The most famous research medical institution in Ukraine is the Shalimov Institute, which has been operating in Kyiv for over 35 years.
Founder and teacher
The name of Alexander Alekseevich Shalimov is well known to every Ukrainian surgeon. A native of the Lipetsk region, Shalimov was not only a full member of many international surgical associations, but also a Hero of Ukraine, who founded the national surgical school.
He's a self-made man. Alexander Alekseevich was one of 14 children in a large peasant family. After undergoing accelerated training at the Kuban Medical Institute, the young surgeon went through World War II in a surgical hospital in the Chita region. He was not taken to the front for he alth reasons. Many people were already indebted to him for healing.

During his life, this man performed more than 40 thousand surgical interventions, developed technologies for many methods of surgical treatment. The first heart transplant operation in Ukraine was performed under his leadership. He was named Man of the Planet in 1998. An outstanding surgeon died in 2006. Moreduring the life of the surgeon, the medical institution, to which many years were devoted, was simply called the Shalimov Institute.
Friends and Achievements
Shalimov's best friend and rival in unspoken professional competition was Nikolai Amosov, one of the best thoracic surgeons in the world. Introducing new methods of surgical treatment, Shalimov was the first in the then USSR to transplant the pancreas to a patient with diabetes mellitus. He developed and implemented surgical methods for the treatment of oncological diseases, including the removal of part of the liver.
Today the Shalimov Institute continues the work of its founder, successfully curing various surgical pathologies. The institute does not have a specific surgical specialization, they provide effective assistance to people with various diseases.
What is being treated?
Today, the Shalimov Institute is the leading medical institution of Ukraine with a surgical profile, in which the following departments successfully operate:
- gastrointestinal surgery;
- laparoscopic surgery;
- liver transplantation and surgery;
- major vessel surgery;
- microvascular, plastic and reconstructive surgery;
- kidney transplant;
- heart transplantation and surgery;
- endovascular surgery and angiography;
- anesthesiology and intensive care;
- Radiation and functional diagnostics.

Includes the National Institute. Shalimova has clinical laboratories,providing a full range of diagnostic manipulations. There are laboratories of biochemistry and bacteriology, endoscopy, pathomorphology and cytology, ultrasound diagnostics.
Experimental surgery
The department of experimental surgery is the most interesting at the institute. This is where new technologies and surgical techniques come from, which subsequently save many lives. The department is headed by Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences Yuriy Aleksandrovich Furmanov.
As you know, new techniques today can only arise at the intersection of sciences, which is what the Shalimov Institute is famous for. Feedback from grateful patients suggests that they are here to help in the most complicated and non-standard cases.
It was here that the methods of seamless connection of living tissues, their electric welding, plasma welding to stop bleeding were developed and tested.

Resorbable suture materials, atraumatic sutures for microsurgery, fastener dressings for the treatment of purulent wounds, wound hemostatics, synthetic medical adhesives, disposable surgical clothing have received a "start in life" here.
Europe alignment
From Europe, the doctors of the Shalimov Institute borrowed an integrated approach to the problem of transplantology. Here, for the first time in Ukraine, an electronic database of patients of the transplantation department was created. The very concept of "electronic card" appeared. Upon admission, a file is created for each patient, where all data on his examination and treatment are entered. Everyone who evertried to find archival information about a particular surgical intervention, they appreciate the instant availability of information.
In addition, organ transplant operations are carried out by a combined team, consisting not only of surgeons, nurses and anesthesiologists, but also including technical specialists. This approach allows us to cope with medical problems of any complexity.
Almost all doctors of the Shalimov Institute have a degree, and this greatly increases the overall level of professionalism of the clinic staff. If colleagues have the opportunity to consult on complex medical and diagnostic issues with the authors of the methods, then the corresponding result is quite predictable.
Consultative polyclinic
Institute of Surgery and Transplantology. Shalimova receives her patients at the consultative polyclinic on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The speed of the work of doctors meets the most stringent European criteria: all diagnostic procedures are performed on the day of treatment.
Naturally, the patient must be ready for diagnostic procedures. To inform patients, there is a registry and free hotline telephones, by which specialists will answer all questions.

Candidates and doctors of medical sciences consult patients, so the patient receives the verdict about his state of he alth first-hand.
When do doctors recommend using stem cells?
Officially in Ukraine it is recommended to use stemcells only in three states:
- pancreatic necrosis or death of the pancreas;
- critical limb ischemia;
- injuries and burns.
The Shalimov Institute of Transplantology is one of 5 medical institutions that have official permission from the Ministry of He alth of Ukraine to use stem cells for medical purposes. Such permission was obtained by the institute in 2013, and the method has been used successfully ever since.
Beware of stem cells
Stem cells require extremely careful and professionally justified use. The fact is that undifferentiated stem cells are able to "grow" into cells of various organs with a strictly defined function, such as hepatocytes - liver cells, cardiocytes - heart cells or hematopoietic - cells that produce blood cells.

Badly and poorly performed stem cell transplantation can lead to cancerous degeneration - which is why such a transplant can only be performed by very experienced doctors.
Only a surgeon can cure the pancreas
Many people suffer from abdominal pain and digestive disorders caused by chronic inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis. This is especially evident after the holidays, when people overeat, washing down fatty foods with alcohol. Experienced ambulance doctors always take such patients to the surgical department, because only surgery can really help.
Kiev people inIn this sense, they were more fortunate than others - they have the Shalimov Institute, whose address is: st. Heroes of Sevastopol, 30. An exceptional clinical experience in the treatment of pancreatic diseases has been accumulated here. There is a whole department of pancreatic surgery and reconstructive surgery of the biliary tract.

This combination is not accidental. The fact is that the most common cause of diseases of the pancreas are gallstones that fall out of the gallbladder and block the tiny duct through which the secret of the pancreas is excreted into the intestines. Due to the fact that the duct is blocked, the pancreas swells with a secret, and at one far from perfect moment, the capsule of the gland bursts. This leads to the melting of the gland tissue with its subsequent death. Without surgical intervention in this case, a person may die.
Microvascular, plastic and reconstructive surgery
This is not quite what the layman associates with the concept of "plastic surgeon". Here they are engaged not only in the creation of glamorous beauties, but also in the replacement of lost anatomical structures: muscles, joints, hands and feet.
The direction of microsurgery of the hand, within which the replantation of limbs is performed, is of great social importance. Defective or missing brushes can be corrected in this department.
Genital injuries, consequences of surgical removal of tumors, consequences of burns, defects in the development of limbs, auricles, vascular malformations of the head can be radically curedand neck, lymphovenous insufficiency. A flap of the patient's own living tissue on a vascular pedicle in the hands of a skilled surgeon can work real miracles.
High technologies are forever "registered" here. The only thing that doctors complain about is the lack of medical equipment, but surgeons cannot resolve this issue on their own.
Department of Endovascular Surgery and Angiography
The Shalimov Institute of Surgery saves the lives of people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as those who receive various organs.
Living tissues die due to the fact that they stop receiving blood that carries oxygen. This happens most often due to severe vasospasm, when there is practically no lumen, the blood cannot “squeeze through”. A blood clot, atherosclerotic plaque or trauma, destruction of the vessel itself can also serve as an obstacle.

In this case, a stent or a thin metal frame that does not allow the walls of the vessel to shrink can save a person's life. A thrombus or plaque located at the site of narrowing is first crushed with a balloon, and the resulting lumen is fixed with a stent. The metal structure does not care whether a person is nervous or not, experiencing physical overload or an adrenaline rush - the stent firmly holds the lumen, and the blood supply is normal.
This is how people with chronic diseases continue to live, for whom stenting is the only chance.
The institute performs such unique operations as transplantation of a part of the liver froma living relative, removal of tumors of the esophagus, surgical treatment of obesity and much more.
Reviews of patients about doctors
They were divided almost equally: for and against. After the death of academician Shalimov, the institute is going through hard times. The qualification of surgeons has not become worse, the administration has changed. A team of unique specialists is managed by a person who does not have not only outstanding scientific achievements, but also a moral core. The situation at the institute escalated so much that the scandal went beyond the walls of a respected institution. The situation is aggravated by the fact that now the institute does not accept difficult patients, "so as not to spoil the statistics" with a fatal outcome.
Let's hope that one day an enthusiast will lead the institute, which will allow the clinic to return to its former glory.