In an amateur performance, simple he alth-improving gymnastics for longevity includes simple sets and not too heavy voluntary movements. However, if desired and possible, you can exercise on the horizontal bar. A gymnastic ladder is also welcome. Dumbbells for weights during exercise significantly increase the healing effect on the body. Simple exercises for longevity with additional load compensate for the lack of movement and increase muscle endurance.
Who will benefit and when?

He alth for the free movement of joints can and should be maintained at any age, the main thing is to choose the right exercises. He alth-improving gymnastics for longevity has a number of advantages: joints are developed, the skeletal system and tendons are strengthened.
In the literature of a he alth-improving sense or on the Internet, you can find and pick up that complexwellness exercises that are suitable for specific people with certain diseases.
How to do it right?
It is important that simple he alth-improving gymnastics for longevity be compiled with a gradual increase in load. Experts insist that the muscles must constantly act. No wonder they say: movement is life. It must be borne in mind that a single exercise should be performed repeatedly in the number of repetitions, until a pleasant fatigue in the muscle. The execution should be thoughtful, with a certain progressive progressive load for each joint, taking into account the age and deterioration of the musculoskeletal system.

The he alth of the skeletal system can be different. If the joint is he althy, then simple he alth-improving gymnastics for longevity is performed as a preventive measure. A forty-year-old person, as a rule, already has s alt deposits. The joints can already remind of themselves with occasional aching pain and limitation of movement during rotation. The spine is especially worn out by this age, there is osteochondrosis, s alt deposition in the cervical region, sciatica and gout are more common.
If the cartilaginous tissue around the joint is destroyed or severely worn, then, according to the experience of restorative gymnastics, it is time to take care of your he alth regularly and seriously. Gymnastics, which exerts a feasible load on the joints and strengthens the muscles, has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.
When diseased joints needstart with the minimum load. Gradually, with increasing endurance of joints and muscles, you can increase the number of movements up to 100, and in some cases up to 200 times.
In the modern rhythm of life, there is very little space for movement: we sit at work, go home by car or bus, at home we again spend time watching TV. Lack of exercise has a negative impact on our entire life and he alth in the first place.
Here is a simple he alth-improving exercise for longevity that will positively affect overall he alth:
- Standing position. When bending forward, we try to reach the floor with our palms. Knees straight.
- Side bends for spinal flexibility.
- Hand up. Then bend them and try to reach out and touch your shoulder blades with your palms.
- Rotate the torso in different directions.
- Standing position. Raise your legs, bending them at the knees, alternately pull as high as possible to the stomach.
- Emphasis stop, fixing them for something. Lean over the bench forward - backward.
- Squat to a comfortable level, gradually increasing the depth of the squat.
- Push-ups from the windowsill.
- Bouncing on two, then on one foot.

As you get used to a given load, it is recommended to perform exercises up to 100 times. It is desirable to increase the pace as much as possible over time.