Laxatives for hemorrhoids must be included in the standard treatment regimen for this disease. This is primarily due to the fact that it is constipation that contributes to the appearance of inflamed nodes. Using laxatives, the patient not only softens the feces in order to eliminate discomfort during the act of defecation, but also significantly speeds up the healing process, and also prevents the disease from exacerbating and complication.
General information
A laxative for hemorrhoids should be used by those who regularly suffer from constipation. However, it must be remembered that not all drugs with a laxative effect are easy and safe. Experts say that some drugs can be addictive, while others can provoke diarrhea, which, by the way, is as harmful as constipation. In this regard, taking a laxative (for hemorrhoids and fissures) shouldbe carried out only after consultation with a narrow specialist - a proctologist, and strictly according to his appointment.
Types of drugs
Can a laxative for hemorrhoids be used to prevent constipation? Doctors do not recommend the use of such drugs without urgent need. To normalize the stool, they advise resorting to an appropriate diet. If proper nutrition does not help soften the stool, then taking laxatives should be strictly dosed, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

All modern laxatives are divided into drugs of natural and synthetic origin. In turn, they have several subcategories that differ in the mechanism of action on the gastrointestinal tract, or rather on the lower intestine.
Irritating drugs
Irritating laxatives for hemorrhoids affect the nerve endings located in the intestinal membrane. As a result, the peristalsis of the said organ is enhanced.
The therapeutic effect of taking such a medication depends on the active ingredients and the medicinal form of the drug. For example, rectal suppositories work faster than oral drops or tablets.
Most often, drugs of this category are taken before bedtime. By morning, the patient's intestines are completely emptied.
Osmotic agents
The therapeutic effect of such drugs is to retain water in the intestines, which, in turn, allows you to increase and also soften the stool. Actionosmotic laxatives for hemorrhoids are very fast. In this regard, such drugs are prescribed to patients if it is necessary to get rid of the fecal plug as soon as possible.
Such funds are the safest, and therefore the best laxatives for hemorrhoids. They include active elements that not only increase the osmotic pressure in the intestine, but also populate it with beneficial flora. A huge plus of prebiotics is that they can be used in childhood, as well as for people after surgery or debilitated patients.
Intestinal fillers
This group of laxatives includes products of natural origin. Their active substances are able to absorb liquid and increase in size. Most often, flaxseeds, cellulose, bran, etc. are used as the main components of intestinal fillers.

Remember that drinking plenty of fluids is required for the necessary increase in the amount of medicines.
Which is the best and safest laxative for hemorrhoids?
It is highly undesirable to choose a laxative on your own in the presence of inflamed hemorrhoids. Otherwise, the patient's condition may worsen
The following are the most popular and safe laxatives for hemorrhoids.
Duphalac Syrup
The main ingredient in this drug is lactulose. Its intake promotes the active growth of lactobacilli, which improves intestinalperistalsis, and also increases the acidity in the digestive tract. In addition, this substance increases the volume of feces and causes them to liquefy. This effect allows you to achieve a laxative effect without the participation of the muscular and mucous tissue of the large intestine.
It should be remembered that Duphalac syrup is not addictive and does not affect the absorption of mineral and vitamin substances.
Contraindications of the drug in question include hypersensitivity of the patient to the components of the drug, as well as a lack of lactase, bleeding from the rectum, inflammation of the appendix, poor lactose tolerance, intestinal obstruction.
Drug "Forlax"
What laxatives can be used for hemorrhoids if the patient has lactulose intolerance? The drug "Forlax" contains such an active substance as macrogol 4000. It is available in the form of a powder for oral solution. After entering the gastrointestinal tract, the drug attracts fluid and increases in volume. This allows the stool to come into contact with the intestinal lining and act on its nerve endings.

Contraindications for this medicine are:
- hypersensitivity to ingredients;
- Crohn's disease;
- exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
- intestinal obstruction;
- ulcer of the digestive tract;
- abdominal pain;
- fructose intolerance;
- under 8 years old.
The standard dosage of the drug in question is 1-2package per day. The duration of treatment is determined on an individual basis.
Glycerin suppositories

Such laxative suppositories for hemorrhoids are used very often. Their therapeutic effect lies in the fact that after rectal administration, the active substance of the drug (glycerol), in contact with the intestinal lining, irritates its nerve connections, resulting in increased peristalsis.
It cannot be said that glycerin suppositories help soften the food bolus, which is expressed in a decrease in pain during a bowel movement.
Contraindications for this medication include hypersensitivity, exacerbated hemorrhoids, inflammation of the rectum, tears of rectal tissues and the presence of formations in the rectum.
Drug "Microlax"
This drug goes on sale in the form of a rectal solution (microclysters). The main substances of the drug are: sorbitol, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, sodium citrate. The last component has the ability to displace the liquid contained in the fecal masses, and the first two liquefy the digestive bolus.
The drug in question acts very quickly. The laxative effect can be observed as early as 25 minutes after using the medicine.
In some cases, Microlax micro enema causes side reactions such as pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, discomfort in the anus, allergic reactions.
Purchase thisa laxative for hemorrhoids can be in the form of tablets and drops. The main ingredient of this medicine is sodium picosulfate monohydrate.
After taking the active substance "Guttalax" helps to stimulate the mucous membrane of the large intestine, increase its contractile activity and fluid accumulation. As a result of this effect, the stool softens, and the act of defecation is accelerated.
Contraindications for this medicine include:
- hypersensitivity to drug substances;
- intestinal obstruction;
- dehydration;
- intestinal obstruction;
- exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- inflammation of the appendix;
- fructose intolerance.
Bisacodyl drug
This drug is available in the form of rectal suppositories and oral tablets. After entering the gastrointestinal tract, the active substance of the agent (bisacodyl) is transformed and irritates the lining of the large intestine. As a result, there is an increase in peristalsis.
Contraindications for the medication in question are:
- hypersensitivity to drug substances;
- bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
- peritonitis;
- intestinal obstruction;
- constipation due to spasms;
- strangulated hernia;
- bleeding from the uterus;
- exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
- inflammation of the rectum;
- cystitis.
Experts do not recommend using "Bisacodyl" for a long time.
Normaze Syrup

The main component of this remedy is lactulose. The laxative effect of the drug is associated with an increase in the number of lactobacilli in the large intestine, as well as with an acceleration of the growth of bifidobacteria. In addition, the lactulose in Normaze syrup is able to increase the volume and soften the feces, as a result of which the intestines are emptied quickly and painlessly.
Against the background of the use of the agent in question, some patients experienced increased gas formation and vomiting. In some cases, taking "Normaze" provoked excessive liquefaction of fecal matter.
With prolonged use of the drug, it is necessary to control the amount of chloride and potassium compounds in the blood.
Pills "Senade"
This preparation is of natural origin and contains senna leaf extract. The laxative effect of this drug is due to the action of its active substance on the nerve fibers that are in the mucous membrane of the large intestine.

Sometimes taking Senade tablets causes intestinal colic, prolonged diarrhea, increased gas formation, convulsive conditions, vomiting, skin rashes, problems with urination.
Drug reviews
Can I drink a laxative for hemorrhoids? This question interests many people who are faced with the mentioned problem. Experts say that it is possible to take laxatives in the presence of inflamed nodes, but only after consultation withproctologist.
What do patients say about the laxative medications discussed above? People who use drugs with lactulose (in order to soften feces during hemorrhoids) speak of them only from the good side. They claim that such drugs act quickly and gently. The main advantage of such funds is that they can be given even to small children. As for the disadvantages, they include the development of such side effects as migraine, dizziness, epigastric pain, allergic manifestations, increased gas formation.
Also, many patients praise rectal suppositories with glycerin. In their opinion, such a tool is the most effective and fastest. The same applies to Bisacodyl candles and Microlax microclysters.

The greatest number of negative patient reviews were collected by Senade tablets. This is primarily due to the fact that to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, the patient needs from 8 to 12 hours. It is after this amount of time that the drug begins its laxative effect. Also, negative reviews report that taking Senade tablets causes severe gas formation and abdominal pain.