Medicine 2024, October

Speech therapist-aphasiologist: features of work, recommendations and reviews

Speech therapist-aphasiologist: features of work, recommendations and reviews

Speech pathologist-aphasiologist - a specialist in the restoration of speech in patients who have suffered brain damage. In order to assess the competence of a doctor, it is important to know the specifics of his work in general terms

Lipoma removal: doctors' reviews, overview of methods and features

Lipoma removal: doctors' reviews, overview of methods and features

Lipomatosis is a common pathology that every person can face. How a lipoma is removed, reviews about the procedure, the causes of the disease are the most common questions

How and where to get a flu shot? Where to get a flu shot for your child

How and where to get a flu shot? Where to get a flu shot for your child

Where to get a flu shot? This is the most pressing question in the autumn period. Today, vaccination can be obtained at polyclinics, paid medical centers, and even at a metro station. And it is important to know which method of vaccination to choose, both for a child and for an adult

Glucose on an empty stomach. Norm, increase and decrease in glucose levels. Algorithm for taking blood, conducting tests, decoding the results and consulting a doctor

Glucose on an empty stomach. Norm, increase and decrease in glucose levels. Algorithm for taking blood, conducting tests, decoding the results and consulting a doctor

Blood sugar control is a mandatory procedure for those suffering from diabetes, as well as for those with a predisposition to this disease. With age, the effectiveness of the work of insulin receptors decreases. Therefore, for individuals after the age of forty, doctors recommend monitoring the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream

Bancroft's thread: description, methods of infection, intermediate and main host, prevention

Bancroft's thread: description, methods of infection, intermediate and main host, prevention

Infection of a person with a dangerous parasite - Bancroft's thread, occurs mainly in tropical countries. Previously, doctors encountered this type of helminth quite rarely, but now the cases of its detection have become more frequent. This is due to the fact that during the holiday season people tend to go on vacation to exotic countries, where Bancroft's thread is introduced into the body. The disease is curable, but difficult to diagnose. At the first symptoms of the disease, the patient should consult a doctor

The type of inheritance is autosomal dominant. Types of inheritance of traits in humans

The type of inheritance is autosomal dominant. Types of inheritance of traits in humans

For those who are at least a little familiar with the basics of genetics from school, it is clear that the autosomal dominant type of inheritance is responsible for the manifestation of many traits in the human body. While this is far from the only type of inheritance

Tetanus shot: injection site hurts and other reactions

Tetanus shot: injection site hurts and other reactions

Tetanus is a special infectious disease that occurs through the ingestion of clostridium, harmful organisms, bacteria into the human body. In order to develop protection against tetanus, a person must be regularly vaccinated with a vaccine that contains a toxoid and a neurotoxin that activate immunity to the disease

What are chain mail gloves? We find out together

What are chain mail gloves? We find out together

Today we will talk about what chain mail gloves are, how and where they are used. In addition, information will be provided on what materials this attribute is made of, as well as the levels of protection are classified

Why can't a manta be wet? Timely diagnosis of tuberculosis

Why can't a manta be wet? Timely diagnosis of tuberculosis

What happens if you wet a manta? Why do a Mantoux test for children? You will get answers to these and other questions here

Lung biopsy: the purpose of the procedure, the result and consequences

Lung biopsy: the purpose of the procedure, the result and consequences

Lung disease is fairly easy to detect with computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound. However, any diagnosis must be confirmed, especially if serious diseases such as pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, or cancer are involved

Sanatorium "Ruza" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: description, reviews

Sanatorium "Ruza" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: description, reviews

Sanatorium "Ruza" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia offers recreation and he alth services for employees of internal affairs bodies, as well as their families. The institution is located in a picturesque quiet place with clean air and beautiful nature, which will be a pleasant addition to quality treatment and hearty meals

Child 8/8 Apgar score - what does it mean?

Child 8/8 Apgar score - what does it mean?

Many young parents have encountered the expression "Apgar score" in their lives. Immediately after birth, the doctor should report to the woman the points that he awarded the baby according to this scale. Just like height and weight, they are entered on the exchange card. These parameters are most needed by doctors, and not by the woman herself

Puncture of the nipples: the history of occurrence and features of care

Puncture of the nipples: the history of occurrence and features of care

Nipple piercing was very popular back in Medieval Europe. Today it is a great opportunity to emphasize your individuality and diversify your sex life. Read about the features of this procedure in this article

Removal of the thyroid gland: the consequences of surgery

Removal of the thyroid gland: the consequences of surgery

The thyroid gland is one of the glands that has internal secretion. It is she who helps to maintain the body in a normal state. Its characteristic feature is that it has no output streams

How to develop a knee joint at home: effective exercises and recommendations from experts

How to develop a knee joint at home: effective exercises and recommendations from experts

Daily, the knee joints withstand the strongest load. This is especially true for people who are engaged in professional sports, or due to their activities are mobile throughout the day. That is why strengthening the knee joint plays an important role. In addition to multivitamin complexes that help to strengthen the body as a whole, there are a number of exercises that help strengthen the joints. How to develop a knee joint at home - consider in the article

Exercises for scoliosis in children: types of exercises, step-by-step instructions for their implementation, schedule of the training program, calculation of loads for children and

Exercises for scoliosis in children: types of exercises, step-by-step instructions for their implementation, schedule of the training program, calculation of loads for children and

Scoliosis, as statistics show, occurs in 85% of schoolchildren, and therefore, this is a significant cause for concern for parents. And so that the child does not suffer from the discomfort that this disease causes over time, it is necessary to take timely measures. In particular, there is a special set of exercises for scoliosis in children, and thanks to it, you can strengthen the muscle structure, as well as avoid further progression of the pathology. However, it is important to do them regularly

Sopor - what is it in medicine?

Sopor - what is it in medicine?

If a person has a clear consciousness during vigorous activity, this means that the brain is functioning normally. With its well-coordinated work, a citizen will alternate periods of activity and rest, which cannot be said about people with disorders such as stupor, stupor, coma and the like

Lycopene is Useful properties, composition, where it is contained

Lycopene is Useful properties, composition, where it is contained

Benefits, distinctive properties of an antioxidant. Indications and contraindications for use. Products containing lycopene, features of their use. Tomatoes: the benefits and harms of a vegetable. Pharmacy forms of lycopene, drug reviews

How much does it cost to donate blood and is it profitable to be a donor?

How much does it cost to donate blood and is it profitable to be a donor?

There is never an excess of blood products in the medical institutions of our country. In this regard, public organizations regularly invite all he althy citizens to become donors. In order to get more responses, a whole system of rewards was invented. How much does it cost to donate blood today and what bonuses will the donor receive? Is regular donation helpful?

What does the analysis for latent infections give?

What does the analysis for latent infections give?

An analysis for latent infections is prescribed as part of examinations for the presence of various diseases. Why is this being done, and what does the analysis reveal?

Blood chlorides: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Blood chlorides: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

A blood test is done to detect and prevent diseases in the early stages. The presence of chlorine in tissues is a significant marker of medical diagnostics. Blood biochemistry is very important to determine the general condition of the patient. Often prescribed analysis for the level of chlorides in the blood. What do its results mean? What to do if hyperchloremia or hypochloremia is detected?

What is the name of an eye doctor? What are his responsibilities?

What is the name of an eye doctor? What are his responsibilities?

Unfortunately, not everyone knows the name of an eye doctor. Find out the name of this profession. You will also know what this doctor does and in what cases you should contact him

What to do if stung by a hornet whose bite is so dangerous?

What to do if stung by a hornet whose bite is so dangerous?

Often people mistake hornets for big wasps (their cousins). Without realizing what they are dealing with, they put themselves in great danger. After all, a hornet, whose bite can become fatal, is much more dangerous than an ordinary wasp due to its size and the higher content of neurotoxin in the poison

What to do with wasp stings. Helpful Hints

What to do with wasp stings. Helpful Hints

With the onset of summer, the danger of wasp and bee stings is growing. Sometimes they can cause serious consequences up to anaphylactic shock and even death. Therefore, questions about what to do with wasp stings become very important, when you need to urgently go to the doctor (or call him at home), and when you can do it yourself and folk remedies

The main question of young parents: "How much should a newborn baby eat?"

The main question of young parents: "How much should a newborn baby eat?"

Young parents often have a lot of questions: "how to swaddle and bathe the baby", "to play with him or not" - but the most common question is related to the baby's nutrition. How much should a newborn eat? The article contains tips on feeding babies, describes methods for determining the amount of milk needed by a baby

Points for massage on the back: technique and magic effect

Points for massage on the back: technique and magic effect

For a long time, mankind has known the positive impact of acupressure on the body. It is not only able to relax the muscles, but also has a positive effect on the general condition of the organs. The most demanded are knowledge about the points for massage on the back. We will analyze what acupressure is, how to use it correctly to achieve a positive result

Afterlife - what is it? Delay afterbirth

Afterlife - what is it? Delay afterbirth

Even if the pregnancy proceeds without unnecessary worries, everyone, including a woman who has repeatedly given birth, still worries about how the birth of her child will go. With all the skill of obstetrician-gynecologists, in the most equipped clinic, unexpected complications can occur during childbirth. For example, the delay of the placenta. What is this complication and what causes it?

Radiation dose during fluorography: regulatory indicators, possible risks

Radiation dose during fluorography: regulatory indicators, possible risks

Fluorography (FLG) or X-ray fluorography is a type of X-ray examination. It consists in photographing organs and tissues on film from a fluorescent screen and displaying the image on a monitor or image. The method is based on the fact that the density of various organs (heart, blood vessels, lungs) is not the same, therefore, when X-rays pass through them, negatives are obtained - dark and light areas

Maternity hospital, Khimki: address, doctors, services, reviews

Maternity hospital, Khimki: address, doctors, services, reviews

The mesmerizing process of having a baby has always been shrouded in mystery. In ancient times, little was known about him and was often associated with mysticism. Many nationalities even had unusual rituals that helped to bring the child into the world and facilitated the condition during childbirth

A few tips on how to get rid of bad breath

A few tips on how to get rid of bad breath

Everyone, most likely, faced with the problem of not very pleasant breath. Why is this happening and how to get rid of this fact? This is what I want to talk about right now

Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy: indications, preparation for the procedure and reviews

Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy: indications, preparation for the procedure and reviews

The problem of urolithiasis is very relevant in urology. The number of people suffering from nephrolithiasis is only increasing every year. If no therapeutic measures are taken, the disease quickly leads to various disorders of all body systems. Surgical intervention is considered the most effective way to get rid of nephrolithiasis

Velpo bandage: indications for application and its technique

Velpo bandage: indications for application and its technique

For people who have not been trained in medical schools and are not interested in first aid for injuries, the phrase “Velpo bandage” is unlikely to say anything. But for doctors, especially traumatologists and surgeons, this term is familiar and close

Which doctor treats a stroke: a list of specialists

Which doctor treats a stroke: a list of specialists

A stroke is an acute violation of cerebral circulation with a sharp depletion or cessation of blood flow in a certain area of the brain, which leads to the death of neurons and the loss of important neurological functions. This is a dangerous vascular disease of the brain, which is treated at different stages by several specialists

Which doctor treats hypertension - an internist or a cardiologist? Secrets of the treatment of hypertension from Dr. Shishonin

Which doctor treats hypertension - an internist or a cardiologist? Secrets of the treatment of hypertension from Dr. Shishonin

Hypertension is a disease with a high prevalence among the adult population. Pathology is characterized by an abundance of clinical manifestations and significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular complications in the form of heart attack and stroke. For this reason, treatment should be correctly selected by a specialist, and its effectiveness should be constantly monitored

How to determine the pressure by the pulse: the main indicators, the dependence of high and low pressure on the beats of the pulse, its frequency and strength of impact

How to determine the pressure by the pulse: the main indicators, the dependence of high and low pressure on the beats of the pulse, its frequency and strength of impact

Much of what concerns medicine, cardiovascular diseases and their prevention is characterized by unreliability and the ability to mislead. And in disseminating this information, the patients themselves play a major role, while medical professionals sometimes have a very difficult job due to prejudices and false beliefs. One of these is the possibility of allegedly accurate determination of blood pressure by the characteristics of the pulse

Cell differentiation is Description, decoding of the concept, features

Cell differentiation is Description, decoding of the concept, features

From the moment of conception, the body undergoes many changes. Developing from just one cell containing the hereditary material of the parents, it grows due to the reproduction and differentiation of cells. This is a constant process of maintaining the life of a multicellular organism, which is based on many intercellular interactions. At each stage of life, the specialization of cells changes and becomes more and more narrow

How to measure the pressure with a mechanical tonometer to yourself?

How to measure the pressure with a mechanical tonometer to yourself?

Blood pressure and heart rate monitoring is the most affordable and convenient way to determine the state of the cardiovascular system. And about how to measure the pressure with a mechanical tonometer, medical workers repeatedly tell. However, patients still make mistakes that guide their medication decisions

What color is venous blood, its biochemical differences from arterial

What color is venous blood, its biochemical differences from arterial

In the arteries and veins of the body, blood constantly flows, which carries nutrients and oxygen to its tissues. This is the most important body fluid, which, depending on the concentrations of the main components, changes its physical and chemical qualities. And if you figure out what color is venous blood, and what color is arterial, you can delve into the processes of gas exchange. However, the differences between these, at first glance, completely different liquids are minimal

Cardiac cycle - what is it?

Cardiac cycle - what is it?

The human body functions due to the presence of the circulatory system and cellular nutrition. The heart as the main organ of the circulatory system is able to provide uninterrupted supply of tissues with energy substrates and oxygen. This is achieved due to the cardiac cycle, the sequence of phases of the work of the body, associated with a constant alternation of rest and load

Bougienage of the cervical canal: description, features and consequences

Bougienage of the cervical canal: description, features and consequences

Atresia (fusion) of the cervical canal can lead to its complete or partial obstruction, which becomes an obstacle to the release of menstrual flow. There is atresia of the cervical canal, and there is atresia of the body of the uterus. By its origin, the narrowing of the passage of the cervix can be congenital and acquired