How to choose a psychotherapist in Ivanovo? Putting your mental he alth in the hands of an insufficiently competent doctor is a bad idea. When choosing a specialist, you should pay attention to his professional level, experience in this field of medicine and the presence of comments from patients, especially good ones. The list of the top ten psychotherapists in Ivanovo below will surely help you make the right choice.
Khudyakov A. V

Opens the list of the best psychotherapists in Ivanovo Alexey Valeryevich Khudyakov. He is a Doctor of Sciences, Professor of Medicine and Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Narcology at IvSMA. Alexey Valeryevich has the highest qualification category. By profession, he has been working for a long 44 years, and quite successfully, as evidenced by the large number of positive comments on the network and the absence of negative ones.
Make an appointment withpsychotherapist Khudyakov can be in the "Clinic of Modern Medicine", which is located on Kukonkovykh Street, 142.

Ursu A. V

Quite a lot of good reviews about the psychotherapist Ivanovo Alexander Vasilyevich Ursu. This is the holder of the highest category of medical qualifications and a Ph. D. in psychiatry and psychotherapy. The experience of Alexander Vasilyevich is 13 years of very successful practice.
You can seek help from a psychotherapist Alexander Vasilyevich Urs at your place of work, namely in the Bogorodskoye psychiatric hospital, on Bolshaya Klintsevskaya Street, 2A.
Khalezov A. L
Aleksandr Lvovich Khalezov is a psychotherapist and psychiatrist in Ivanovo with the highest qualification category. Alexander Lvovich has a fairly significant professional experience - for more than 30 years he has been successfully helping his patients cope with their mental problems, and this is confirmed by many positive comments on various medical sites and forums in the city.
Recording for a consultation with a psychotherapist Khalezov is carried out at the Avesta medical center on Tenth August Street, 31.
Potekhina E. F

Another representative of the "veterans" of Ivanovo psychotherapy is Elena Feoktistovna Potekhina, whose professional experience includes 44 years of selfless work for the benefit of her patients. Elena Feoktistovna is a doctor of the highest qualification level, and, in addition topsychotherapy, works in the field of psychiatry and narcology.
In Ivanovo, psychotherapist Potekhina works at the "Center for Preventive Medicine" at 47 Lenina Prospekt, as well as at the Bogorodskoye Psychiatric Hospital at 2A Bolshaya Klintsevskaya Street. And Elena Feoktistovna also works on a rotational basis in the city of Kerch, namely in the City Psychoneurological Boarding School, performing the duties of a deputy. medical director.
Yamusheva T. A

In the list of the best psychotherapists in Ivanovo, one cannot ignore the doctor with the highest category and 22 years of experience Tatyana Alexandrovna Yamusheva. There are not many comments on the Internet about her work, but they are all purely positive.
Psychotherapist Yamusheva works at the Medis clinic, which is located on Paris Commune Street, 16.
Bulychev G. I

Georgy Ivanovich Bulychev, a doctor from Ivanovo, has been leading a successful psychotherapeutic, as well as narcological and psychiatric practice for 18 years. To his several dozen comments from the Internet, colored with positive emotions, and a little with a negative opinion.
The psychotherapist Bulychev is always happy to receive his patients at the "Clinic of Modern Medicine" on Kukonkovykh Street, 142 and at the "Beauty Clinic" medical center on Lyubimova Street, 3.
Nersisyan T. V
Tatyana Vladimirovna Nersisyan is a psychotherapist of the highest level of the medical category. She has over 25 years of professional experience in successfully providing mental he alth care to her patients. Success is also confirmed by positive comments - Tatyana Vladimirovna has more than 30 of them. But there is a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey - there were patients who disagreed with the professionalism of the specialist, and wrote several negative reviews.
In Ivanovo, a psychotherapist Nersisyan works at the Regional Hospital, which is located on Lyubimov Street, 1.
Lebedeva L. A
Also, Larisa Alexandrovna Lebedeva, a psychotherapist with 17 years of professional experience, can boast of a large number of positive reviews and the absence of negative ones.
Appointments with Lebedeva's psychotherapist are made at the Milenaris Medical Center on 114 Lezhnevskaya Street, as well as at the Bogorodskoye Psychiatric Hospital on 2A Bolshaya Klintsevskaya Street.
Solovyeva E. N

A good psychotherapist, psychiatrist and narcologist in Ivanovo with 24 years of experience is Elena Nikolaevna Solovieva. This specialist has more than two dozen positive and several negative reviews on her account.
Where can I make an appointment with a psychotherapist Solovieva for an initial consultation:
- Clinic "Vita Avis" on Embankment, 5.
- "Medical Innovation Center" on Zvereva Street, 7/2.
- Psychiatric hospital "Bogorodskoye" on Bolshaya Klintsevskaya street, 2A.
Kartashkova A. A
Finishes the list of the top tenpsychotherapists Ivanovo Alexandra Andreevna Kartashkova. This is a doctor of the second qualification category, working in this medical field for 13 years. More than twenty grateful patients were not too lazy to speak positively about the work of Alexandra Andreevna online.
You can seek help from a psychotherapist Kartashkova at the Bogorodskoye Psychiatric Hospital, already known to the reader, located on Bolshaya Klintsevskaya Street, 2A.