In some cases, your doctor may send you for an ultrasound of your kidneys, or an ultrasound, as part of your annual physical exam. This can be either a routine routine examination or a reaction to alarming symptoms from the body that you can notice yourself. For example, systematic tingling in the kidney area, frequent swelling of the legs, face, especially in the morning, paroxysmal back pain and even increased pressure - all this can cause a thorough examination of the genitourinary system.

Ultrasound of the kidneys is a mandatory examination for pregnant women. It can also be prescribed to find out the effectiveness of the treatment or to exclude (confirm) the need for surgery.
Despite the fact that ultrasound of the kidneys is a fairly simple research method, it helps to recognize changes in internal organs and related diseases in time. Therefore, do not delay, it is better to undergo an examination immediately after the appointment of the procedure. You can ask your doctor how to prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys, or you can get useful information, for example, from this article.
First, decide where to do kidney ultrasound betterFor you. This may be a district clinic or a paid medical center. When the date and time of the procedure are known, carefully study the tips on how to prepare for a kidney ultrasound, and begin the preparation itself.
Ultrasound examination of the kidneys is best done in the morning and on an empty stomach, as food masses in the stomach and small intestine can make visualization difficult. If the ultrasound is scheduled for a later time, try not to eat 5-6 hours before the start of the examination. For example, if you are invited for 3 p.m., eat a light breakfast no later than 9-10 a.m., and then drink plain water or tea without sugar before the examination. The gases accumulated in the stomach and intestines can also make it difficult to see in the abdominal cavity. Get rid of them will help two capsules of the drug "Espumizan" or a couple of tablets of activated charcoal, which must be taken daily for two to three days before the examination.

Children can be given "Bobotik", it also effectively eliminates excessive gas formation. Before preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal cavity, it will be useful to know the list of foods that promote gas formation and temporarily exclude them from the diet. These foods include: sugary sodas, rye bread, dairy products, legumes, cabbage (especially sauerkraut), and fresh vegetables and fruits. The ideal option would be to review your diet a week before the ultrasound and eat only permitted foods.
Ultrasound of the kidneys is performed both from the back and sides. The patient lies down on the

couch, exposing the lumbar region, the doctor applies a specialgel lubricant to the patient's skin and proceeds to the study. Going to the procedure, do not forget to take a towel or a diaper with you: you will lay it on the couch, and after the procedure you will wipe off the remains of the gel from the body. Now you know how to prepare for a kidney ultrasound, and you can safely go to the clinic.