What distinguishes a true male from an ordinary, barely noticeable man in the crowd? High levels of testosterone in his body. What is it, and how to increase testosterone in men naturally? More on all this later.

What is testosterone
Testosterone is a kind of androgen hormone, the presence of which directly affects the definition of a person as a man. The presence of this element in the proper amount indicates that the representative of the strong half of humanity is a true alpha male who knows how to conquer women and achieve success and heights in the things he does. The level of testosterone in a man's body directly affects his sexual orientation.
How is this hormone produced? Studies by scientists in the field of sexology and medicine show that testosterone is produced in the male testicles, as well as in the adrenal cortex. In addition, this process occurs as a result of the synthesis of the pituitary gland.
Value for the male body
What is the importance of testosterone for the bodyrepresentatives of the stronger sex? First of all, its level affects the sexual development of adolescent boys. It is due to this hormone that the genital organs develop in boys who are in the womb.
The level of testosterone is of great importance for athletes whose activity is aimed at forming a sculpture of their body. It is under the influence of testosterone that men develop strong muscles. This is due to the natural process of converting proteins and glucose into muscle tissue, which occurs precisely under the influence of this hormone.
In addition to all of the above, men who have the proper level of testosterone in their bodies rarely experience problems associated with metabolic processes. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex, in which the level of testosterone in the blood is at a fairly high level, are not overweight. This is due to the fact that this hormone prevents the growth of adipose tissue due to improved metabolism in the body. In parallel, this element helps to normalize blood sugar levels.
It's no secret that a high level of testosterone in a man's body has a positive effect on potency, as well as on his sexual activity. His attraction to the opposite sex is always at a high level, which also affects the popularity of the stronger sex among women.
Studies by specialists in the field of medicine and sexology show that the level of this hormone in a man's body increases sharply by the age of 18 and begins to gradually fallafter they reach the age of thirty. It was during this period that the representatives of the stronger sex, as well as their life partners, often begin to think about how to increase testosterone. In fact, there are a considerable number of ways, ranging from vitamins and special pills, ending with folk methods, proper nutrition and sports activities. Let's consider each method of how to increase testosterone in a man's body in more detail.
Maintaining a he althy weight
Men who are in amazing physical shape do not experience problems with the level of the hormone in question. That is why most medical experts recommend maintaining your weight at a normal level to improve testosterone production. This statement is connected with the fact that this hormone, which is present in the blood of any man, interacting with the fatty deposits that appear in his body, as a result of certain reactions, turn into estrogen, which is characteristic of women.
However, while struggling with extra pounds, it should also be understood that low-calorie diets do not increase the level of the male hormone. For this purpose, it is necessary to pay attention to proper nutrition, which will consist exclusively of proteins and vitamins. In this case, flour products and pasta should be abandoned - complex carbohydrates should be consumed, among which honey, fruits and cereals are considered the most useful for men.
Nutritionists do not recommend that men eat just before bed. In addition, representativesthe stronger sex should always adhere to a certain diet, without overeating.

He althy sleep
Special attention in the field of men's he alth is paid to the fact that he althy sleep is one of the ways to increase testosterone in a man's body. Research scientists have shown that the greatest number of hormones of this type are produced by the body at a time when a person is in the stage of deep sleep. That is why, in practice, those men who often lack sleep complain about failures in sexual activity, and also suffer from stress. In addition, studies show that men who sleep less than 7 hours a day are practically not interested in women as sexual objects at all. As for the representatives of the stronger sex, who after every sleep feel cheerful and are in a good mood, then everything is completely opposite for them.
Proper nutrition
As mentioned above, a properly composed menu for a man is the key to a good production of sex hormone. What Foods Increase Testosterone? In choosing those, it is imperative to give preference to those that have in their composition a considerable amount of animal protein, selenium, zinc, androsterone. Vitamins are also of great importance for the normal production of an element in the blood. So, what specific foods should be included in a man's diet?
First of all, in the diet of the stronger sex, be sure toinclude meat and eggs. It is in such products that there is a high content of animal protein necessary for the normal production of the hormone. Practice shows that such products are best purchased from farmers who can only offer natural ingredients from animals raised on natural feed.
Among seafood, there are also many that have a high level of protein in their composition. These include:
- shrimps,
- lobsters,
- fish milk,
- squid.
In addition, you should pay attention to such types of fish as mullet, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, salmon, tuna, tilapia. These foods are also high in zinc and selenium, which are essential for the production of the male hormone. In addition to these seafood, pine nuts, processed cheese, lamb, peas, beans, pork, turkey, peanuts and liver of various animal species are rich in such substances.
A man eating all of the above products is not only a great way to increase testosterone, but also have other benefits for the body. In particular, by regularly eating food prepared from the listed ingredients, processes associated with the destruction of the female hormone estrogen begin to occur in the body, and the activity of spermatozoa also increases in parallel, due to which the amount of seminal fluid in the testicles of a man significantly increases.

In proper nutrition alsovegetables must be included. This is due to the fact that many of them have a high level of androsterone - a substance due to which the secondary sexual characteristics of a man are formed. This element is present in large quantities in eggplant, celery, zucchini, cabbage, avocados, carrots, and also in tomatoes. In addition, these vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as many other trace elements that are needed not only for the production of the male hormone, but also to maintain the normal functioning of the body.
One way to increase testosterone is to eat foods that contain a high content of lutein, a substance that promotes the production of this hormone. Research scientists have shown that this element is found in large quantities in fruits that are quite affordable for purchase. These include:
- red grapes,
- figs,
- persimmon,
- dates,
- peaches,
- dried apricots,
- bananas.
In addition, this component is rich in greens (parsley, onion, garlic, cilantro and spinach), as well as ginseng, the root of which is very often used to improve the potency and sexual activity of the stronger sex (which, by the way, provided by increasing the level of testosterone in the blood).
The action of estrogen is also perfectly neutralized by nuts, which contain a high level of vitamins and vegetable fats. Practice shows that for men the mostWalnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds, peanuts, and pumpkin seeds are considered he althy.
How to quickly increase testosterone? Practice shows that for this it is enough to include a large amount of spices in the diet of a man. The process of hormone production is excellently affected by turmeric, cardamom and curry. It is these spices that block the production of estrogen, the female sex hormone.

Minimum Stress
How to increase testosterone? Sometimes, for this it is enough to create a favorable atmosphere of warmth and comfort near your man. As practice shows, constant stressful situations interfere with the normal production of the hormone, which affects the sexual life of the stronger sex and maintaining its normal state. There are certain exercises that increase testosterone, which are aimed at eliminating the state of stress. As a rule, they all belong to the category of yoga and breathing exercises.
Also, physical activity is of particular importance for hormone production. Particular attention should be paid to exercises, the action of which is aimed at developing the muscles of the chest, back, arms and legs. Experts say that all training sessions should be short, but sufficiently enhanced. The optimal duration of such activity is no more than an hour.
Regular sex
Regular intercourse is another way to increase testosterone in the blood. Practice shows that men who very often make long pausesin sexual activity, suffer from a lack of sex hormone in the body. According to studies by sexologists, a six-day abstinence contributes to a sharp decrease in it in the body of a man.
An increase in this hormone is also possible with the banal communication of a man with the fair sex. Many are mistaken if they think that testosterone is produced exclusively during flirting with women and girls. Its active production also occurs when a man helps the representatives of the fair half in solving certain issues or provides physical assistance. All situations in which a man feels like a real winner will certainly entail a rapid production of testosterone.

How to increase testosterone in men over 40
Men who belong to this age group especially need to increase testosterone. This is due to the fact that, starting from the age of 30, the body of the stronger sex begins to produce sex hormones more slowly.
So how to increase testosterone in men after 40? First of all, you need to sign up for a gym and visit it at least three times a week, making power loads and jogging. At this age, you should also pay special attention to the emotional plan, as well as proper nutrition. Men in the 40+ age group should start taking testosterone-boosting vitamins. To thoseinclude components of groups A, B, C and E. In addition, the body must have a sufficient amount of vitamin D, which can be drawn in the right amount from fish oil. Also, this element can be gleaned by spending enough time in the sun. In the event that this is not possible due to certain circumstances, regular visits to the solarium are recommended.
How to quickly increase testosterone at this age? Many experts in the field of traditional and professional medicine recommend taking a tincture made on the basis of ginseng root daily.
At this age, you need to understand that all methods of increasing the hormone in men work better if applied in combination. A good example would be a combination of proper nutrition, adequate vitamin intake, and moderate exercise.
For men who are in the age group over 40 years, drugs are especially important, the action of which is aimed at increasing testosterone in the body. Excellent options for medications to increase the level of the male hormone at this age are Undecanoate in capsules, Androderm in a patch, and Tribestan in tablets. These funds not only contribute to the active production of the hormone, but also improve metabolic processes.

In pharmacies of any city you can always find a number of drugs to increase testosterone. Far from all of themare effective in solving the problem, however, some should be paid attention to. So what are the best testosterone boosters according to consumers?
The first positions in the ratings are most often occupied by "Parity", "Vitrix", "Evo-Test", "Animal-test", and also "Arimatest". All these medicines are presented in the form of tablets. However, practice shows that modern pharmaceutical companies produce drugs in other formats. In particular, they can be presented in the form of gels, capsules, and solutions for intramuscular injection.
In order to determine the most appropriate form of the drug, be sure to contact a doctor who is a specialist in the field of hormone production - an endocrinologist. After passing several types of tests, he can redirect the patient to another doctor (more suitable specialization) or prescribe treatment himself.

Folk methods
How to increase testosterone in the body with folk remedies? In order to solve the problem of a low hormone in the blood, you can use various tinctures.
Don't know how to increase testosterone at home? In order to achieve a positive result, it is enough to prepare a tincture of nettle. To do this, you need to take a part of the dried leaves, which should be poured with dry red wine. It is necessary to insist such a mixture for 21 days, after whicheat small meals every day. As for the proportions, then for 70 g of leaves you need to take a standard bottle of alcoholic beverage.
Testosterone boosting plants and herbs also include tribulus terrestris, lovage root, eleutherococcus, ginseng, and ginger root. These elements can also be used in the preparation of tinctures, they can be found in pharmacies. Preparing folk remedies for them is quite simple: just take a plant and pour it with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. All healing drinks are prepared for at least 20 days.
Reasons for a decrease in the hormone
Testosterone production can drastically or gradually decrease as a result of certain factors that surround a man on a permanent or temporary basis. What circumstances are often the main reasons for his decline in sexual and physical activity?
First of all, to maintain testosterone levels at a normal level, you should definitely exclude various kinds of stress from your life. In addition, among the reasons that are among those that interfere with the increase in the level of the hormone in the blood, there is also an unhe althy diet. In particular, you need to pay attention to products that contain soy - this component has a particularly negative effect on the activity of the element in the body of the stronger sex.
A man who wants to maintain normal testosterone levels is advised to give up alcoholic beverages and nicotine - these substances also have a negative effect onindicator under consideration. The harm of alcohol for the male hormone is especially noticeable if you watch the representatives of the stronger sex who prefer to pass the time with a bottle of beer - it is they who, after a certain time of fidelity to such an addiction, have a big belly and enlarged mammary glands characteristic of women. From this rule, as well as from many others, there is one exception - dry red wine. This drink, on the contrary, promotes the production of the male hormone, however, choosing it, you should understand that it should be only natural.
Negative factors also include sedentary work and poor ecology. Often the reason for a decrease in testosterone or its low level is the frequent change of sexual partners or their absence at all.