Medicine 2024, October

Interaction of non-allelic genes: types and forms

Interaction of non-allelic genes: types and forms

Modern genetics is moving forward by leaps and bounds. Various types of gene interaction are being investigated, which make it possible to obtain answers to many questions of interest. One type of such a response between genes is a non-allelic interaction. What forms does it have, and what is it?

Allelic and non-allelic genes

Allelic and non-allelic genes

Genes represent a kind of information base encoding the future development of a living organism. Modern science has made great strides in decoding the human genetic code, discovered allelic and non-allelic genes and their interactions, the result of which is the evolution of the species

Acne on the back of the head in men: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Acne on the back of the head in men: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pimples in the scalp, and especially in men on the back of the head, are often disturbed from an aesthetic point of view. Actually it is a medical problem. Unpleasant rashes cause itching and discomfort when washing your hair. However, the main problem is that they cause profuse hair loss and lead to baldness

Wen on hand, treatment

Wen on hand, treatment

In medicine, a wen on the arm or elsewhere is called a lipoma. This is a formation consisting of adipose tissue. Lipoma often affects not only the skin, but also other tissues (connective, mainly)

Laser hygroma removal: treatment methods, surgery and reviews

Laser hygroma removal: treatment methods, surgery and reviews

The procedure for removing hygroma with a laser on the wrist and other joints is in many ways similar to conventional surgery, but in this case, instead of a scalpel, a laser beam is used to cut tissue. Surgical intervention with a laser minimizes the risk of infection in the wound, and also prevents the possibility of heavy bleeding

Liver examination: list of methods

Liver examination: list of methods

Methods of examination of the liver: complete blood count, biochemical analysis, ultrasound, MRI and CT, computed scintigraphy and isotope scanning, biopsy

How to choose compression stockings for varicose veins?

How to choose compression stockings for varicose veins?

Varicose veins occur in people of any age and gender. This disease develops in stages and rather slowly. In the later stages, it is quite difficult to treat it

Orthopedic mat - imitator of natural surfaces

Orthopedic mat - imitator of natural surfaces

Pretty young people and even children also suffer from diseases of the joints and blood vessels. Orthopedic mat - an excellent tool for the prevention of many of these diseases

Anatomy of the pterygopalatine fossa

Anatomy of the pterygopalatine fossa

The pterygopalatine fossa is a slit-like space located in the lateral sectors of the human skull. Structural features. How are injuries and diseases of the pterygopalatine fossa treated?

Borders of the posterior mediastinum. Mediastinal organs

Borders of the posterior mediastinum. Mediastinal organs

The mediastinum is a collection of organs, nerves, lymph nodes and vessels that are in the same space. In front, it is limited by the sternum, on the sides - by the pleura (the membrane surrounding the lungs), behind - by the thoracic spine. From below, the mediastinum is separated from the abdominal cavity by the largest respiratory muscle - the diaphragm. There is no border from above, the chest smoothly passes into the space of the neck

Blood buffer systems and their importance in homeostasis

Blood buffer systems and their importance in homeostasis

Blood buffer systems ensure the constancy of the acid-base state of the internal environment of a person, thereby ensuring the possibility of most biochemical processes. Along with them, the lungs are involved in this, releasing carbon dioxide, and the kidneys, getting rid of metabolites

Ultrasound of the sinuses: features, description and interpretation

Ultrasound of the sinuses: features, description and interpretation

Not all people have heard that there is such a method of studying the body as an ultrasound of the sinuses. However, it is currently in use. It is also a very effective method of examining the state of the human body

Leptin (hormone) is elevated - what does it mean? Leptin - satiety hormone: functions and its role

Leptin (hormone) is elevated - what does it mean? Leptin - satiety hormone: functions and its role

An article about a hormone called leptin. What are its functions in the body, how does it interact with the hunger hormone - ghrelin, and why diets are dangerous

Condyles of the femur: description, structure and photo

Condyles of the femur: description, structure and photo

The structure of the femur to the condyles is cortical, that is, it is a tube with thick walls. The lower end of the thigh with its two condyles passes into the upper part of the knee joint - the medial medial condyle of the femur and the outer lateral. The lower part of the knee joint forms the tibia, which also has two condyles

Crigler-Najjar syndrome: description, causes, symptoms and treatment

Crigler-Najjar syndrome: description, causes, symptoms and treatment

It is quite rare to hear about such a disease as Crigler-Najjar syndrome. But, unfortunately, this diagnosis can be made to one child in a million. It may seem that this is an extremely rare disease, but today, in the age of genetics, mutations are detected very often

Albinos are Albinism is a congenital absence of melanin pigment

Albinos are Albinism is a congenital absence of melanin pigment

Albinos are living beings with gene mutations. Do not be afraid that people who are completely different from those around you can live nearby. Love and respect is all they need

Spirometry is Spirometry: results, normal values

Spirometry is Spirometry: results, normal values

Spirometry is a standard medical procedure to measure how well your respiratory system is working. It measures the flow of air that leaves the lungs

The best gastroenterologists in Penza: qualifications, experience and place of admission

The best gastroenterologists in Penza: qualifications, experience and place of admission

How to find a good gastroenterologist in Penza? First of all, you should pay attention to the level of qualification and experience, then to the number of positive reviews from patients and, of course, to the convenience of the location of the clinic where the doctor works. The following list of the best gastroenterologists in Penza will help you not to make a mistake when choosing a doctor for yourself

Surgeon Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich: biography, where he works, contacts

Surgeon Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich: biography, where he works, contacts

This year marks the seventy-one year anniversary of the great man - Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich. This amazing doctor, who received over the rarest surgical talent, is known almost all over the world. The operations performed by his hands are overwhelmingly successful, and many of them are unique

Genetics. Somatic mutation

Genetics. Somatic mutation

Mutation is a stable transformation of the genotype, which takes place under the influence of the external or internal environment. The terminology was proposed by Hugo de Vries. The process by which this change occurs is called mutagenesis

Tests for fetal pathology. Diagnosis of fetal pathologies

Tests for fetal pathology. Diagnosis of fetal pathologies

While the baby is in the womb, a woman is subjected to a lot of research. It is worth noting that some tests for fetal pathology reveal a lot of diseases that are not treated. This is what will be discussed in this article. You will learn how the diagnosis of fetal pathology during pregnancy is carried out (tests and additional studies). Also find out what the results of a particular examination should normally be

Anti-radiculitis belt: types, sizes, materials, instructions for use, purpose and contraindications for wearing

Anti-radiculitis belt: types, sizes, materials, instructions for use, purpose and contraindications for wearing

Sciatica treatment should be comprehensive. It is long, and often the pain does not go away for a long time even with intensive therapy. Therefore, in addition to medical and physiotherapeutic treatment, wearing corsets or bandages is always prescribed. Now on sale you can easily buy an anti-radiculitis belt that will help relieve pain and speed up recovery

Calcitonin - what is it? Analysis for calcitonin. Calcitonin: the norm in women

Calcitonin - what is it? Analysis for calcitonin. Calcitonin: the norm in women

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones such as thyroxine and triiodothyronine. In addition, the C-cells of this organ are able to secrete calcitonin. What it is? This hormone is an indicator of calcium metabolism and can be produced not only in the thyroid gland, but also in other organs

Hematocrit is low in the blood - what does it mean?

Hematocrit is low in the blood - what does it mean?

One of the most common clinical tests is the CBC. And this is not accidental, because blood - one of the components of the internal environment of our body - is very sensitive to the slightest changes in it. A blood test will give an answer to the presence of inflammatory processes by the number of leukocytes, to the ability of the blood to carry oxygen by the number of red blood cells. This is known to everyone, but there is another very important indicator of the state of the blood - hematocrit

Self-interpretation of blood test results

Self-interpretation of blood test results

Self-interpretation of blood test results is a question that occupies the minds of many patients in polyclinics. What can be learned from the information on the results sheet, you will learn from this article

Norms of blood tests in children. Decryption and features of the collection

Norms of blood tests in children. Decryption and features of the collection

Blood test - one of the most common methods of examination, which helps to diagnose most diseases. The popularity of the study is due to the relative simplicity of its implementation and the possibility of obtaining a quick result, thanks to which it is possible to establish the cause of a particular disease in the shortest possible time. What are the norms for blood tests in children and how to take them correctly? Let's try to answer this question

I wonder what is a nursing history?

I wonder what is a nursing history?

In this article I would like to talk about such a document as a nursing history. What it is, what this document is intended for, and according to what rules it should be filled out - you can read about all this in the text below

GTT analysis: what shows, decoding of indicators, norm and deviation

GTT analysis: what shows, decoding of indicators, norm and deviation

The test for the detection of tolerance to a substance such as glucose is gaining more and more popularity. It is of great importance for every person, especially for a woman who is expecting a baby. The analysis demonstrates violations in the metabolism of carbohydrates, if any. Many questions arise around the analysis of GTT: how is it done, why and to whom is it prescribed, for how long and what does it indicate? Let's figure it out

Glucose tolerance test: norm and deviations, interpretation of the results, features of the conduct

Glucose tolerance test: norm and deviations, interpretation of the results, features of the conduct

The number of diabetic patients has at least doubled in the past decade. Almost the same number of people do not even know about their diagnosis, because in the initial stages of diabetes mellitus can occur without pronounced symptoms, and the test results are normal. Glucose tolerance test is one of the universal diagnostic methods that is used for timely detection of the disease in all modern countries of the world

Choosing a splint for knee joints: varieties, indications and contraindications for use

Choosing a splint for knee joints: varieties, indications and contraindications for use

What is a splint and what is it for? In what cases is the use of a splint on the knee joint prescribed? Splint for the knee joint KS 601 Orlett - characteristics and features of the product. How to choose the right size? Are there any contraindications?

Vaccination against dysentery for adults and children

Vaccination against dysentery for adults and children

Dysentery is a serious intestinal disease. It can be prevented by vaccination. This article will tell you all about the vaccination against dysentery. What should everyone know about her?

Shigellvac vaccine against dysentery: instructions

Shigellvac vaccine against dysentery: instructions

Dysentery is the most common gastrointestinal infection. The causative agent of this disease are bacteria - Shigella Sonne. Pathology is accompanied by severe diarrhea and often leads to dehydration. The Shigellvac vaccine will help prevent this dangerous disease. What categories of patients are indicated for such a vaccination? And how reliably does it protect against dysentery? We will consider these questions in the article

Symptoms of overtraining in athletes

Symptoms of overtraining in athletes

Chronic feeling of weakness, persistent pain in muscles and ligaments, depression, irritability, susceptibility to colds, insomnia, menstrual irregularities in women … All these are symptoms of overtraining that many athletes face sooner or later

True and false hermaphroditism in humans

True and false hermaphroditism in humans

Many people have heard of hermaphrodites, but not everyone knows about the types of sexual hermaphroditism. The disease implies that a person has developed genital organs of both sexes. What is the peculiarity of such a pathology? We will talk about this in the article

Effective wart remover. Wart Control Reviews

Effective wart remover. Wart Control Reviews

In most cases, a wart is a benign skin growth. Its occurrence is provoked by the activation of HPV (human papillomavirus)

How to remove swelling from the eyes after tears: popular and effective methods

How to remove swelling from the eyes after tears: popular and effective methods

There are many ways to remove swelling from the eyes after tears. There are special creams, ointments, patches, compress recipes. Everyone deals with this problem differently. But there are universal methods that help everyone. Here I would like to list them

After DTP, the child's leg hurts: possible causes and features of care

After DTP, the child's leg hurts: possible causes and features of care

Thickening and redness of the injection site is normal if the temperature is not higher than 38oC. It is also considered normal if the child's injection site is reddened and slightly swollen, but it does not hurt, and he can stand on his leg. Redness should not be more than 5 cm in diameter. But if the child cannot stand up, cries, and the redness exceeds the norm, this means that the child has a rather serious complication and you need to see a doctor

Children's trauma center in Lipetsk

Children's trauma center in Lipetsk

This medical unit operates on the basis of the Lipetsk Regional Children's Hospital and provides assistance to children aged from 7 days to 18 years. The trauma center was organized in 1983. The head of the unit from the moment of opening to the present is the doctor of the highest category Nazarov Vladimir Afanasyevich

Primary surgical treatment of wounds is a serious obstacle to infection

Primary surgical treatment of wounds is a serious obstacle to infection

Primary surgical treatment of wounds is necessary in most cases when there is a serious violation of the skin with damage to deep-lying tissues. It is thanks to such an event that it is often possible to prevent the development of the most dangerous conditions associated with the ingress of infection into the human body

Preparing for IVF: where to start, nutrition and lifestyle

Preparing for IVF: where to start, nutrition and lifestyle

Couples face many questions before preparing for IVF. How to prepare? Where to begin? How will lifestyle change? What rules should be observed at this crucial moment? After all, proper preparation for artificial insemination is already 50% of the fact that everything will be successful. It should be understood that it is important not only to be examined, but also to conduct this preparatory period correctly, which means to follow certain rules