How to take a progesterone test for a woman? Which days?

How to take a progesterone test for a woman? Which days?
How to take a progesterone test for a woman? Which days?

When is the best time to test for progesterone? This is a common question. Let's figure it out in this article. For women who are planning to become pregnant in the near future, the level of progesterone in the body is of paramount importance, since this hormone affects the reproductive capacity of the body.

how to get tested for progesterone
how to get tested for progesterone

About hormone

In the medical community, progesterone is called the pregnancy hormone because it helps prepare the uterus and egg for fertilization and the establishment of the fetus. In addition, the hormone has another important function - it helps the expectant mother to emotionally prepare for pregnancy. Knowing when you can get tested for progesterone is simply necessary, otherwise it is difficult to achieve a clear picture. The result of this laboratory test shows whether there are any deviations in the hormonal background of the patient.

How to get tested for progesterone? This is of interest to many.

Why does a woman need progesterone?

As we said, progesterone is the most importanta hormone that regulates a woman's fertility, the process of fertilizing an egg and bearing a child, as well as lactation. A deviation from the norm in one direction or another in this case has sad consequences for the family: the fertilized egg does not attach to the walls of the uterus, and if pregnancy does occur, there is a high probability of miscarriage in the first three months of pregnancy. In addition, there may be delays in the development of the fetus. Hormonal failure provokes the development of diseases of the reproductive system in women. During pregnancy, a woman is regularly tested for hormones, and the doctor has the opportunity to monitor her condition. However, before pregnancy, people rarely monitor the state of their own endocrine system and go to the doctor when the disease is already progressing.

How to test women for progesterone? This can be checked with a doctor.

progesterone on which day of the cycle to take an analysis
progesterone on which day of the cycle to take an analysis

But the body gives signals that not everything is in order with the level of hormones in the body. These symptoms include: feeling of pain in the chest, menstrual irregularities, unexpected vaginal bleeding, bloating, abrupt unreasonable mood swings. All these symptoms indicate that a visit to the gynecologist can no longer be postponed. For some couples, a slight correction of the hormonal background is enough for conception to occur. And during pregnancy, the level of progesterone is regularly monitored by a gynecologist in order to prevent negative consequences. Conducting this analysis can be prescribed for the diagnosis of infertility, menstrual irregularities, suspected ovarian diseases, uterine bleeding, in late pregnancy, with a threat of miscarriage, thyroid pathologies.

Let's figure out how to get tested for progesterone?

test for progesterone during pregnancy
test for progesterone during pregnancy

What days of the cycle is best to do this?

In order to choose the right time to donate blood to determine the level of progesterone, you need to clearly know the characteristics of your body. This analysis is not done on any day, since the amount of progesterone directly depends on what phase the woman's menstrual cycle is in, as well as on the onset of pregnancy. The level of hormones gradually rises in the first phase of the cycle, this indicator reaches its maximum level on the day of ovulation, in the second phase of the cycle the indicator of the amount of progesterone should be thirty times higher than in the first phase. When pregnancy occurs, the progesterone content continues to increase, and when conception has not occurred, then at the end of the cycle, the hormone content decreases. If you have a normal cycle of 28 days, then you need to take a progesterone test on the 22nd-23rd day, starting from the day you had your last period.

It is important to find out in advance how to properly test for progesterone.

When is the best time to take a progesterone test?
When is the best time to take a progesterone test?

If the cycle is long

In the case of a longer cycle, this date is postponed so that blood sampling occursseven days before the next menstruation. The situation when the menstrual cycle is not regular is quite common, so the gynecologist can direct the woman to donate blood several times in order to have a complete picture. You can determine the day of ovulation using intravaginal ultrasound.

On what days to take a progesterone test, many women do not know.

According to the results of ultrasound, the doctor concludes that the development of the dominant follicle, the onset of ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum, on which the regulation of progesterone depends. A woman herself at home can determine the onset of ovulation. To do this, every morning it is necessary to measure the basal temperature, and the analysis should be taken on the sixth or seventh day after changing the temperature schedule. The method, of course, is not very convenient, since the temperature must be measured every morning for several weeks, in the early morning, without getting out of bed, and the information must be entered on a graph. In the event that you miss a day or go to bed later than usual, there is a risk of getting distorted data. With less effort, you can determine the moment of ovulation using a regular test purchased at a pharmacy.

How to get tested for progesterone?

how to test progesterone for women
how to test progesterone for women

How to prepare for the test?

The result of the analysis can be affected by drugs that change the hormonal background, foods with a stimulating effect on the human nervous system. Therefore, the doctor must be told thatyou are taking any medications. Stop drinking coffee, black tea, alcohol and spicy foods 24 hours before the test.

Proper food

Also be aware that certain foods increase progesterone levels. These are fatty foods that raise cholesterol levels. In this regard, a few days before the test, you should not eat fatty meat, chicken eggs, dairy products with a high fat content, caviar, vegetable fats. Blood is given in the morning before meals. However, this can also be done at lunchtime, in which case there should be a time interval between food intake and blood sampling

We found out on which day of the cycle to take a progesterone test.

how to get tested for progesterone
how to get tested for progesterone

Transcript of results

When deciphering the results of the analysis for progesterone, it is necessary to determine how much the amount of the hormone deviates from the generally accepted norm. Sharp fluctuations in hormone levels are especially dangerous during pregnancy. With a low content of progesterone, the fertilized egg is left without protection and there is a threat of miscarriage. In addition, with low progesterone, conception itself is very problematic. Too high progesterone levels (in the event that there is no pregnancy) indicates serious endocrine disorders. This condition requires medical intervention. The interpretation of the values is based on indicators characteristic of different phases of the cycle: in the first phase, when the dominant follicle matures, this valuewill be - 0, Z2-2, 23 nmol / l; with rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg into the uterus - 0.48-9.41 nmol / l; in the second phase, this indicator is the highest and ranges from 7.02 to 57.0 nmol/l. During menopause, the level of progesterone is normally 0.64 nmol / l. If the result in the analysis data is indicated in ng / ml, then this amount is divided by the value of the coefficient - 3, 18. It is often required to take an analysis for progesterone during pregnancy.

what days to take a test for progesterone
what days to take a test for progesterone

How much hormone is normal?

The rate of progesterone primarily depends on whether we are dealing with a pregnant woman or one in which conception has not yet occurred. These indicators will differ significantly. During pregnancy, the function of progesterone production gradually passes to the placenta. If a woman is just planning a pregnancy, then it would be wise to find out her progesterone level before that, in the future this may help protect the woman and child from complications. In the first trimester, the presence of progesterone in a woman's body helps to maintain pregnancy. With the further course of pregnancy, the amount of the hormone increases and also helps to maintain pregnancy and develop the fetus without complications.

Now you know how to test for progesterone.
