The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES) performs regular inspections of premises of any type, establishing the presence of rodents, insects and non-compliance with hygiene conditions. The latter is especially closely monitored in factories, catering establishments and other places where food is provided.
SES services

Most pest control companies provide the following pest control services:
- Cockroaches.
- Klopov.
- Mukh.
- Bloch.
- Ants.
- Rodents (rats and mice).
Let's take a closer look at each item.
Cockroach Eradication
No special measures are required to clean the premises from pests. It is enough to remove food, dishes, kitchen appliances (slow cooker, toaster, blender, etc.) from the surface. The specialist must remain alone in the room and carry out the processing of walls, ceiling, floor and especially hard-to-reach places, suchlike skirting boards, under-sink area, ventilation. Sometimes the client points to certain places that are not visible to an outsider. This makes the cleaning process easier.
Cockroach remedies that are used by SES are established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation. It is allowed to use solutions and sprays approved by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the region (regional SES).
Why is it necessary to get rid of cockroaches? On the paws and antennae, they carry pathogens of various infections (hepatitis, dysentery), leave behind a discharge that has an unpleasant odor. All the dirt that they collect in the dark dusty areas of the room, cockroaches leave on the surface of tables, refrigerators, stoves, etc. Thus, the house is slowly filled with harmful substances that are not easy to get rid of.
Elimination of bedbugs

The appearance of bedbugs in the house suggests that after a short time they will fill every square meter, including becoming frequent visitors to sleeping places. The destruction of bedbugs is also necessary for hygiene, because they are also carriers of dangerous infections, so their bites cause redness and slight itching. You can get rid of bedbugs on your own, but for this you need to know what means will best help in this situation and will not harm the he alth of residents and their pets. Ordinary dichlorvos is unsuitable for the destruction of bedbugs, and will only force the owners of the premises to inhale an unpleasant odor for at least 12 hours. Based on this, you can not waste time and immediately turn to professionals. Most companiesuse the latest drugs: "Microfos", "Minap-22", "Cetrofenon" and others.
Flea Eradication
Often fleas - parasitic insects - become regulars in residential buildings. They are carried by pets, birds and even people. Parasites cling to the hair and skin of their hosts, feeding on blood and infecting the body. The sanitary and epidemiological service is also engaged in the elimination of these blood-sucking insects. There are about 1000 species of fleas in the world, which is why specialists use potent drugs, such as insecticides, to destroy them. Disinsection in this case is mandatory, since there is a high risk of contracting dangerous diseases, such as typhus, plague, toxocariasis (caused by helminths).
Fly eradication

Flies not only cause irritation with their continuous buzzing, but also easily tolerate serious diseases that human immunity cannot overcome. Usually, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service uses odorless preparations, after which there are no greasy stains and stains on the surface of the furniture. Residents can return to their homes after disinsection after 20 minutes. The residual effect of the funds does not affect the human body. The average cost of processing one room is 1500 rubles. At the same time, the SES must guarantee the absence of insects in the treated room for 6 months. If there are many rooms in the house, then it is advisable to carry out processing around the entire perimeter, otherwise the insects will populate the remainingmore rooms.
Ant eradication
Ant extermination requires an integrated approach. The body of these insects has an unusual property - they get used to poisonous agents that have been used against them. Because of this, it is very difficult to overcome ants, so you have to select a number of drugs that will force the insects to leave the living quarters. The elimination of ants is complicated by the inaccessibility of their nests, but, using competent means, you can "smoke" them from any secret corner. Comprehensive measures for the destruction of ants are to treat the surface of the living quarters, the surface on which the insects move, and the entrance area. Some drugs used by specialists of the SES of the Russian Federation are small capsules that contain poison inside. Ants drag the capsules to their nests and open them there. The smell spreads throughout the anthill, causing the insects to die or leave the room in a hurry. For humans, ant repellents are not dangerous.
Eradication of rats and mice
Deratization is necessary to protect people from dangerous diseases such as tularemia, leptospirosis, etc. Rats and mice are resistant to many poisons and have a good self-preservation instinct. Rodents breed very quickly, up to 8 times a year, and one brood brings up to 20 pups. Rats and mice should be destroyed at the first sign of their appearance, it is important to prevent the reproduction of rodents in order to avoid infection. SES requirements define preparations for destructionrats and mice. First of all, the funds should not adversely affect the human body and animals. Experts lure rodents out with baits and then seal the holes with pest repellents.
Insect repellents

Products such as "Microphos", "Tetrix", "Minap-22" have proven themselves as high-quality and effective means against small insects. The content of toxic substances in these solutions is very low, the compositions are practically devoid of fatty components, so there will be no traces on the surface of the furniture. During the application of such funds, residents can remain indoors. These drugs are used by most of the country's sanitary services, including the SES of Moscow. When disinfecting premises, the volume of the solution used varies from 500 ml to 1 liter. Concentrated preparations have a long service life, while being spent economically. Approximate cost of disinfectants:
- "Microfos" - 5000 R.
- "Minap-22" - 5000 R.
- "Tetrix" - 4500 R.
Such solutions must be diluted with a few liters of plain water and the surface of the room treated. As soon as the moisture evaporates, the product will begin to actively act on parasites. Self-cleaning is convenient at the initial stage of the spread of insects. Eliminating traces, residues and the harmful inhabitants themselves will prevent their further appearance. But if the insects have long settled in the room, you need to contactprofessionals.
Contact SES of the Central District

In Moscow and the Moscow region, the sanitary and epidemiological service conducts field work to detect and destroy insects and small rodents. To leave an application for disinfection measures, you need to call the city number 642-36-98 or mobile 8 (925) 447-86-19, city code - 495. The office is located in the Central Federal District and has a well-developed transport system, which is why employees of SES of Moscow perform work on the day of the order. The company has a special environmental service SES, phone - 8 (495) 642-36-98, you need to leave an application for a specific service.
SES contacts
Several state sanitary and epidemiological departments are distributed across Moscow. The Moscow SES of the Central District has a wider list of districts than the rest:
- SZAO (North-Western administrative district: Strogino, Shchukino, Tushino, Kurkino) - 8 (495) 190-48-15.
- CAO (Northern administrative district: Levoberezhny, Golovinsky, Koptevo, Airport) - 8 (495) 452-38-18.
- South Administrative District (Southern administrative district: Tsaritsyno, Biryulyovo, Orekhovo-Borisovo, Chertanovo, Nagorny) - 8 (495) 317-93-58.
- VAO (Eastern administrative district: Sokolniki, Bogorodskoye, Izmailovo, Ivanovskoye) - 8 (495) 368-20-05.
- CJSC (Western administrative district: Krylatskoye, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Moscow State University, Solntsevo) - 8 (495) 144-07-92.
SES permit
The legislation of the Russian Federation establishesmandatory inspection of the sanitary and epidemiological service for certain types of activities. These are mainly catering establishments, medical organizations, hairdressers, production, pharmacies, swimming pools, etc. The SES permit makes it possible to conduct legal business and avoid unforeseen problems.

Obtaining this permit is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of citizens." As soon as the conclusion of the SES is in hand, you need to provide a package of documents to Rospotrebnadzor:
- Certificate of OGRN (copy - 1 copy).
- Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP (original).
- TIN (copy - 1 copy).
- Lease agreement for premises or certificate of private ownership (original).
- Conclusion of the SES (original).
- BTI plan + explication of all premises (if there are several floors at the enterprise, provide a full floor explication) - original.
- Technological map of production (original).
- List of installed equipment + clarification about devices being prepared for installation (original).
- Notice of enterprise capacity (original).
- Object passport.
- Agreement with a company providing services for the removal of household waste.
As soon as Rospotrebnadzor approves the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, you can safely start doing business. This permit guarantees the safety of activities for visitors and employees of the organization, as well as the environment.
Sanitary check
The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service has the right to conduct an extraordinary inspection of the enterprise. To inspect the facility, it is enough for an employee of the SES to provide a certificate. Unscheduled inspections are not uncommon lately, so it is important to maintain hygiene at the enterprise and comply with SES standards.

The possibilities of the sanitary doctor are quite wide:
- Drawing up an act on the suitability of the constructed facility for conducting a particular activity.
- Establishing the need for an examination of goods of a certain group.
- Formulation of consent to the permission of the SES.
- Enter any room for inspection.
- Monitoring the compliance of employees with hygiene requirements.
The chief sanitary doctor has the right to prohibit the conduct of activities until the resolution of all disputes. If during the inspection no serious violations are found, the SES employee draws up an act on the absence of non-compliance with sanitary requirements. Otherwise, a document is drawn up prohibiting further production.
Amendments to the Law "On State Control"
According to Rospotrebnadzor data for 2013, the number of unscheduled inspections has noticeably decreased. This is due to the fact that the Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" approved the procedure for conducting SES inspections: 24 hours before the control inspection, the owner of the enterprise must be notified of the upcoming visit of the sanitary doctor. Butentrepreneurs use various tricks to prove that no notification was received, which means that the check is unauthorized. Based on this, Rospotrebnadzor introduced new amendments to the Draft Law "On the implementation of state control", where he noted the need for unscheduled inspections without notifying the subject of the inspection.
Planned entry into force of the Bill - October 2014.