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One of the methods of examination of the rectal mucosa is sigmoidoscopy. This examination is carried out using endoscopic equipment, consisting of a tube, an eyepiece and a light bulb
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Sometimes a blood test reveals low hemoglobin. It is worth taking seriously the fact of insufficient iron content in the body
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UHF is often used to treat certain diseases, during rehabilitation and recovery after severe injuries. What it is? This is a method of influencing the bone and connective tissues of the body using an electromagnetic field
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Part of the brain is the pituitary gland. What it is? Its main task is to be responsible for the production of hormones that are extremely important for the smooth operation of the body. Their lack or increased production will lead to the development of dangerous diseases
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Anyone can face such a problem. Inflammation of this nerve is accompanied by severe pain, loss of function of certain muscles, and facial distortion. Neuritis of the facial nerve is an inflammatory process that leads to partial or complete loss of the functionality of this cranial nerve
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The aqueduct of Sylvius is one of the most important parts of the brain. Maintains normal intracranial pressure
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Compression stockings are a mandatory preventive measure for blockage of arteries by blood clots and the formation of thrombosis of the cardiovascular circulatory system of the human body. Find out how and how much to wear compression stockings after surgery, what their effect is, how to choose the right postoperative underwear, find out in the article
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The spine is the basis of the human musculoskeletal system. The spine is S-shaped, which provides flexibility and resilience, and also relieves any shaking that occurs during running, normal walking and many other physical activities. The spinal column enables a person to walk straight, keep an even posture, maintaining balance in the body. And the thoracic vertebra is one of the main components of the ridge
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Currently, there are a huge variety of special devices that significantly speed up the recovery process and improve the quality of life during the recovery period. One of these devices is a bandage
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When syphilis is suspected, doctors prescribe a blood test for antibodies to the cardiolipin antigen. This assay is an improved version of the Wasserman (RW) reaction. In its classic form, the RW test has not been used for about 30 years. Nowadays, this study is carried out exclusively by immunological methods. What are the normal values for this test? And how to correctly decipher its results? We will consider these questions in the article
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Unfortunately, a huge number of people around the world are infected with venereal diseases every day, and some ailments can pose a real threat to human life. In particular, we are talking about syphilis, the causative agent of which is pale treponema
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Magnetic resonance imaging is considered one of the safest methods of radiation examination of tissues. This method uses magnetic radiation, while all other examination devices include the use of X-rays, which can cause adverse effects. What will an MRI of the knee show?
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Laboratory medical examinations are of great help to specialists in determining the diagnosis. Laboratory diagnostics is an integral part of the therapeutic course, since the accuracy and reliability of the studies performed provide the optimal and correct choice of further treatment of the disease
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Science does not stand still, and every day there are more and more new tools that help preserve and improve the beauty of a woman, rid her appearance of imperfections such as scars, wrinkles and many other skin defects. The erbium laser belongs to such methods
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How to cleanse the body, and especially the liver, without harming yourself and using only natural foods and drinks?
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A person, thanks to his musculoskeletal system, can easily move around. This mechanism can be passive or active. The last part is the human muscle mass. The passive mechanism includes human bones connected in a certain way
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Bashkiria, which ranks first in Russia in terms of oil refining, honey and milk production, takes care of natural population growth. The Republican Perinatal Center helps a lot to give birth to he althy residents
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Hospital of St. Vladimir in Sokolniki - the oldest medical institution based on charitable funds. Today, this hospital not only saves children of all ages, but also serves as a clinical base for many scientific institutions
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Polymodulator is a development of Russian scientists capable of restoring a person's energy potential. Polymodulator allows you to cope with the most complex diseases and opens the way to unlimited longevity
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To establish an accurate diagnosis requires a good laboratory diagnosis, reliable and reliable. Doctors in large cities of Russia prefer SDM analyzes because of their compliance with international standards. The molecular diagnostics laboratory of this distinguished scientific institution is better known under the CMD brand of a growing network of laboratories, with 128 offices today
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National Institute of Transplantology and Surgery. Shalimova in Kyiv has a unique experience in organ transplantation and the treatment of many diseases. Stem cells and world-class techniques are used here
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The technique and algorithm for performing intravenous and intramuscular injections, as well as intravenous infusions, are described in detail. What syringes should be chosen? What should be the safe infusion rate?
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Water-s alt metabolism is a rather important component of the human body, but not everyone knows what it is
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The ileocecal angle is the site of a very large number of diseases, which is directly related to the anatomical and physiological structure of this intestine. The ileocecal sphincter controls the movement of contents from the small intestine into the large intestine, and also makes it impossible to return it
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The article discusses in detail the features of disorders after surgery, depending on the place of resection. The principles of nutrition in the postoperative period and after discharge are analyzed. The diet in the first month after the operation is described in detail. The features of the diet after resection of the small and large intestines in the late postoperative period are given. Exercises for physical rehabilitation of patients at different stages of recovery are described
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What distinguishes a true male from an ordinary, barely noticeable man in the crowd? High levels of testosterone in his body. What is it, and how to increase testosterone in men naturally? All this further
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Dangerous microorganisms are found at almost every step. A particularly large number of them are concentrated in places of mass congestion of people - in medical institutions, at enterprises. In order to protect others from the negative effects of microbes and prevent their spread, a set of specific measures is needed (the so-called disinfection)
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This article will focus on the various forms of medical care in the Russian Federation. Its existing types will be discussed, and the conditions under which a citizen of the country can receive it. In addition, the very concept of the term "medical care" will be given
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The Scientific Center for Children's He alth of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is the largest state scientific and practical institution. Provides both the necessary medical care at the highest level, and is engaged in research activities, promoting medicine in Russia
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Rising shower - this is the effect on the body of a jet of water, the temperature and pressure of which is regulated by a specialist depending on the disease. This type of hydrotherapy has a second name (perineal) due to the fact that the jet of liquid is directed precisely to this part of the human body
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The first clinics of the MedCenterService network opened in 1995; over 20 years of activity, the number of branches has increased to 16 commercial multidisciplinary medical institutions located in different districts of Moscow. Patients are admitted in accordance with medical service standards, including an initial examination, questioning the patient, prescribing diagnostic tests and tests, repeated appointments at which a consultation is held, a treatment strategy is formed, and the necessary measures are prescribed
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An operation to remove a brain tumor helps to effectively cope with existing benign or malignant neoplasms and return to a full he althy life. Such an intervention has certain indications and contraindications, which must be taken into account
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Gomel clinics provide medical services to residents of the city and region. These include both public and private centers
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Why do some people not get sick twice? All due to the fact that he develops immunity to a specific disease. There are few such ailments. Vaccination is done to protect the body from infection
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He alth for the free movement of joints can and should be maintained at any age, the main thing is to choose the right exercises. He alth-improving gymnastics for longevity has a number of advantages: joints are developed, the skeletal system and tendons are strengthened
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Have you raised a "monster" that has dug into your flesh and haunts you? How to get rid of an ingrown callus? You will learn about the most common methods by reading the article
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How to choose a psychotherapist in Ivanovo? Putting your mental he alth in the hands of an insufficiently competent doctor is a bad idea. When choosing a specialist, you should pay attention to his professional level, experience in this field of medicine and the presence of comments from patients, especially good ones. The list of the top ten psychotherapists in Ivanovo, presented below, will surely help you not to make a mistake with the choice
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The lower limbs (legs) carry a fairly large load. Their task is to provide movement and support. The muscles of the lower extremities are considered the most powerful of all
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One of the informative diagnostic methods is palpation. With its help, you can identify a number of serious pathologies in humans. A special technique is palpation of the points of the gallbladder. This body has certain features. It is impossible to palpate it in a he althy person, since its size is small, and the walls are soft. Therefore, doctors use special techniques to diagnose various diseases. They will be discussed in the article
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When a person falls ill, doctors may prescribe a course of intramuscular injections. With their implementation, unlike intravenous, almost anyone can cope, even without an appropriate medical education. Therefore, basic knowledge of how to give an injection at home can be useful to everyone