SMT - physiotherapy. Apparatus for physiotherapy. Physiotherapy SMT - what is it?

SMT - physiotherapy. Apparatus for physiotherapy. Physiotherapy SMT - what is it?
SMT - physiotherapy. Apparatus for physiotherapy. Physiotherapy SMT - what is it?

Physiotherapy is understood as one of the methods of treatment, in which not chemical factors (drugs) are used, but physical ones. These, for example, include laser, ultrasound, magnetic field, currents, and so on. During the procedures, special devices for physiotherapy are used. Indications for the appointment are almost all pathologies of internal organs. Contraindications are individual.

smt apparatus
smt apparatus

Benefits of treatment

Thanks to this effect, the period of getting rid of many pathologies is significantly reduced, relapses and complications of diseases are prevented. Physiotherapy does not cause side effects inherent in drug treatment. During the procedures, there is an increase in the effect of the drugs taken, which in turn significantly reduces their dosage and duration of administration, and in some cases makes it possible to completely abandon pharmacological agents.

Methods of physiotherapy. Treatment with electric current

Electrotherapy involves the use of direct or pulsed current. Apply and impactelectromagnetic field of different frequencies. Treatment methods using electricity are different. Each of them is characterized by certain features.

Galvanization is a procedure during which a continuous electric current of low voltage (from 30 to 60 V), low power (up to 50 mA), constant amplitude and direction is applied. It is recommended for lesions and pathologies of the peripheral and central nervous systems, for injuries, disorders of the digestive system. The indications include a number of inflammatory diseases in a chronic course, circulatory disorders.

By means of a direct electric current, drugs are administered through the mucous membranes and skin. Medicinal electrophoresis, therefore, includes the action of two factors: a specific drug and galvanic current.

smt physiotherapy
smt physiotherapy

Impulse action

During the procedures, the action of the current can be inhibitory (pain relievers, for example) or exciting (muscle stimulation). It depends on the shape of the pulse (it can be rectangular, half-sine or sinusoidal), frequency and duration. Diadynamic therapy involves the use of direct currents with a half-sinusoidal shape. Frequency - 50 and 100 Hz. During the procedures, combinations of pulses can also be used.

If we consider the general nature of the impact, diadynamic therapy has little difference from galvanization. However, the pulsed nature that direct current has in the first case,provides deeper penetration into muscle tissue. In this regard, in the process of exposure, an analgesic effect appears.

Electro-sleep is a neurotropic impulse electrotherapy. The impact is carried out on the subcortical brain structures. Due to the synchronization of impulses and biorhythms in the central nervous system, inhibition processes are activated and sleep occurs. This method is used in the treatment of children with night sleep disorders, mental and nervous pathologies. The indications include enuresis, atopic dermatitis.

smt physiotherapy for children reviews
smt physiotherapy for children reviews

Treatment using low frequencies. Physiotherapy SMT

What is this impact? This type of treatment involves the use of a modulated sinusoidal audio frequency current. Pulse series, for which it is possible to change the frequency of modulation, pause and duration, are called sinusoidal modulated current.

SMT in medicine is used to facilitate deep penetration into tissues. In the process of exposure, the intensity of the pain syndrome decreases. SMT physiotherapy is especially effective for children. Reviews of many parents testify not only to the high effectiveness of this treatment, but also to its safety. Within a relatively short period, manifestations of a number of pathologies of the respiratory organs, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, and enuresis are eliminated.

physiotherapy apparatus
physiotherapy apparatus

Myoelectrostimulation is an SMT physiotherapy used to correct the functional state of nerves and muscles. As one ofexamples include the implantation of a miniature pacemaker, which provides the supply of rhythmic impulses to the heart against the background of blockade of its conduction pathways. In addition, this method of treatment is used for pathologies of muscles and nerves.

Fluctuorization and interference therapy

SMT physiotherapy using an alternating sinusoidal current of low voltage and strength with a randomly changing frequency and amplitude is recommended for diseases of the nervous system (peripheral), accompanied by pain. The indications also include inflammatory pathologies of the superficial type (occurring on the skin).

Interference therapy is a complex effect of two electric currents with the same amplitude and average different frequencies. Pulses are applied by means of two or more pairs of electrodes so that their interference (overlapping and amplification) occurs inside the tissue. Such treatment is recommended for patients with injuries and pathologies of bones and muscles (in case of damage to the ligaments, for example), the central nervous system, with enuresis, pain syndromes.

physiotherapy methods
physiotherapy methods

Treatment using medium frequency current

Darsonvalization is an impact on specific areas of the body using an electric alternating current with low frequency, high voltage, low force and impulse character. The corona discharge (a type of gas discharge) acts as an acting factor. It occurs between a special electrode and the surface of the body. With a small air gapcorona discharge is quiet, with a significant - spark. Both of these types are used in the treatment of a sufficiently large number of pathologies. In particular, the indications include neuralgia, varicose veins, neuritis affecting the auditory nerve, hypertension. Recommended for migraine, vegetovascular dystonia, prostatitis, non-healing wounds for a long time.

smt physiotherapy
smt physiotherapy

Ultratonotherapy is SMT physiotherapy using low current, high voltage and frequency. The active factor, as in darsonvalization, is a corona discharge. However, with ultrathotherapy, the effect causes less pain in intensity.

Dynamic electrical nerve stimulation is the effect of current pulses, whose shape is set in accordance with the values of the absolute electrical resistance of the skin surface under the electrode. During the procedure, a local effect occurs. However, the influence can spread over a wide area. DENS is recommended for patients with various neuralgias, movement disorders, osteochondrosis, traumatic injuries.

Ultra-high frequency treatment

This effect on the body is carried out mainly using an electromagnetic field of ultra-high frequency with a wavelength of 1 to 10 m. The operating factor in this case is an alternating field that can penetrate to great depths. The impact is accompanied by the release of heat in the tissues. This is due to the vibrations of charged particles.

In addition, an oscillatory effect is manifested, representingis an orientational shift of dipole molecules - glycolipids, water-soluble proteins, phospholipids, glycoproteins. This, in turn, contributes to a change in their physical and chemical properties, affects enzymatic and free radical reactions in tissues. UHF is prescribed for chronic and acute inflammatory pathologies of the internal and ENT organs, urinary, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems.

smt physiotherapy
smt physiotherapy

Physiotherapy machines

These devices are used to provide therapeutic effects using laser radiation, magnetic field, electric current, heat and other things. The device "Darsonval" has been used since the end of the 19th century. One of the characteristic effects when using the equipment is a vegetovascular reaction. It develops according to the principle of the axon reflex and is accompanied by an increase in microcirculation, expansion of capillaries and arterioles.

In addition, there is a decrease in blood pressure, vascular spasms are eliminated, the permeability of the walls of blood vessels changes. It should be noted that the antispasmodic effect is observed not only in the affected areas, but also in segmentally related areas and in the internal organs. In cardiac pathologies, the use of the device improves myocardial nutrition, dilates coronary vessels, normalizes the rhythm against the background of tachycardia in patients with moderate coronary artery disease.

Device "Amplipulse"

This is a versatile multifunctional SMT treatment machine used in outpatient clinics. In the device4 independent channels are provided. This allows you to act simultaneously on several procedural fields. The main types of therapeutic effects include anesthesia, vasodilating, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, there is a decongestant, trophic-stimulating, resolving effect.


Procedures are recommended for patients with severe pain, vascular disorders, exudative inflammatory processes. The indications include degenerative-dystrophic processes, hypotrophy phenomena. The device also has an electropuncture mode. This allows you to influence biopoints with sinusoidal simulated currents (SMT physiotherapy). Patient reviews testify to the high effectiveness of the treatment. They note a significant improvement in their condition. According to many patients, SMT physiotherapy does not cause side effects characteristic of pharmacological drugs. The impact of simulated currents is tolerated satisfactorily by patients of different ages.

Contraindications for electric current treatment

All procedures are carried out in accordance with the established diagnosis. With a number of pathologies, electrotherapy is not prescribed. Such diseases, in particular, include malignant tumors, cardiac arrhythmias, severe circulatory disorders. Among the contraindications, it should be noted diseases accompanied by high body temperature, inflammatory processes of an acute course. The considered type of treatment is not prescribed for patients with a predisposition tothrombosis.
