Dangerous microorganisms are found at almost every step. A particularly large number of them are concentrated in places of mass congestion of people - in medical institutions, at enterprises. In order to protect others from the negative effects of microbes and prevent their spread, a set of specific measures (the so-called disinfection) is necessary. The types and methods of disinfection are quite diverse, they are chosen in accordance with the task.

Disinfection measures: varieties
Classification of this kind of procedures includes activities such as:
- Directly disinfection, the purpose of which is the destruction of pathogens.
- Disinsection. These are actions aimed at controlling insects that can carry diseases (for example, ticks). With this treatment, special chambers with steam or hot air, chemicals are used. In everyday life, this is boiling, ironing clothes with an iron.
- Deratization. Includes measures by which rodents are rendered harmless. This can be done mechanically, chemically or biologically (domestic cats that directly catch mice).

Types of disinfection
There are two main types of destruction of microorganisms. The first is aimed at protecting against a possible risk of infection - this is the so-called preventive disinfection. It is carried out in institutions visited by children, in crowded places of a large number of people who may be potential carriers of infection (in medical institutions, maternity hospitals), swimming pools, transport, enterprises, etc. If the focus of the disease is already present, then focal disinfection is necessary. It is of two types: current and final. The first occurs when a source of pathogens is constantly in the room. The second - after the focus of infection is no longer there. Disinfection methods vary. In practice, all of them are combined to achieve a more stable, high-quality result.
What are the methods of disinfection
Depending on which main tool is used in the fight against microbes, certain methods are distinguished. Carrying out wet cleaning, sweeping, airing indoors - all this has a common name - mechanical disinfection.

This can also include shaking or knocking outcarpets, hand wash. Such disinfection methods are quite effective in everyday life, especially airing. With it, the number of microbes that are in the air is significantly reduced. Another common way to destroy pathogenic microorganisms is biological disinfection. It is carried out with the help of the use of living organisms, for example, antagonist microbes. It is used for cleaning sewers, garbage, cesspools. Disinfection methods such as physical and chemical give good results.
Physical disinfection method
This method of killing microbes has become widespread due to its effectiveness. Physical methods of disinfection are based on the use of steam, heat, ultraviolet rays, etc. Boiling also belongs to this category and is a fairly simple but effective way to get rid of infection. There are special chambers (in sanitary inspection rooms, medical institutions) in which underwear or bed linen is processed with the help of steam (under pressure). Physical methods of disinfection are especially effective in cases where the use of any chemicals is prohibited (for example, objects can be damaged by their action). Ultraviolet radiation is used in the disinfection of waste. Some microorganisms die when exposed to direct sunlight (but only at certain times and seasons). Basically, the physical type of disinfection is used in the processing of linen, dishes, dressings and tools. Ultrasound is rarely used. CostsIt should be noted that physical methods of disinfection and sterilization are among the most effective, and at the same time safe for personnel.

Use of chemicals
This method of disinfection is common not only in medical institutions, but also in other areas, such as utilities, transport, food industry and many others. Chemical disinfection methods are aimed at destroying or reducing the activity of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Disinfection can be carried out in several ways: soaking, wiping, irrigation, falling asleep. Its choice depends directly on the surface area to be processed, as well as on the time for which it is necessary to obtain a result. The material of the object, its configuration is also taken into account. It should be borne in mind that chemical disinfection methods involve the use of toxic substances, so it is important to follow the recommendations and dosage when working with them.
The following substances are used as the basis for disinfectants: chlorine, its compounds, alcohol (ethyl or methyl), formaldehyde (as well as formalin) - this is an incomplete list of chemicals.

Chemical methods and disinfectants cannot do without iodine, hydrogen peroxide, phenols, Lugol's solution. Various acids and s alts are also used. All chemical compounds must meet a number of requirements: be inexpensive, accessible, soluble in water, have goodbactericidal properties that are not lost during storage. Another important point is safety in use. Disinfectants are available in the form of solutions, aerosols, tablets, powder. It is very important to remember the safety measures when working with disinfectants. All of them should be in closed containers, with labels that clearly indicate the name and expiration date. Do not prepare working solutions in poorly ventilated, small rooms. It is also unacceptable to use warm (or hot) water when diluting them.
Disinfection Modes
Regulatory documents distinguish three main modes of disinfection.
- P-1 aims to kill bacteria of the E. coli group, as well as viruses that cause respiratory diseases.
- R-2 is a regime in which tuberculosis pathogens and all kinds of fungi are fought.
- Third regimen (P-3) aims to combat hepatitis and HIV.
For each species, a special method of carrying out and certain means of disinfection have been developed. The technique of execution includes a certain concentration of the substance, the time of carrying out, in which the methods and modes of disinfection will give the most significant result. Medical institutions have developed plans for ongoing disinfection, their number for each specific department (obstetrics, surgery).

How hand processing works
For medical personnel, the issue of competent hand treatment is very acute. At the same time, the useddisinfection methods can significantly reduce the risk of transmission of pathogenic microorganisms from the doctor to the patient, minimize the number of nosocomial infections. Allocate hygienic washing (after examinations, visiting the restrooms), hygienic disinfection. It must be carried out in contact with open areas of the body, wounds, injections, and surgery. Surgical treatment of the hands is necessary for everyone who takes part in the operation. At the same time, hands are washed and dried. A special agent is applied to them, which is rubbed for 2 minutes. The dosage is determined by the type of liquid to be disinfected. The procedure must be repeated again.

Quality control of the disinfection carried out
In order to assess the quality of the manipulations, the flush method is used. It is carried out before and after disinfection, but not less than 3 units of inventory (about 1% of the treated batch). If harmful microorganisms are absent, then the disinfection methods used have given the desired result. If pathogenic flora is detected, all instruments must once again go through the disinfection process. They also test for the presence of blood and detergent residues (they can leave an alkaline trace). Quality control of disinfection in medical institutions is carried out every day. The head nurse is responsible for its implementation.