The Ministries of He alth of developed countries, within the framework of the public he alth protection project, introduced mandatory medical examinations for both adults and children a few decades ago. Depending on which team a person will be in, our country has developed a system of relevant documents of various forms. To obtain such certificates, it is necessary to pass the prescribed examinations and obtain a conclusion. Consider a document without which parents will not be able to arrange their baby in any educational institution, namely, we will explain what a child’s medical card is. The widespread form of such a certificate is 026 / y. In our article, we will consider in detail why such a medical document is needed and how to get it.

Why do I need a children's he alth card?
A child's medical card 026/y is required for admission to preschool and general educational institutions. It is essential to carry out the recommended medical examination both for the prevention of epidemics in childrencollective, and to monitor the he alth status of a particular child. After all, timely identification of the problem increases the chance of its complete elimination.
In addition, if during the examination any deviations from the norm in the development of the child are found, the doctor can send the baby to a special preschool institution or give appropriate recommendations to parents. For example, in case of vision problems, the mother and father of the child are advised to place the baby in a special kindergarten for children with visual impairments. And there is nothing to worry about, on the contrary, in such institutions various measures are taken, both preventive and therapeutic, to restore the function of the organs of vision, which contributes to the complete recovery or improvement of the child's he alth.
If a student's he alth problems are found that require restriction of physical activity (for example, problems with the cardiovascular system), the pediatrician will issue a medical permit allowing the student not to attend physical education classes.

Which doctors should I visit?
Child's medical record 026/y involves consultation with many specialists. In order to obtain such a document, first of all, you need to contact a pediatrician. This specialist will issue a referral for examination of the child by doctors of various profiles, as well as prescribe the necessary tests. In the standard case, you will need to visit these doctors:
- oculist;
- neurologist;
- surgeon;
- otolaryngologist;
- orthopedist;
- dentist;
- dermatologist.
If the baby has chronic diseases, then the pediatrician may need to consult other narrow specialists, for example, an endocrinologist, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a gynecologist for girls or an andrologist for boys. The Ministry of He alth recommends to undergo the last two indicated doctors starting from the age of 14, even without indications, to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections and violations of the reproductive function of the population. But mandatory examinations by such doctors are not. In addition, the examination can only be carried out in the presence of the parent of the child.

What tests are needed?
In order for the child's medical record to be issued, in addition to undergoing examinations by various doctors, the baby must pass standard tests:
- urine and blood for general tests;
- feces for the presence of eggs of worms and other protozoa.
The results of such studies will be ready in a few days, depending on the capabilities of the laboratory. After receiving all the sheets corresponding to the analyzes, it is necessary to visit the pediatrician again to issue a medical card. Then the document is certified by the head physician of the medical institution.
The child's medical record is provided to the educational institution at the request of the administration. The document should be brought within a month before the planned first visit to his child. A certificate must be submitted to the school by September 1, otherwise the administrationhas the right not to allow the baby to attend classes.

How to prepare for tests?
Supposes the delivery of certain tests form 026. The child's medical record is certified by the head doctor of the institution only if all the necessary examinations are available.
So that the test results do not turn out to be false, there is no need to retake them, you must follow the standard recommendations.
- Urine is collected in special disposable plastic containers. First you need to conduct a thorough toilet of the genitals, blot them with a towel. After that, it is important to collect the morning "middle" portion.
- Blood is also given in the morning, on an empty stomach. The material is taken from the finger, so you should take care in advance to purchase a scarifier (a special disposable needle for puncturing a finger) at the pharmacy.
- Feces should be collected in special containers (they are easy to get at the pharmacy).

What documents are required?
If you plan to have your child undergo a medical examination at a district clinic, then nothing else will be needed other than an insurance policy. The rest of the data, such as birth information, vaccination record, is in a document such as a child's medical record.
If a private clinic is preferred, then you will be required to have some specific papers. This is:
- child's birth certificate;
- passportparent;
- vaccination card;
- Medical card (history of child development) or an extract from it, certified by the local pediatrician.

What do they indicate on the card blank?
The child's medical record is filled in by the pediatrician or nurse. Its cover contains the following information:
- surname, name of the child;
- date of birth;
- place of residence;
- Full name parents, their places of work, contacts;
- list of completed vaccinations and response to them;
- list of past illnesses;
- allergic reactions.
As the medical examination progresses, each specialist leaves a record of the results of the child's examination. If everything is normal, then the doctor notes the date of the visit on the form and leaves a record of “he althy”. Otherwise, the specialist describes the deviations and gives recommendations on whether the child can attend the children's group.

Where can I get an examination for a medical card?
You can get a medical examination free of charge at the district children's clinic. Such a process can take more than a week, as it is quite difficult to catch all the necessary district doctors on the same day. It will also take time to conduct tests in a public clinic, since often the equipment of such medical institutions is much worse when compared with the level in private centers.
Schoolchildren are often offered to undergo a scheduled examination right within the walls of an educational institution. This examination is also free and mandatory for everyone.
A child's medical record can also be issued in a private clinic. The advantages of such an examination are that literally the next day you can get the necessary document, since having previously made an appointment with all the necessary doctors, you can go through it literally within an hour. Tests can be done within a day. But for such conveniences, you will need to pay for medical consultations and laboratory tests.

Cost of medical examination
In the district clinic, you can undergo a medical examination to obtain a card absolutely free of charge. But in private clinics, such a procedure is not cheap, since it is necessary to pay for consultations with several doctors and conduct research. On average, the cost of a medical examination will be 3000-6000 rubles. But here parents should carefully study all the services provided by the clinic, as it happens that the proposed range of medical services does not include an examination of a specialist (only for a fee) or sampling.
It is important that parents understand that such an examination is carried out not only for the purpose of issuing such a document as a child's medical record. An annual examination will keep the baby he althy, help to detect deviations in a timely manner, which means that the necessary treatment can be started on time.