The human body is a complex mechanism in which everything is interconnected. A special place in this system is occupied by trace elements, the lack of which can provoke the development of serious he alth problems. Therefore, it is important to know what a microelement is and what role it plays in the body. Let's take a closer look at the sources and the required amount of essential nutrients.
What is a trace element?
Every person who is interested in a he althy lifestyle and proper nutrition was interested in the meaning of such a word as "trace element". These substances are a group of chemical elements, consisting of metals and non-metals. Their body contains very little - less than 0.001% per 1 kg of body weight. Despite such meager values, this amount is quite enough to maintain the performance of all systems.

Trace elements, along with vitamins, are necessary for the body every day, because the productive work of all systems and organs depends on it. Chemical substances are involved in metabolic processes as catalysts andactivators. Therefore, their stocks must be replenished regularly.
The benefits of trace elements for the body
The right balance of trace elements is the key to good he alth and body performance. You should know that the system does not produce chemicals on its own and comes only from outside. They are able to concentrate in various organs, for example, the pancreas is the place of "habitat" of zinc, and the kidneys - of cadmium. This phenomenon is called selective concentration. In other systems, tissues and organs, chemical elements are also present, but in smaller quantities.
What is a microelement? This is primarily the basis for the normal growth of the body. Thousandths of chemicals are responsible for the formation of the cardiovascular and central nervous system even during prenatal development.
Effect on immunity
Essential trace elements are responsible for the normal functioning of the immune system. It is especially important to replenish their reserves in the summer season by eating vegetables and fruits, and also in winter by introducing dried apricots, raisins, and nuts into the diet.

Immunotoxic chemical compounds have the opposite effect and negatively affect the defense system. Unfortunately, every person falls under their influence every day. A huge amount of harmful substances emitted by various industrial production is in the air. People living in large cities suffer the most. An excess of harmful trace elements threatens with serious he alth problems.
Maintrace elements
In the human body, almost the entire periodic table is present, but only 22 chemical elements are considered basic. They perform various functions and are involved in metabolism. Every day, a person needs many trace elements, examples of which are given below. This is:
- Yodine.
- Iron.
- Calcium.
- Zinc.
- Copper.
- Manganese.
- Molybdenum.
- Phosphorus.
- Magnesium.
- Selenium.

You can get the necessary trace elements primarily from food. As an additional source, medical preparations act - complexes of vitamins and minerals.
What causes micronutrient deficiencies?
Useful micronutrients must be supplied to the body constantly. This is necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs and systems. Insufficient intake of substances can occur against the background of poor nutrition, large blood loss, and an unfavorable environmental situation. The lack of vital chemical compounds is fraught with the development of serious disorders and pathologies. The most common problems include deterioration in the condition of hair, nails, skin, overweight, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract, allergies.

Microelement deficiency also affects the state of bone tissue, joints, which confirms the rapid "rejuvenation" of such diseases as arthritis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis. Experts say that a common cause of infertility, menstrual cycle disorders and problems with potency is a low content of certain trace elements in the body.
Micronutrient Deficiency Symptoms
Diseases associated with an acute shortage of useful chemicals are called microelementoses. If the body needs any elements, it will certainly inform about it. For a person, in turn, it is important to see the “signals” in a timely manner and take measures to eliminate the deficit. First of all, you should pay attention to the state of the nervous system. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, depression indicate a problem.

Micronutrient deficiency symptoms also include:
- Slow hair growth.
- Dryness and pallor of the skin.
- Muscle weakness.
- Brittle nails.
- Tooth decay.
- Irregular heart rate.
- Development of autoimmune pathologies (lupus erythematosus).
- Memory problems.
- Disturbances in the digestive system.
The listed signs are only part of the manifestations of the pathological condition. In order to determine which microelements are necessary for the body, you will need to undergo a laboratory test. The material for diagnosis can be the patient's hair, nails, blood. Such an analysis is often prescribed to determine the causes of pathologies of a gynecological, urological, cardiovascular and therapeutic nature.
Why does the body need iodine?
Having de alt with what a microelement is, it is necessary to pay attention to the most important chemicals for the human body. Iodine is one of the main elements that regulate the work of all organs and systems. More precisely, it is necessary for the thyroid gland, which is responsible for metabolic processes, the nervous system and the production of the hormone thyroxine.
Reduced immunity and problems with being overweight are the main signs of iodine deficiency. Deficiency of the element can cause the growth of the thyroid gland (goiter), hypothyroidism, mental retardation.
For the processes of hematopoiesis and the supply of cells and tissues with oxygen, a certain trace element, iron, is also responsible. It contains about 0.005% in the body. Despite such a small number, not a single person can exist without this element. Iron is involved in the formation of red blood cells and lymphocytes, carries oxygen, and forms immunity. The metal is part of enzymes that prevent oxidative processes in the body, it is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, physical development and growth.

It should be borne in mind that excess iron also negatively affects the body. The development of such ailments as diabetes, atherosclerosis, pathologies of the liver and heart, a violation of the digestive process (constipation, diarrhea, bouts of nausea) can be caused by an increased content of the element. It is quite difficult to remove it from the body, it is almost impossible without the help of specialists.
Iron deficiency most often manifests itself in the form of anemia,low levels of hemoglobin in the blood. The skin also suffers, dryness, cracked heels, a constant feeling of fatigue, dizziness appear.
The role of zinc
This chemical element is involved in almost all processes that occur in the body. Zinc is necessary for the immune system, growth and proper development, affects the production of insulin, and is involved in the functioning of the gonads in men. Mineral deficiency is common in older people who have lost their sense of taste and smell. To maintain the he alth of the body, it is necessary to receive at least 12 mg of zinc per day. Vegetables, fruits, dairy products (especially cheese), cereals, dried seeds and nuts will help replenish its reserves.
Important for the human body is a trace element called manganese. It is necessary for the nervous system, promotes the transmission of impulses, strengthens the immune system, and regulates the processes of the gastrointestinal tract. Without this chemical element, vitamins are poorly absorbed, eye pathologies develop. It has been established that manganese is an excellent prevention of diabetes, and in the presence of an ailment, it significantly inhibits its further development. The mineral is essential for the processing of sugar, so diabetic patients should consume large amounts of it.
What threatens magnesium deficiency?
A he althy person contains approximately 20 g of magnesium. The element is involved in the processes of protein synthesis, is necessary for brain function and maintaining the proper functioning of the immune Magnesium deficiency can be identified by frequent convulsions. Scientists have come to the conclusion that another important element - calcium - cannot be properly absorbed by the body without magnesium. Bone strengthening drugs will not do any good if the system is deficient in the second substance.
Most people with a history of cardiovascular disease and disorders of the nervous system suffer from a lack of magnesium.
Micronutrients in products
Doctors recommend to more diversify the daily diet with cereals, which contain almost all the necessary trace elements. Examples of the positive impact of these products can be observed with the naked eye: the skin condition improves, weight and the digestive organs normalize. The greatest benefit will bring the use of whole grains (brown rice, millet, buckwheat). Oatmeal is considered an ideal breakfast product, containing the necessary amount of essential micronutrients.

To normalize the level of trace elements, you need to eat some foods. This is:
- Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts.
- Pumpkin seeds.
- Avocados, bananas, apples, citrus fruits.
- Peas, corn, beans.
- Seaweed.
- Fish and seafood.
- Dairy.
- Beef and pork liver, heart, kidneys.
Proper and balanced nutrition is a good prevention of the development of microelementosis.