In the article we will figure out how much a blood test is done.
This is a laboratory diagnosis of a blood sample, establishing its qualitative and quantitative composition - the main indicators. It is these characteristics that contribute to the identification of a certain type of disease.

Laboratory diagnostics: research methods
Laboratory medical examinations are of great help to specialists in determining the diagnosis. Laboratory diagnostics is an integral part of the therapeutic course, since the accuracy and reliability of the studies performed provide the optimal and correct choice of further treatment of the disease.
But on what method the diagnosis of pathology will be based, the specialist decides for himself. Currently, there are a lot of types of laboratory tests, each of which is called in its own way, as well as ways to process information and obtain results. Each has its own reference values, thenthere is an average value of a specific laboratory indicator, which is obtained as a result of large-scale diagnostics of he althy people.
Among the popular clinical diagnostic methods are urine and blood tests, ultrasound, numerous types of biopsies, etc. One of the most common and important methods is a blood test. It is easy to use, almost painless and quite informative. However, it is impossible to say unequivocally how long a blood test is done. This parameter is determined directly by the method used.
So, let's figure out how much a blood test is done.

Due dates for blood tests
It's hard to say how long the study will take. This is due to the fact that in modern medicine there are various types of diagnostics of this biomaterial. In this regard, it is necessary to consider each method separately, paying attention to the fact that laboratories determine their own terms for carrying out the analysis and issuing results to the patient. The studies that are deciphered in a few hours are as follows: general analysis; determination of a person's blood group; rapid tests for the detection of human immunodeficiency virus, syphilis and hepatitis.
General Study
How long is a blood test, people ask often.
The general analysis includes the determination of the concentration of platelets, hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes and the calculation of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and leukocyte formula. Suchresearch method is used to determine inflammatory, infectious and hematological diseases, as well as in assessing the human condition.
Among other things, a complete blood count makes it possible to establish the effectiveness of current therapy. A biomaterial sample for research is usually taken from a finger. No special preparations are needed for the diagnosis. However, it should be said that blood sampling must be carried out before meals. The result can be collected in about 1, 5 or 2 hours.
How long does a blood test take to determine her type?

Blood typing
This means the establishment of her belonging to a particular group according to the system "a, b, zero" (AB0). A similar study is used before blood transfusion and during pregnancy, to determine hematological disease in newborns and in the process of preparing for surgical interventions. Blood is taken from a vein, and on an empty stomach. You can get results within one to two hours.
Rapid tests
How much is a blood test for hepatitis, syphilis, HIV?
Hepatitis Rapid Test is a high-quality and fast home test for detecting antibodies to this virus. Blood is taken from a finger, and the result of the analysis will be ready in just fifteen minutes.
Rapid test for syphilis can also be done at home, but this test detects treponema bacteriapale. They indicate the presence of syphilis in a person. Also, blood is taken capillary, from a finger, the result will be ready in ten to fifteen minutes.
HIV test - a blood test for the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus. At home, the results will be ready in a few minutes. Blood is taken from a finger. It must be said that rapid testing can be used not only at home. They are also used by medical laboratories, and in terms of time (the period of blood testing for these systems) the tests do not differ from those carried out at home.
Among other things, there are many types of rapid testing, that is, blood tests at home, for example, to diagnose fetal cancer antigen, rubella, and cancer markers. The patient can only find out how many tests are done through express systems in the instructions.

How many blood tests are done for biochemistry, many people are interested.
Tests requiring several days
There are also such types of blood tests that are carried out within a few days. These include: a blood test for sugar; analysis of biomaterial for human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis and syphilis in the laboratory; biochemical diagnostics of blood; hormonal diagnosis; study of the hemostasis system. However, how many of the above blood tests are done, it becomes clear only after describing their properties.
A blood sugar test is a determination of the content of glucose in the blood. Take a sample of biomaterial on an empty stomach from a finger. This research method is used to establish diabetes mellitus. However, for patients after forty years of age, it is carried out regularly, regardless of the presence of the disease. The results of a blood test for sugar will be ready within a day.
In the laboratory, the human immunodeficiency virus test detects antibodies to this type of infection. It is carried out on a sample of venous blood, the result will be ready within 2-10 days.
If blood is tested for syphilis (in laboratory conditions), the result will be ready in 4-7 days, when testing biomaterial for hepatitis, enzyme immunoassay and serological blood tests - from a week to two.

The study of the hemostasis system allows you to get the result in a couple of days. The attending specialist should inform the patient about the timing of the biomaterial analysis during hormonal studies. Since the content of hormones changes in different phases of the life cycle, blood is taken for analysis only according to an individual set schedule. However, on average, such a study is ready within two to thirty days.
How long does a blood chemistry test take?
Among the ongoing diagnostics, a special place belongs to biochemical analysis. It is difficult to determine how much time such a study takes. Blood is taken from a vein, the found biochemical values givethe ability to diagnose almost all ongoing processes in the human body.
How many days a biochemical blood test is done, you can check with your doctor.
There are no special rules for preparing for this type of study. And how many days such an analysis is done is determined only by the list of diagnosed biochemical elements. Results, as a rule, can be ready within an hour, and within a month. Blood biochemistry is used in almost every medical field, because in the process of this study, the hormonal, biochemical and immunological conditions of the human body are diagnosed. This is a reliable way to identify many types of diseases at an early stage.

When a patient receives an appointment for a study or a form with results, he really wants to understand if the indicators are normal or if it is necessary to prepare for therapy. The final answer to such a question is given only by the attending specialist, however, everyone can at least understand this a little - it is enough to know the value of the indicators and the norm of the concentration of a particular component in the blood.
At the clinic
When it comes to how many blood tests are done in a polyclinic, everything will be determined by what equipment it has. If it is modern, it will take the laboratory assistant no more than an hour to decipher the information.

When used in a clinic to process information from obsolete devices onit will take at least three hours to get the result. However, despite the fact that the result of the analysis, if desired, can be obtained very quickly, in most medical institutions this study is officially done within a day.
Private labs usually get results faster.
We looked at how many days a blood test is done.