How does protein affect potency? Are proteins bad for men?

How does protein affect potency? Are proteins bad for men?
How does protein affect potency? Are proteins bad for men?

Men who play sports replenish their body's protein stores by consuming an extra dose. This supplement is better known as protein. What are the benefits and how does protein affect potency? This question literally divided people into two camps.

What is protein and what does it do?

In the modern world, there is an ambiguous opinion about protein as a sports nutrition. Protein is 90% protein. Athletes resort to its use to build muscle mass, which is gradually burned during training.

are proteins bad for men
are proteins bad for men

Protein is a dietary supplement. It is used by athletes after every intense workout. Protein consists of a mass that contains a minimum amount of fats and carbohydrates, they are produced from natural products. This dietary supplement contains a lot of protein. It acts as the main building material in the restoration of muscle fibers. Protein raw materials are found in eggs, dairy products and soy.

Athletes needdevelop muscles through intensive training. In addition, they need to eat right. Natural foods contain varying amounts of protein. Therefore, it is also digested differently. For example, a lot of protein is found in meat. But meat is heavy food for the body. Eggs are well digested, however, there is little protein in them. And if you combine both meat and eggs in one meal, then it will be difficult for the body to absorb these heavy foods.

Benefits of sports nutrition

The fastest and easiest way to get an excellent "building material" for muscle growth is to use a protein mixture as a supplement. How does protein affect potency? The most pressing and burning question. Let's figure out what types of protein are.

Types of protein

There are quite a few fats and carbohydrates in the protein - about 10%, 90% in this dietary supplement of proteins. Consider the types of protein:

  • Whey. It helps to quickly increase the volume of muscle fibers. Whey protein is classified into two more subspecies: isolate and concentrate. The raw material for these types of sports nutrition is whey.
  • Egg. People often ask: what is the best protein for gaining muscle mass? The most popular and sought-after option that activates muscle growth is egg protein. This dietary supplement provides essential amino acids not found in regular foods.
  • Soy (isolate and concentrate). Soy powder has a low biological value. The protein based on it is poorly absorbed, as it containssmall set of amino acids. The main disadvantage of soy powder is phytoestrogens and low digestibility.
  • Casein - supplements of this type have a long-term effect. They should be consumed before bed to replenish protein stores during sleep. This system of casein intake will save weight and prevent weight loss.

There are enough female sex hormones in soy protein. It is he who is dangerous in the case of potency. However, soy protein itself is necessary for the human body, since it is the main component for cell structures.

Mostly vegetarians consume soy protein. However, its abuse can threaten a man with impotence. Especially if a man adds steroids to sports nutrition. We will talk about their impact later.

The above types of sports nutritional supplements are actively in demand among athletes. If there are no pathological diseases of the kidneys, liver, then the protein does not affect the potency.

It must be remembered that there are absolutely safe supplements, namely: bcaa, gainer, proedin. And also separate groups of "steroid" are distinguished. The latter affect the production of hormones and are indeed dangerous for both men and women.

The effect of protein on the body of a man

As mentioned above, the main element for building muscle is protein. With this important element, sports nutritional supplements can have different names: bcaa, protein, polypeptides. If protein is regularly supplied to the human body, it will automatically be maintainednitrogen balance. Consequently, the rate of increase in muscle mass growth will be noticeable. Proteins contain many amino acids. They can be of both animal and vegetable origin.

what is harmful protein for men protein pros and cons for men
what is harmful protein for men protein pros and cons for men

Protein intake will only give its results if you use a proven quality product. Counterfeits will do no good.

How does protein affect potency? Even with prolonged use of this dietary supplement, scientists have not recorded a negative effect on male potency.

Protein is often compared to the so-called "anabolics" and steroids. However, this opinion is erroneous. It has been scientifically proven that protein powder does not negatively affect "male strength". In some cases, the effect of self-hypnosis on erection was revealed. However, this is just self-hypnosis.

Is protein bad for men?

On the dangers of protein can only be said if the athlete uses steroids together. Let's talk about their side effects later.

What are the pros and cons of protein for men? The clear benefits of this additional dietary supplement:

  • muscle volume increase;
  • prevention of energy loss (this phenomenon occurs during intense training);
  • helps improve he alth;
  • burns body fat;
  • improves the appearance of a man's body.

Among the obvious disadvantages of protein, the following should be noted:

  • with an overdose are possibleimpaired liver and kidney function;
  • with a number of diseases (we will talk about them below).

Some athletes take synthetic hormones. It is for this reason that an erroneous opinion about the dangers of protein develops. Protein does not affect a man's sexual he alth in any way.

Who shouldn't take protein?

Before taking sports nutrition, you should consult your doctor about the presence of pathological diseases.

what is the best protein for gaining muscle mass
what is the best protein for gaining muscle mass

You can not use protein with such pathologies:

  • With dysbacteriosis - during this disease, pathogenic flora develops in the intestines. Protein for her is a nutritional basis. With the use of protein and the presence of dysbacteriosis, a man may experience diarrhea, flatulence and abdominal pain.
  • In case of allergies - if there is an allergic reaction to various substances, then protein should not be taken. Protein is no exception. If the proper amount of enzymes in the body that are responsible for protein breakdown is absent, then dysbacteriosis may develop.
  • In case of renal insufficiency - in case of any pathological kidney disease, protein intake is contraindicated. When a large amount of protein enters the body, an additional load is created on the body. The man's he alth will noticeably deteriorate.
  • If overdosed, protein can affect the liver. Protein enzymes overload the liver. There is only one way out: reduce the dosage of consumption.
  • With the loss of calcium, the body is dehydrated. To himmore water is needed, and the patient should include food rich in calcium phosphate in the diet.

Soy protein has a negative effect on male potency. It contains phytoestrogens, which are similar in composition to the female hormone estrogen.

Potency and creatine

Protein burns fat and builds muscle mass. Accordingly, the appearance of the athlete's body improves. Creatine contributes to the enrichment of muscle energy.

The human body is supposed to produce creatine on its own, but true athletes need an extra dose. It is added to sports nutrition.

pros and cons of protein for men
pros and cons of protein for men

Why is protein bad for men? As soon as the energy product enters the food tract, the person immediately feels a surge of strength and energy. However, if you constantly use a nutritional supplement, then this is fraught with serious consequences:

  • puffiness develops, which occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the body;
  • gaining extra weight as fat increases;
  • muscle spasms appear.

However, creatine does not affect potency. Individual sports can have a negative impact on male sexual he alth. For example, in professional cyclists, blood circulation in the pelvic area worsens. Therefore, the erectile function is disturbed. However, it can be cured if you perform a special set of exercises that improve men's he alth.

Side effect

There are consequences of protein inmen in some cases. If you use high doses of steroids for a long time, this can lead to infertility. The testicles will gradually atrophy and sexual female characteristics will develop.

When a steroid enters the body, testosterone is suppressed in the male body. For this reason, sexual desire is weakened. However, this only happens when the muscle mass grows strongly.

Subjective factors

Scientists have proven that protein does not have a negative effect on men's he alth. Exceptions are kidney and liver diseases, allergies, phytoestrogens in soy protein, as well as individual intolerance to protein raw materials.

There are a number of factors that can provoke a decrease in potency in athletes:

  • Psychological factor. The age-old debate about the negative impact of protein on men's he alth reduces a man's erectile function. And it's in the psyche of men. The self-hypnosis effect is a great power.
  • the effect of protein on the body of a man
    the effect of protein on the body of a man
  • Exhausting workouts. With increased physical activity, severe fatigue accumulates. Consequently, male power is reduced. Don't shift the blame from fatigue to protein exposure. There must be a balance between rest and exercise.
  • Violation of the diet. There is an opinion among athletes that protein supplements can replace a normal diet. This view is erroneous and pernicious. Protein alone is not enough for an active sex life and energy recovery.

How does protein affect potency? On thepotency can be negatively affected by stressful situations.

What do the experts say?

protein dosage for men
protein dosage for men

Absolutely natural protein substance. Pros and cons: for men, what do scientists say? They have long been proved that the use of protein only stimulates the body's natural processes.

The action of the protein does not affect sexual function and does not affect sexual performance in any way.

How to take protein correctly?

Proper diet, observance of the daily regimen will only positively affect men's abilities. If an athlete felt “a disorder in male power”, then perhaps the protein supplement was a fake or experienced stress the day before.

Required protein dosage for men: 1.5-2g per kilogram of athlete's weight.

effects of protein in men
effects of protein in men

Protein for gaining muscle mass - which is better? Opt for a good quality whey protein. Be sure to follow the regime of the day and nutrition, balance training and rest. These rules contain high excellent sporting achievements that will surprise not only you.
