducing reception time and waiting in line.

• Fast and high quality medical documentation.

• Freeing up the time of the district pediatrician, which he can devote to sick children.

Not so long ago, special "He althy Childhood" offices began to open in large cities, which were created specifically to make life easier for little patients and their parents. In a few months of their work, they have already justified their effectiveness and necessity. In our country, everything is being done to improve the quality of service and reduce the number of queues in children's medical institutions, so He althy Childhood cabinets must be created in every children's medical institution. Get a certificate, make an appointment with narrow specialists, get a recipe for a children's dairy kitchen - all this can now be done within 5 minutes in a special office.
