Aching pain in any part of the body is a serious inconvenience and requires treatment. But when the back of the head hurts, the causes must be looked for more carefully and faster than with any other pain. In this zone, any discomfort can be a signal of serious he alth problems.

Internal causes of neck pain
Often discomfort is caused by certain internal injuries. For example, in many who complain of pain in the back of the head, the cause is spondylosis. In this disease of the spine, spiny and beak-shaped osteophytes grow beyond the edges of the vertebrae, causing the ligaments in the cervical region to deform. As a result, there is pain in the back of the head, in the eyes and ears, which is especially pronounced in movement. Causes of pain in the back of the head also include myogelosis. It is associated with compaction of the muscles of the cervical region. Painful sensations are exacerbated by an uncomfortable posture, a violation of posture, during physical exertion and being in a draft. The mobility of the shoulder joint decreases and pain in the shoulders appears. Neuralgia of the occipital nerve should also be mentioned. Because of it, pain occurs spontaneously, abruptly, spreading from the back of the head to the ear, lower jaw, and back. Especially annoying whenneuralgia to quickly turn the head. From the chronic form of the disease, hyperesthesia of the occipital part develops. Finally, listing the causes of pain in the back of the head, it is necessary to mention cervical migraine. This is a common disease that is manifested by prickly pain in the temples, back of the head, forehead, a feeling of sand and fog in the eyes, low ability to concentrate, nausea and dizziness. It is important to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis, as the disease can be confused with hemicrania.

External causes of neck pain
Discomfort can be caused by improper exercise. Incorrectly selected loads or improper performance of certain movements can easily lead to pain in the back of the head. It can manifest itself not only during physical activity, but also at rest, while sitting at a table or reading. The pain does not resemble a migraine, but can spread to the neck, forehead, temples, the back of the head. Unpleasant sensation intensifies when touching sore muscles. In addition, various injuries and injuries to the muscles or cervical spine can cause severe pain in the back of the head.

Treatment of pain in the back of the head
Headache seriously impairs the quality of life. Therefore, it is worthwhile to establish the causes of pain in the back of the head and start treatment as soon as possible. In order to get rid of pain that has arisen for physical reasons, try to relax and stretch the muscles of the cervical region well. If the matter isinternal disorders, a qualified specialist should prescribe the necessary medicines after a thorough examination. Any complication of pain in the head can be extremely dangerous for he alth, so you should not leave it unattended in any case.