Massage for neuritis of the facial nerve: indications, technique, results, reviews

Massage for neuritis of the facial nerve: indications, technique, results, reviews
Massage for neuritis of the facial nerve: indications, technique, results, reviews

In the article, we will consider how massage is performed for neuritis of the facial nerve.

Anyone can face such a problem. Inflammation of this nerve is accompanied by severe pain, loss of function of certain muscles, and facial distortion. Neuritis of the facial nerve is an inflammatory process that leads to partial or complete loss of the functionality of this cranial nerve. Therapy of such a disease is not limited to the effects of medications, very often neuropathologists prescribe facial massage for patients with neuritis of the facial nerve (pictured below).

massage technique for neuritis of the facial nerve
massage technique for neuritis of the facial nerve

Reasons for the development of the pathological process

The list of the main causes of inflammation of the facial nerve includes:

  • hypothermia (prolonged local exposure to low temperatures, which causes vasospasm, disrupts the nutrition of the nerve);
  • flu viruses, herpes simplex, mumps;
  • mechanical injuries of the head, ears (rupture of blood vessels and violation of the integrity of the muscles is accompanied by severe swelling, in which the facial nerve is compressed, provoking the development of neuritis);
  • alcohol abuse;
  • dental pathologies and their treatment (infectious agents from a carious tooth pass to nearby nerve fibers);
  • inflammatory processes in the area of the middle ear (otitis media) and posterior cranial fossa (meningitis, meningoencephalitis, arachnoiditis).


Symptomatology of this pathological condition develops, as a rule, gradually. Initially, there is pain in the ear area, and after a couple of days - asymmetry of the face. On the inflamed side, the nasolabial fold begins to smooth out, the patient cannot completely close the eye (lagophthalmos), raise the corner of the mouth. In an attempt to smile, a grin is observed, shifted to the he althy side. In addition, there is a loss of taste in the anterior part of the tongue, increased salivation. There may be excessive hearing sensitivity in the direction of the facial nerve lesion.

facial massage for neuritis of the facial nerve
facial massage for neuritis of the facial nerve

Indications for massage treatment

In what cases is massage indicated for neuritis of the facial nerve? Timely treatment in the form of massage for neuritis is considered a very effective therapeutic procedure. Comprehensive treatment with massage and medication helps restore lost muscle function in shorter time intervals compared to using only one drug therapy. It is very important to know that massage therapy should be started no earlier than 10-14 days after the onset of the first symptoms of the pathological process.

The main indications for the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerves with massage are:

  • inflammatory processes in the nerves of a toxic or infectious nature;
  • mechanical nerve injury;
  • impaired motor functions of facial muscles in the postoperative period.

With caution, massage procedures should be prescribed to people with concomitant purulent pathologies of the ENT organs, since massage movements help normalize blood flow in the tissues of the face, which can lead to the rapid spread of infection. Therefore, such procedures are carried out only by appointment of a specialist.

Classic massage for neuritis

Classic massage for neuritis of the facial nerve is indicated for patients with an inflammatory process affecting the trigeminal nerve. It is performed by a specialist in a medical institution, such a procedure is painless and takes, as a rule, from 10 to 20 minutes. Such a facial massage is prescribed for neuritis of the facial nerve, usually in courses of 1-2 sessions per day for a month. Massage measures are aimed at improving blood flow in the muscles of the face, eliminating spasms of facial muscles, restoring reduced or lost motor function of muscles, and stopping speech defects caused by neuritis.

massage for neuritis of the facial nerve at home
massage for neuritis of the facial nerve at home

Massage technique for neuritis of the facial nerve

Thisthe technique includes rubbing, stroking and vibrating movements. This procedure begins with massaging, rubbing and stroking movements on the muscles of the neck and neck, which improve lymphatic drainage from the facial muscles. After that, they go directly to massaging the facial muscles. Symmetrical movements are performed on the diseased and he althy sides along the massage lines, moving from the center to the peripheral areas. First, with the help of stroking movements, the forehead is massaged, moving from the midline to the temples. The eye area is processed with similar movements, starting from the area of \u200b\u200bthe inner corner, moving gradually to the outer. In the future, they begin to massage from the wings of the nose, with the transition to the temples and cheekbones. The last area for stroking movements is the area of the lips, from there - to the corner of the lower jaw. After that, all movements are repeated with slight pressure, which helps to achieve the effect of rubbing and increased blood flow to the muscle fibers. The last massage movements are vibrational, which are carried out in a similar sequence.

Classic massage for neuritis of the facial nerve ends with stroking movements of the face, neck and neck.


This type of massage for neuritis of the facial nerves can be used both as an independent procedure and as an addition to its classical form or self-massage. For this, shiatsu points are used, which are stroked with slight pressure for several seconds. Acupressure for neuritisof the facial nerve starts from points that are located above the eyebrows, after which points are worked out above the eyes, under the cheekbones, on the temples, along the wings of the nose, between the lower lip and chin. Massage movements should be absolutely symmetrical and performed on both sides of the face.

how to do massage with neuritis of the facial nerve
how to do massage with neuritis of the facial nerve

Self-massage technique at home

Many people wonder if it is possible to perform massage for facial neuritis at home?

In cases where the patient does not have the opportunity to use the help of a medical specialist, he can resort to self-massage techniques. First you need to choose a convenient place for the implementation of this procedure. In this case, you can use any chair with a flat back, which is placed in front of a mirror. Massage is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Sitting on a chair, the massage begins with kneading movements for the neck, in which you need to tilt your head to the sides, forward and back. Then they begin to massage the forehead area with light stroking movements. In this case, it is necessary to close your eyes, relax as much as possible and, using the same movements, begin to knead the eyelids from the inner corner of the eye towards the temple area.
  2. With the pads of your fingers, you need to apply light pressure and work out the area from the wings of the nose to the ears with similar movements.
  3. With light stroking movements, you can walk from the lips to the corners of the jaw.
  4. Work out the chin area, lightly stroking from the midline to the corners of the bottomjaw.

Massage effectiveness

How to massage with neuritis of the facial nerve, it is better to find out in advance.

Proper execution of various techniques contributes to the rapid recovery of the motor function of the muscles in this area. However, the treatment of facial neuritis is a rather lengthy process that can take several months. Two to three weeks of daily facial massages are usually sufficient for initial noticeable improvements. In addition to such therapeutic measures, self-massage sessions can be performed at home, which will significantly speed up the recovery process.

therapeutic facial massage for neuritis of the facial nerve
therapeutic facial massage for neuritis of the facial nerve


Properly selected and timely massage technique contributes to the achievement of the following therapeutic results:

  • improvement of local blood circulation processes;
  • quick elimination of muscle spasm;
  • restoration of mimic activity;
  • correction of defects in speech functions that were provoked by neuritis.

Duration of therapy

Restoration of mimic functionality and elimination of all external manifestations accompanying this pathological condition requires quite a long therapy. For greater effectiveness, combined techniques are often used, for example, acupressure facial massage for facial neuritis and acupuncture. Manual therapy may not be limited to the face area. It is advisable to start the procedure with a cervicalcollar region, since in this area there are many vital blood vessels that supply blood to the head.

Massage for neuritis of the facial nerves may include a point effect on the entire head. In order to avoid the negative consequences that often occur with neuritis, it is recommended that such procedures be carried out by professional specialists, since facial neuritis is a serious disease that has characteristic external symptoms, and with independent attempts to eliminate them, the condition may worsen. If massage techniques are used uncontrollably, the lesion can become chronic, and it becomes much more difficult, and sometimes impossible, to cope with it.

massage technique for neuritis of the facial nerve
massage technique for neuritis of the facial nerve


On medical sites there is a huge amount of patient feedback on a variety of massage techniques for the facial area with the development of inflammatory processes in the facial nerve. Many patients consider such massage techniques for neuritis of the facial nerve to be fundamental among all therapeutic measures. It is noted that the mechanical effect on the facial muscles helps more successfully than the most modern drug treatment.

Today, acupressure techniques are especially popular, which are already carried out not only in specialized private clinics, but also in ordinary medical institutions. Patients note that after a course of such a massage, their well-being improved significantly, normalization of speech functions was noticeable,facial symmetry stabilized.

acupressure for neuritis of the facial nerve
acupressure for neuritis of the facial nerve

It is impossible not to note the benefits of the classic methods of massage of the facial area with neuritis. Neurologists consider such a massage to be a mandatory therapeutic measure and prescribe it to almost every patient with neuritis of the facial nerves. Patients also observed significant improvements after it - the disappearance of pain in the facial area, the normalization of facial movements, etc.
