How to cleanse the liver? A simple and affordable step-by-step method

How to cleanse the liver? A simple and affordable step-by-step method
How to cleanse the liver? A simple and affordable step-by-step method

Many doctors disapprove of people's decisions regarding liver cleansing. Some folk recipes are generally capable of harming rather than helping the body. So how to properly cleanse the liver and is it necessary? If you focus on he althy foods and drinks, the effect will be extremely positive and will not cause harm. Use seven tips for a gradual effect on the body.

How to cleanse the liver?
How to cleanse the liver?

How to cleanse the liver? Step One

Don't use dubious body cleansing recipes based on vegetable oil or lemon. Such activities can only worsen your condition. Therefore, do not prepare any folk formulations and mixtures. Use only high-quality products, do not drink medicines without a prescription. The main principle that you need to remember is moderation and attention to your own body. Learn to listen to him and act harmoniously.

How to cleanse the liver? Step two

He althy cleansing occurs with the help of bile. Fresh bitter greens help to stimulate its formation for more active elimination of toxins. Arugula, watercress, mustard leaf and romaine lettuce will suit you. Not the worst choleretic effect is also distinguished by carrots, pumpkin,zucchini, beets, various types of cabbage, artichokes and daikon. Don't get too carried away with radishes, onions, garlic, and horseradish, as they contain irritating essential oils that can lead to liver pain and spasms.

How to cleanse the liver of alcohol
How to cleanse the liver of alcohol

How to cleanse the liver? Step three

Swap your olive oil for sesame, linseed or sunflower oil. Nuts are also good hepatoprotectors, with the exception of peanuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. They contain phospholipids and antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. In addition, they help the liver to regenerate cells.

How to cleanse the liver? Step four

The use of mineral water, especially magnesia-sulfate varieties, has a beneficial effect on the body. It stimulates the excretion of bile. However, you should not lean too much on drinking - two hundred milliliters per day is enough, drunk before any meal at a time or divided into several small portions. Excess can be dangerous with excessive amounts of s alts and sodium. However, if consumed in moderation, mineral water will be one of the best remedies to help both cleanse the liver of alcohol and toxins, and improve the condition of the body as a whole.

Cleansing the liver. Step Five

Give up all alcohol. The liver works as a kind of body filter, so any drink has a toxic effect on it. The safe dose of alcohol for a he althy person does not exceed a glass of wine, but it is better to refuse even this during the cleansing.

How to properly cleanse the liver?
How to properly cleanse the liver?

How to cleanse the liver? Step six

Get a new habit - have porridge for breakfast. Morning meals that include fatty meats, butter and cheese on white bread provoke liver disease, so it is best to eat he althy oatmeal, fresh juice and fruits, muesli and sour-milk products.

How to cleanse the liver? Step Seven

Don't be afraid to eat after six, especially if your attempts to skip the late meal end up with no dinner at all. Eat he althy foods - sour-milk, lean fish and meat, vegetable dishes. If dinner happens four hours before bedtime, it doesn't really matter how late it is. Just try not to overeat.
